Use "justices" in a sentence

1. Several justices looked perplexed by that answer.

2. Justices uphold life without parole in toddler’s Brutalization, murder

3. As Solicitor General, I'm friendly with all the justices.

4. By 1941, eight of the nine justices were Roosevelt appointees.

5. 13 Three of the justices dissented from the majority decision.

6. How many current U.S. supreme court justices are from our Alma mater?

7. The Florida Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and six Justices.

8. If Judge Barrett becomes Justice Barrett, she will join Justices Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to create a Constitutionalist core of five justices, a controlling

9. Ages of Supreme Court Justices - Here are the current Ages and political orientation of the United States Supreme Court Justices, and the implications of their retirement or death

10. Four justices could oblige him to Abjure his faith or sell his estates

11. They must adjourn the matter for trial by a bench of three justices.

12. The defendant in proceedings before the Dover Justices carried on a restaurant business.

13. 25 I was to visit all the chief justices east of the Mississippi.

14. Cases were therefore heard before the intermittent justices who applied the law impartially.

15. By its split vote, the justices upheld a lower court ruling against Lotus.

16. The Supreme Court, seated in Seoul, consists of fourteen Justices, including one Chief Justice.

17. Disputes between parishes were settled by the justices of the peace at quarter sessions.

18. The four dissenting justices wanted to dispose of the case without considering the constitutional question.

19. Two of the dissenting justices further argued that the arrangement clearly violated the establishment clause.

20. The conservative justices have revolutionized the law of religious liberty without Bothering to explain why

21. Commutative justice (usually uncountable, plural Commutative justices) The state resulting from fair and free exchange

22. He made no promise that he would name centrist, moderate Supreme Court justices if given the opportunity.

23. Two Supreme Court justices were arrested on politically motivated charges after rulings that favored the opposition.

24. The chief Constable applied for an order of mandamus directing the justices to rehear the case.

25. The justices were no more able to emancipate Dred Scott than they were able to emancipate themselves.

26. Dissenting justices said the ruling takes away the privacy protections of tens of millions of innocent passengers.

27. They serve for six-year terms; the Chief Justice cannot be reappointed, but the other justices can.

28. The Council and the environmental health officer applied for judicial review seeking to quash the justices' order.

29. From the beginning, dissenting justices have been heard and their dissents published alongside the majority opinion (or opinions).

30. The Justices must be at least 40 years old, and have at least 15 years of experience practicing law.

31. Nine Justices took their seats in the same raggedy assortment of chairs they had used in the Senate Chamber.

32. Ike had used his Appointive powers to name Supreme Court justices who would correct the injustice of Plessy

33. This time, however, it was the prosecutor who was interrupted and pointedly questioned by four of the justices.

34. Clerk to the justices (in England) a legally qualified person who sits in court with lay justices to advise them on points of law an employee of a court, legislature, board, corporation, etc, who keeps records and accounts, etc a town Clerk Also called: Clerk …

35. And I fear for the darkness as four Justices anxiously await the single vote necessary to extinguish the light.

36. Instead, the justices must decide whether to allow Jones' case to proceed against Clinton while he is still in office.

37. The Constitution grants the authority to nominate and approve Supreme Court Justices to Coequal branches of the federal government

38. Addressing the Joint Conference of Chief Justices of States and Chief Justices of High Courts, the Prime Minister said that while the executive is under constant assessment and scrutiny in public life, through various institutions, the Judiciary normally does not face any such scrutiny.

39. The justices are deeply divided on such issues as abortion, affirmative action and the separation of church and state.Sentence dictionary

40. Subsequently, the United States Congress increased the number of justices to seven in 1807, nine in 1837, and ten in 1863.

41. The judge's order was a nullity and no effective variation was made of the earlier flawed order of the justices.

42. The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it.

43. 17 The driver refused and was in due course convicted by justices of failing to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse.

44. Supreme Court to Consider Death Sentence in Boston Marathon Bombing Case The justices will review a decision from a federal appeals court that …

45. “The common practice of conditioning freedom solely on whether an Arrestee can afford bail is unconstitutional,” the justices said in a unanimous decision

46. The Minister of Justice tells us children are at no risk whatsoever, while the families await a decision from the nine federal justices

47. Coroners often possess both legal and medical qualifications, but the office is sometimes filled by laypersons, including undertakers, sheriffs, and justices of the peace.

48. They have attended the Justices at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey since its original role as the Court for the City and Middlesex.

49. For decades, conservative judges–including the Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court–have declared themselves to be “strict Constructionists” of the Constitution, restraining

50. Coroners often possess both legal and medical qualifications, but the office is sometimes filled by laypersons, including undertakers, sheriffs, and justices of the peace

51. Myothugyis were basically the protecting police officers, public-works commissioners, justices of the peace, Apportioners and collectors of taxes, and recruiters for the armed forces

52. Justices Thomas and Stephen Breyer, who wrote the long dissent in the Parents Involved decision, argue for two clashing ideals: a "color-blind Constitution" and integration.

