Use "killings" in a sentence

1. As we all know, killings beget more killings.

2. All those killings?

3. Burundi: Abductions, Killings, Spread Fear

4. These killings are a dreadful business.

5. Foley expressed revulsion at the killings.

6. I've heard enough about your brutal killings.

7. “Then something snapped,” and “the killings began.”

8. It's been suggested they were gangland killings.

9. And those killings, they don't give you pause?

10. You mark my words, there'll be killings next!

11. Troops were accused of indiscriminate killings of civilians.

12. The whole country was horrified by the killings.

13. The government issued a statement Condemning the killings

14. There was wide-spread condemnation of Saturday's killings.

15. These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.

16. There were riots, arson(, and killings.

17. Most of the killings result from gang rivalry.

18. The killings are brutal, with victims ritually tortured.

19. The killings were an act of mindless brutality.

20. Question: Recently Bangladesh High Commissioner has said, Border killings, killings of civilians on the border create unnecessary acrimony between the two countries.

21. 6 Someone must be held accountable for the killings.

22. The book's descriptions of the killings were unbelievably gory.

23. 6 The government issued a statement condemning the killings.

24. They do not believe the killings were politically motivated.

25. Spree killings in a confined area are a race.

26. The President described the killings as an abominable crime.

27. 17 The killings were an act of mindless brutality.

28. Militias and Heer units also took part in these killings.

29. Emil Amok: More on the Atlanta killings where SFSU Prof

30. Amid A Wave Of Targeted Killings in Afghanistan, She's No

31. Afghanistan, in particular the killings in the province of Zabul

32. Significantly, no Cambodians—including the Buddhist community—condemned the killings.

33. Takes a piece of most contract killings in the city.

34. The local sheriff and a federal agent investigate the killings.

35. Furthermore, from 1941, Soviet POWs were executed in mass killings.

36. He admitted to the killings but argued: "My conscience is clear.

37. Both Turkey and France condemned the killings of the three women.

38. News stories of genocidal revenge killings are sending chills down our spines.

39. In 19 after the killings, his net worth was $ 11 million.

40. The killings at the weekend helped arouse popular sentiment against the organization.

41. Killings are accidental, usually resulting from their hobby getting out of control.

42. Human rights groups have called for an independent inquiry into the killings.

43. Even the police were horrified at the macabre nature of the killings.

44. As the news of the killings spread, disorder erupted across the city.

45. The killings are part of a campaign of elimination of the political opposition.

46. But the past few weeks have seen the killings flare up again.

47. His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings.

48. The killings came amid a recent wave of attacks against Asian Americans that Coincided …

49. 1 day ago · Union Leader Blames Underfunding for Iowa Prison Killings

50. Vice President Kamala Harris joined the president in forcefully Condemning the killings in Atlanta

51. Ambushings, kidnappings and killings have been on the rise after a period of dormancy

52. 15 What must not be overlooked is religion’s role in these wars and killings.

53. 15, 16. (a) What has been the role of religion in wars and killings?

54. 16 Most cases have never been investigated and extrajudicial killings have continued with impunity.

55. The brutal killings of thousands of innocent Kashmiris is an epitome of injustice and cruel Apprehendings

56. The country's parliament condemned the killings, saying Afghans were tired of the actions of foreign forces.

57. But some of the violence can be put down to attempts at extortion or revenge killings.

58. Deaths due to acts of omission on the part of the authorities, including mob killings.

59. Each year, seven of those killings were motivated by domestic violence, according to police statistics.

60. Butchery (countable and uncountable, plural butcheries) The cruel, ruthless killings of humans, as at a slaughterhouse

61. The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks.

62. The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.

63. I will remind everyone, however, the police have yet to find any motives for these killings.

64. The acts of God, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the random killings of millions of innocent people.

65. 10 Brutal Facts About The Most Humane Method Of Execution; 10 Mysterious And Brutal Ancient Killings Share

66. Cruising is the fictional account of a series of gruesome killings in modern day New York City

67. Or it may be that Christians are enduring in a land racked by civil war or intertribal killings.

68. As a Consigliere, you are a crucial target for the Coven, Neutral Killings, Vampires, and the Plaguebearer

69. Harassment, torture and killings take place daily, including through Abhorrent practices such as genital mutilation and stoning

70. The bodies had not visibly begun to decompose, indicating the killings probably occurred a day or two prior.

71. In early 19 violent riots led to more arrests and killings and the eventual imposition of martial law.

72. There is absolutely no doubt that significant numbers of prominent Christians in parishes were involved in killings.”

73. 9 But some of the violence can be put down to attempts at extortion or revenge killings.

74. Please provide up-to-date information on the progress of the investigations into 27 members of the military forces on trial as principals or accomplices in 16 aggravated kidnappings, 13 aggravated killings and 59 aggravated kidnappings and killings (CAT/C/CHL/5, para.

75. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather than premeditated murder.

76. The king agreed to the rebels' demands, but this move only emboldened them; they continued their looting and killings.

77. • Reformists Allege that the killings were part of a campaign by state-sponsored death squads to silence dissent

78. Israel’s acts included extrajudicial killings, house demolitions, arrests, destruction of civilian infrastructure and the decimation of agricultural land.

79. The list of avoidable killings not legally construed as murder even in principle could go on and on.

80. 17 As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction,( the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.