Use "juxtaposition" in a sentence

1. Crunchi Lipgloss in Juxtaposition $ 24.00

2. Antithesis is the juxtaposition of opposites

3. 2 synonyms for Collocation: juxtaposition, apposition

4. The juxtaposition of these two remarks was startling.

5. The juxtaposition of the colors shows their differences.

6. However, some people crave just this sort of juxtaposition.

7. Babies'bootees and cheap cigarette lighters were displayed in unlikely juxtaposition.

8. The Greek puts in Antithetical juxtaposition, OUR, and His OWN

9. 26 synonyms for Comparison: contrast, distinction, differentiation, juxtaposition, collation

10. It is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors.

11. Organisations involve the juxtaposition of co-operative and competitive processes.

12. The tectonic earthquake faulting tsunami relation is not causality, but juxtaposition.

13. This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories.

14. A juxtaposition of eternal pragmatist and creative soul, Bonni left a loving imprint on …

15. Or they might discuss the juxtaposition of certain symbols, or certain strong visual images.

16. The wrenching juxtaposition of warm air and cool water shocked me most.

17. A witty Chiasmus may subvert the internal logic of juxtaposition for comedic effect

18. Dalhway. Juxtaposition , doubling, and cohesion are the outstanding techniques used in Mrs. Dalloway.

19. Contemporary Centos often offer a humorous juxtaposition of contrasting images, ideas, and tones

20. 1900 Ma, prior to D2 juxtaposition with the adjacent low-pressure Hearne domain.

21. 16 This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories.

22. The juxtaposition was not American - Europe, but " my ideal homeworld of Poetry, and outer, tangible Prose world ".

23. The traditional museum disciplines of juxtaposition, analysis and interpretation were reduced to the minimum; experience was paramount.

24. Annomination: The use in juxtaposition of words nearly alike in sound, but of different meanings; a paronomasia.

25. The juxtaposition of their love-making against Bishop Casey performing his sacred duties will do more than shock.

26. But the juxtaposition of the two buildings speaks volumes about the rapid disappearance of regional, vernacular, even weirdo architecture.

27. Luxury Bedrooms connected to outdoor patios create a juxtaposition of spaces that are smart and functional

28. Antithesis is a rhetorical term for the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases or clauses.

29. Training methods involve repeating these combinations until the juxtaposition of foot, hip and shoulder becomes automatic.

30. The same uneasy juxtaposition of man and technology is evident if you take the lift in a department store.

31. The flexible barrier may be in abutting juxtaposition with or may be spaced apart from the pressure receiving sensing surface.

32. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.

33. Gradually the most obstinate Branchlet with its spray of leaves is drawn into juxtaposition with the main part of the mansion

34. Asymmetrical balance is achieved by the careful juxtaposition of different elements; small, bright shapes can balance out large dull shapes

35. 18 The metaphoric juxtaposition of incongruous thematic material is motivated by the exigencies of the main character's job as a simultaneous interpreter.

36. Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Beholding"): contrast (the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors)

37. How significant is the development of fairness, whether it be seen as synonymous with natural justice or in juxtaposition thereto?

38. Integral to the Alexander McQueen culture is the juxtaposition between contrasting elements: fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity

39. Bancroft's enigmatic compositions largely eschew tradition and draw their structures and spectacular effectiveness from juxtaposition of thematic material and instrumental sonorities.

40. The tabular juxtaposition presents highlighted features & specifications of the desired phone makes it easy for you to understand and do the Comparison.

41. Only in this way can the centripetal forces set up by juxtaposition of different groups within one and the same political unit be counteracted.

42. A juxtaposition of eternal pragmatist and creative soul, Bonni left a loving imprint on lives of all she came into contact with

43. 24 Bancroft's enigmatic compositions largely eschew tradition and draw their structures and spectacular effectiveness from juxtaposition of thematic material and instrumental sonorities.

44. The establishment of extremely dangerous large technologies, ..., thus brought the possibility of large-scale disasters to human populations into juxtaposition with the unavoidability of error.

45. Usually, Appositions are used to modify the nuclei of noun phrases, adding content through juxtaposition, the introduction of commas, or prepositions such as “de”

46. The juxtaposition of regionally mapped Aquifers has led to some instances where an aquifer outcrop or shallow subcrop is bounded by a State line

47. ‘Candlepower’ is a juxtaposition of melodies, an achingly beautiful set of songs set against the clank of the mundane world, a beguiling commentary on the everyday and everywhere

48. The juxtaposition of the product references without any descriptive commentary shows the advertiser's intention to suggest an identity of quality between its products and those of its competitor.

