Use "kierkegaard" in a sentence

1. Automatismen der Wiederholung: Aristoteles, Kierkegaard und Lacan

2. Explore 1000 Advice Quotes by authors including Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and Soren Kierkegaard at BrainyQuote

3. Explore 264 Backwards Quotes by authors including Steve Jobs, Soren Kierkegaard, and Aldous Huxley at BrainyQuote.

4. Although Kierkegaard attacked the public, he was supportive of communities where individuals keep their diversity and uniqueness.

5. Absurdism as a concept has its roots in the 19th century Danish philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard

6. Wyllie 3 Yet even for Kierkegaard, an Antipragmatist before the pragmatists came on the scene, the democratic public is appealing

7. Abstract In the midst of his final ‘attack on Christendom’, Kierkegaard published a short discourse devoted to James 1:17–21 entitled ‘The Changelessness of God’

8. 30 The main theoretical ideas of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and Swiss theologian Karl Barth for the thesis are also presented in this part.

9. Absurdi taide osaltaan pyrkii tulkitsemaan elämän mielettömyyttä, mutta Søren Kierkegaard ja Albert Camus ovat tarjonneet ongelmaan kolmea ratkaisua: Itsemurha, Absurdin elämän pakeneminen

10. Now choice, because it's linked to risk, is anxiety-provoking, and it was already the famous Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard who pointed out that anxiety is linked to the possibility of possibility.

11. Across a number of texts, Kierkegaard speaks of believers in Christianity as attaining a form of ‘Contemporaneity’ (samtidighed) with events depicted in scripture, a Contemporaneity that cancels out the difference between historical witnesses of those events and those living centuries later

12. 9 Coexistences: Ethics, Society and Forms of Life Kierkegaard and hence twentieth-century existentialism and his internal – critics or heirs, in their own way such as Marx and twentieth– -century critical theory –, represents an alternative approach to ethical and political thought;

13. Can theology still operate in the void of post-theism? In attempting to answer this question Agnosis examines the concept of the void itself, tracing a history of nothingness from Augustine through Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Bataille and Derrida, and dialoguing with Japan's Kyoto School

14. The various kinds and conditions of love are a common theme for Kierkegaard, beginning with his early Either/Or, through "The Diary of the Seducer" and Judge William's eulogy on married love, to his last work, on the Changelessness of God's love.Works of Love, the midpoint in the series, is also the monumental high point, because of its penetrating, illuminating analysis of the forms and