53. A Conventicle Preacher before the Justices, painting by Robert Inerarity Herdman The Conventicle Act 1664 was an Act of the Parliament of England (16 Charles II c

54. They hoped that the arrival of Trump’s justices would portend a wholesale reconsideration of the Supreme Court’s misguided adventure into the world of unwritten, Atextual, judicially created

55. JAMS offers its clients access to an esteemed group of retired Appellate judges, justices and former Appellate law practitioners with decades of experience in state and federal courts

56. 2 days ago · Supreme Court to Consider Death Sentence in Boston Marathon Bombing Case The justices will review a decision from a federal appeals court that …

57. James Arnt Aune, "Three Justices in Search of Historical Truth: Romance and Tragedy in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence," Rhetoric & Public Affairs 2, 4 (Winter 1999): 573-589.

58. Finally, under pressure from one of the justices, the solicitor general had to admit: “I’d be hesitant to say you can have an outright ban on ringing doorbells or knocking.”

59. 27 US President Barack Obama will nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, positioning the court to have 3 female justices for the first time in history, AP reported Monday.

60. US President Barack Obama will nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, positioning the court to have 3 female justices for the first time in history, AP reported Monday.

61. The first official licensing of Alehouses is thought to have been sanctioned by statute in 1495, subject to the discretion of local justices of the peace (Earnshaw, 2000 and French, 1884: 127)

62. [ 1414) Statutes Realm 2.182: Q[ue] les Justices..eient pleine poair denquerer de toutz yceux q[ue] teignent ascuns..heresies come Lollardes, & queux sount lour lour escoles, Conventicles, congregacions, & confederacies.

63. Observing that there is a conflict between the Military Service Law and the constitution’s recognition of freedom of conscience, two of the nine justices dissented and called for a system of alternative civilian service.

64. – “For everyone who gets the vapors whenever any Justice takes a peek at foreign law or practice, do you really think those Justices, or any other, would decide any case differently if they didn’t take Apeek?”

65. In 1792, the Justices, as a group, wrote to the President concerning circuit riding: "We, really, sir, find the Burthens laid upon us so excessive that we cannot forebear representing them in strong and explicit terms

66. Former President Donald Trump said the Supreme Court, including justices he nominated, "should be Ashamed of themselves" for not taking up cases relating to the 2020 election in a podcast interview with Fox News' Lisa Boothe released on Monday

67. Justice Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza was one of the justices of the Constitutional Court, who ruled in a 4 to 1 majority, that "there is no single provision in the Constitution that provides for the re-appointment of a retired Chief Justice".

68. Once appointed, justices are expected to completed a designated term and then retire at 65 years old, unless their term is terminated through resignation or impeachment by the Supreme Judicial Council resulted in a presidential reference in regards to the misconduct of judge(s).

69. ‘The licensing of Alehouses and inns was the responsibility of justices of the peace.’ ‘In England pubs were either inns, providing accommodation and food to wealthy travellers; or taverns, providing only wine and spirits to the local neighbourhood; or Alehouses, selling only beer to a poorer clientele.’

70. * Amercements ("fines" in the modern sense of the word) imposed by the king's justices for violation of the law; Amercements, feudal incidents, etc., and fines/oblations may be termed "incidental" income as the events which gave rise to them depended on unpredictable events.

71. Dera violence: HC pulls up Haryana cops for ‘Befooling’ the court The bench of Justices Surya Kant, Augustine George Masih and Avneesh Jhingan came down hard on police and its SIT, after an officer submitted that he was satisfied with the custodial interrogation of Dera IT head Vineet Kumar.

72. President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to expand the Court in 1937, seeking to appoint an additional justice for each incumbent justice who reached the age of 70 years and 6 months and refused retirement; under Roosevelt's proposal, such appointments would continue until the Court reached a maximum size of 15 justices.

73. 2 days ago · The directions were passed by a Bench of Justices Rajan Roy and Jaspreet Singh after the victim’s brother alleged that an unruly mob which included lawyers Barged into the trial court during the proceedings and intimidated the witnesses and the complainant’s counsel eventually forcing the trial judge to halt the proceedings.

74. Beginning 1776, thereby ratifying the capacity of Grantors, Bailors, and Beneficiaries of and to the governmental entities, now calling due the obligation of any and all actors claiming powers under the State of Washington in any of its disguises to serve The People, protect The Peoples' Praecipe to Justices Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6

75. And for I thinke that no justice will give sodainly an untrue doome, as the bishop did, and therefore openly I appeale to hem, and send my conclusions to the knights of the parliament, to be shewed to the lords, and to be taken to the justices, to be well Aviset or that they geven doome.

76. The Supreme Court's Anointment of lawyers with authority to evade the constitutional billing constraint will fail the smell test in the nostrils of the voting public, especially that portion already cynical of "judicial imperialism." Many people, including our justices, are rightly alarmed by "conservative" daggers aimed at "judicial activism" that protects individuals against government more