49. Antiphony (plural antiphonies) ( music , singing ) alternate , or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts; a piece sung or chanted in this manner alternate, or responsive ideas or opinions ; juxtaposition

50. Belin describes his art as a juxtaposition of styles, “Post Neo Cubism”, as a tribute to the work of Pablo Picasso at the origin of his creator’s turning point.

51. As nouns the difference between Collocation and colligation is that Collocation is (uncountable) the grouping or juxtaposition of things, especially words or sounds while colligation is a binding together.

52. A gathering like this one offers such a juxtaposition where all the new stuff is displayed and all the garbage is used as props to display all their new home accessories.

53. Antithesis, (from Greek antitheton, “opposition”), a figure of speech in which irreconcilable opposites or strongly contrasting ideas are placed in sharp juxtaposition and sustained tension, as in the saying “Art is long, and Time is fleeting.”

54. 1 day ago · Candlepower is a juxtaposition of melodies, an achingly beautiful set of songs set against the clank of the mundane world, a beguiling commentary on the everyday and everywhere

55. Wu gives us the texts of familiar poems made strange—sometimes by being presented in their first printed version, sometimes by the juxtaposition implied by Wu's canny practice of the Anthologizer's art.” —David Latane, Virginia Commonwealth University

56. Admittedly, the artist avails himself of a postmodernism that tends to integrate all streams as bare witnesses the presence of figurative and non-figurative elements, women with lascivious faces, sinuous lines and the juxtaposition of vibrant hues and gilding.

57. ‘The juxtaposition of two accounts of Tanya's Bulimarexia provides insight into the effects an eating disorder can have on a family.’ More example sentences ‘There is a childish selfishness to Bulimarexia, - I'm going to do this to my body and you can't stop me.’

58. As an architect, that stark juxtaposition of my sighted and unsighted experience of the same places and the same cities within such a short period of time has given me all sorts of wonderful outsights of the city itself.

59. ‘Tired of hearing and reading too much ‘Anfractuous remplissage’ - in other words, circuitous padding?’ ‘There is what I suppose is intended to be the telling juxtaposition of different sorts of ‘conspiracy theories’, linked by the sort of Anfractuous logic that informs Horowitz's ‘Discover the Network’.’

60. 35 Furthermore, according to the applicant, if the words ultra and plus combined with an adjective or a noun can be distinctive, the juxtaposition of the two, which leaves more to the imagination, must be distinctive for any type of goods.

61. 28 Although Roland Barthes was the most influential figure who examined the interconnection between myth and rhetoric (while he had merely Antimythical and antirhetorical intentions), the roots of the positive juxtaposition of the two concepts in the modern context may be found in Kenneth Burke's writings.

62. The main difference between Antithesis and paradox is that Antithesis is the juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas or words in the same statement to create a contrasting effect whereas paradox is a statement or an idea that seems to be contradictory but contains a latent truth.

63. ‘The juxtaposition of two accounts of Tanya's Bulimarexia provides insight into the effects an eating disorder can have on a family.’ More example sentences ‘There is a childish selfishness to Bulimarexia, - I'm going to do this to my body and you can't stop me.’

64. Baroque definition is - of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension

65. ‘Old English sounds riddled with Anastrophe to speakers of Modern English.’ ‘He also engages in that time-tested rhetorical device, the ad hominem attack, through an Anastrophe.’ ‘That grandness is achieved with two schemes: Anastrophe (inversion of normal word order) and antithesis (juxtaposition of contrasting ideas).’

66. We thus observe that cells in most organisms Fig . 7 : Haploid sex cells and diploid body cells reproduce each other as shown in this figure , which is merely a juxtaposition of Figs . 5 and 6 , illustrating respectively the two processes of cell division ( mitosis ) and cell reduction ( meiosis ) .

67. Appose To put or apply (one thing) to or near to (another).; Appose To bring near or next, as one thing to another; put side by side; arrange in juxtaposition.; Appose To oppose in discussion; bring objections or difficulties before one to be answered; examine; question; pose; puzzle.; Appose Specifically— To examine (a sheriff) with reference to (his) accounts.

68. Antithesis: 1 n exact opposite “his theory is the Antithesis of mine” Type of: oppositeness , opposition the relation between opposed entities n the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance Type of: rhetorical device a use of language that creates a literary effect (but often without regard for literal significance)

69. 1809, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Friend It is the object of the mechanical atomistic philosophy to confound synthesis with synartesis, or rather with mere juxtaposition of Corpuscles separated by invisible interspaces.; A protoplasmic animal cell; especially, such as float free, like blood, lymph, and pus Corpuscles; or such as are embedded in an intercellular matrix, like connective tissue