Use "kame" in a sentence

1. I Blatters nascono nel 2007 con la formazione iniziale di 3 dj: Detox–Spass– Kame

2. The date refers to the time of moraine and delta-kame construction and confirms an earlier estimation.

3. Because the sediment of these hills was deposited into a proglacial lake, they are stratified and classified as a "kame delta".

4. Blasty (Japanese: カメちゃん Kame-chan) is a Blastoise that Green owns in Pokémon Adventures and her fourth overall

5. 250pxGreen's BlastoiseAs a Mega Blastoise Blasty (Japanese: カメちゃん Kame-chan) is a Blastoise that Green owns in Pokémon Adventures and her fourth overall