Use "justly" in a sentence

1. They were justly punished.

2. He is justly unpopular with all.

3. His telescopic observations are justly immortal.

4. Judges and law courts dispense justice justly.

5. You can be justly proud of your achievement.

6. He justly saw to it that accounts were balanced.

7. The city is justly famous for its nightclubs.

8. The company is justly proud of its achievements.

9. We will be justly demanding equal rights at work.

10. Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife.

11. 24 Australians are justly proud of their native wildlife.

12. 10 You can be justly proud of your achievement.

13. Many practical reasons for this are, I suppose, quite justly given.

14. Samuel justly judged his people and effected deliverance for them.

15. The police had acted bravely and justly, although greatly outnumbered.

16. Ifaith, the caitiff hath been justly punished for Cozening divers townsfolk

17. He who would establish justice must love justice and live justly.

18. Behold, a king will reign righteously And princes will rule justly.

19. The Culpability of neglect and omission may justly condemn the soul

20. These men are criminals, but they must be dealt with justly.

21. Her parents and the people who knew her were justly proud of her.

22. This hero is upholds justly, subdues the unprincipled person is his only objective.

23. Canned Draught Guinness is a product of which we are particularly and justly proud.

24. Aortism Build redundancy into a power player? Articulated manner in dealing justly

25. Hundreds of Baal prophets were exposed as wicked frauds and justly executed.

26. A boss might Criticize his or her employee’s performance, whether justly or unjustly

27. Just opposite to what thou justly seem'st, A damned saint, an honourable villain!

28. When we fail to justly punish the criminal, the community sees justice aborted.

29. Of course, it behoves the legislator to distinguish the categories logically and justly.

30. 1819: “Lady,” said Cedric, “this Beseems not; were further pledge necessary, I myself, offended, and justly

31. It was described that the empire was ruled efficiently and justly during this period.

32. He justly observes that the great tenor sang best of all in his homeland.

33. Countless facts have proved that he was not calumniated, but was justly charged with treason.

34. I was afraid my boss would discover that I was completely incompetent and justly fire me.

35. No government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people.

36. Sierra On-Line is a software house that is justly famous for its high-quality games.

37. I intend to appeal to some private Dutch bankers who are justly famous for their financial wizardry.

38. 17 Countless facts have proved that he was not calumniated,[] but was justly charged with treason.

39. The justly famous building that replaced it once more illustrated Wren's genius for combining classical and Gothic themes.

40. And they are justly criticized for failure to live up to the higher standards of behavior expected of role models.

41. Our books, those which are justly accredited, are but two and twenty, and contain the record of all time.

42. We hold a person responsible for his conduct in the sense that he can be justly or fairly punished.

43. 4 Masters, treat your Bondservants 1 justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven

44. For a few moments the clouds open and we lie in the heat of a hazy sun, our efforts justly rewarded.

45. Sometimes, indeed, the so-called law and order might be ore justly called the absence of law and order.

46. The Province Northern Ireland is justly famous for its great natural beauty and the warmth and hospitality of its people.

47. Rothko would have justly replied that it was precisely in order to convey humanist content that he had dispensed with subject matter.

48. Ministers might justly argue that in this case the dissent is also politically ambiguous, given the diverse support for the amendment.

49. The sin of Barrenness is justly punished with the curse and plague of Barrenness; Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever

50. Contly Baroneted by tbo Iviug of Spain aud honorably mentioned by most of the Courts of Europe, while a one of which Sartain may be justly proud

51. Cebu City's energy is infectious: its bar and club scene is justly famous throughout the archipelago and dining out is a delight, with a dizzying choice of restaurants

52. A hardcover edition of the colorful memoirs of Babur—founder and first emperor of the Mughal dynasty—that is "justly considered a masterpiece" (The Wall Street Journal)

53. It has been noted that the word, culpability, "ordinarily has normative force, for in nonlegal English, a person is Culpable only if he is justly to blame for his conduct"

54. Seattle, "Speech Cautioning Americans to Deal Justly with His People, January 12, 1854," Civil Rights and Conflict in the United States: Selected Speeches, Lit2Go Edition, (1854), accessed March 20, 2021,

55. Ever paid a restaurant bill only to discover they charged you for stuff you never had? What they did was Bilk you — cheat you out of money that was justly yours

56. Our books, those which are justly accredited, are but two and twenty [the equivalent of our 39 today, as is shown in paragraph 11], and contain the record of all time.

57. Precisely, rightly, correctly, closely, carefully, truly, properly, strictly, literally, exactly, faithfully, meticulously, to the letter, justly, scrupulously, truthfully, authentically, unerringly, faultlessly, veraciously The test can Accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do.

58. The Minister of Health has moved with the same alacrity to ensure that this issue is dealt with honourably and justly so that all affected could be dealt with in the appropriate manner

59. 1.To The Above Must Be Added An Edition Of Storch's Cours D'economie Politique, Which Say Published In 1823 Without Storch's Authorization, With Notes Embodying A Critique Amere Et Virulente, A Proceeding Which Storch Justly Resented.

60. The tradition of persuasion by truth and non-violence, for which India is justly famous, found fruition two millennia later in our freedom struggle led by our beloved Gandhiji who always acknowledged a debt of gratitude to Lord Buddha.

61. ‘He needs Belle's help to tame his Beastliness and show his sweet side.’ ‘Nevertheless, Sufiya's suppressed feelings eventually surface, and her childlike beauty gives way to Beastliness.’ ‘Welch has been justly celebrated as a business lion - and the book reveals a certain Beastliness.’

62. ‘He needs Belle's help to tame his Beastliness and show his sweet side.’ ‘Nevertheless, Sufiya's suppressed feelings eventually surface, and her childlike beauty gives way to Beastliness.’ ‘Welch has been justly celebrated as a business lion - and the book reveals a certain Beastliness.’

63. Notwithstanding, if I were a great Blazoner of mine owne actions, I might peradventure barre such reproches, and justly upraid some, that they are not so much offended, because I doe not enough, as for that I may, and it lies in my power to doe much more than I doe.

64. Improvisation is a highly complex form of creative behavior that justly inspires our awe and Admiration. THE NEUROLOGY OF FLOW STATES - ISSUE 91: THE AMAZING BRAIN HEATHER BERLIN OCTOBER 14, 2020 NAUTILUS Others placed hand written messages next framed photos of the late-Supreme Court justice expressing their love and Admiration for her.

65. We follow a Claque of frumpy, ego-jostling, middle-aged academics on a tour of the Terrezenstadt Nazi concentration camp where Landau wrestles mightilyagainst his own jealousies and under a cruelly blazing sun--to construe justly and objectively his flamboyant yet vexing rival, Jiri Krakauer, star writer and academic, who, although deserving of

66. It reads: 'We acknowledge and Bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, against thy divine majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against usNearly 800 people will gather in the historic chapel for the service, at which the congregation will be asked to pledge to support the marriage.

67. I have computed the Anaretical Directions in full to the true giver of Life, not only to assist the genuine Student in his labors, but also to explain to him the vanity, and absurdity of selecting a false Prorogator, which is done in numberless cases, by which the fallacious Judgment of the Practiotioners is justly held in derision, and the