Use "just the same" in a sentence

1. In architecture, it works just the same.

2. These two pictures are just the same .

3. These two books are just the same.

4. She looked just the same as before.

5. But a great writer just the same.

6. Charles is just the same as always.

7. And for Crossbreeds dogs it's just the same

8. But it was a good yarn, just the same.

9. Their writers are just the same as people anywhere.

10. He and his brother are just the same -- lazy.

11. People say I look just the same as my sister.

12. You're a nuisance sometimes, but we love you just the same.

13. He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same.

14. The sun's out, but I'll take a raincoat just the same.

15. Just the same , Tanya's invitation seemed too enticing to pass up.

16. Slower than a flood or an earthquake, but dying just the same.

17. Just the same as I heard they robbed Turgin's safe deposit box.

18. But I love it all just the same, this enchanting old ruin.

19. I don't care what they say.I shall go on just the same.

20. 25 Just the same, hold fast to what you have until I come.

21. I hadn't seen John for ages, but he was still just the same.

22. If you have, telling our second mistress is just the same as telling Ladyship.

23. It is just as relevant to today's youngsters and the emotions are just the same.

24. But they would kick your head in if you spilt their pint just the same.

25. Be that as it may, they are going ahead with their plans just the same.

26. He remembered that he had felt just the same way when he first started working.

27. And those are just the same terms that are in the two polynomials up here.

28. My father was a Hasid but he wanted us to know the Scriptures just the same.

29. New episodes are scheduled for each wednesday, just the same time that Andromeda always aired in Germany.

30. A beacon of progress on the horizon of humanity... but a cruel and barbarous civilization just the same.

31. Just the same, I had the feeling I was seeing some sort of reflection, a light, a color.

32. The look will be different, but the content, the coverage and the crack will be just the same.

33. He knew I was clean, because he'd run over me himself, but just the same, he watched closely.

34. Often he would shave it off, but the next day he would have a beard just the same.

35. As far as the consumer is concerned this is just the same as a 15 percent sales tax.

36. But it was there, just the same, like prying eyes peering round the corner of a thick curtain.

37. Plus, the Airbuds 2 Wireless Headphones Reviews say these earbuds work just the same as the expensive version

38. 20 Just the same, off he went, as calm as could be, and so the theft remained undetected.

39. It was only a jape, ser, she thought, but she sat on one of the pillows just the same.

40. Not necessarily any more Boneheaded than a regular, run-of-the-hill bonehead (maybe?), but Boneheaded just the same

41. Is it really the case that gall bladder surgery and a trip to Paris are just the same thing?

42. Trout fishing is often a great challenge, but rewarding just the same, with gorgeous colored fish and the streamside beauty.

43. There they give just the same protection to their new owners as they did to the jellyfish that developed them.

44. This means that the sharply contrasting colours green and black will look just the same in the black and white print.

45. Don't worry about looking handsome,Or being strong and brave.Just as you love me unconditionally,I love you just the same.

46. It began to get Coldish, and I pulled the latch -- it was there just the same -- and went into the old room.

47. Connecting a plotter to a computer is generally just the same as connecting a printer, at least in terms of the interface.

48. The reactions of the Cycloalkanes are generally just the same as the alkanes, with the exception of the very small ones - particularly cyclopropane

49. Use "just the same as " in a sentence Finally the negro had grown up and had Compassed his ambition: he could shoot partridges flying just the same as a white man, was a white man except for a trifling difference in color; and he could kill more birds, too, three times

50. But his "short, derisive bark" of a laugh, his Roman nose, and most of all his life with sharks[], were just the same.

51. Antiheroes are far from the role models we associate with traditional heroes, but they are often driven by a sense of justice just the same

52. Like the Prophet Joseph Smith, I wasn’t “guilty of any great or malignant sins” (Joseph Smith—History 1:28), but I was nervous just the same.

53. The results show the maximum of the amplitude in the stapedial region just the same mode of vibration as known from investigations of the isolated temporal bone.

54. If you possess a lot of brass and copperware, wet them and rub them over vigorously with tamarind or apply the juice of lemon even the juice of stale lemon would do just the same.

55. Coattails of a Dead Man Lyrics: One, two, three / Ooohhh, aaahhh / Well, he wasn't looking for fanfare or fame / But it all came around just the same / He then met a girl with desire in her eye

56. Of course this is all just the same runaround for Arrested fans, who can easily conclude at this point that most of the show's original cast is interested, but still in the dark for the most part.

57. Just the same Bickeringly friendly relationship they shared in the books.) Sansa wasn't surprised at the faint feeling of unease that washed over her on hearing the announcement that her long-absent spouse had arrived at the keep

58. Alliteration happens when words that start with the same sound (not just the same letter) are used repeatedly in a phrase or sentence. The sound is usually a consonant and the words don't have to be right next to one another

59. Just the same shape of functional equation holds for the Dedekind zeta function of a number field K, with an appropriate gamma-factor that depends only on the embeddings of K (in algebraic terms, on the tensor product of K with the real field).

60. ‘We use a fishing reel to store the Creance line - this way we can rewind the line and keep it from tangling.’ ‘The falcon is taught to hop, then flutter, and finally fly the length of the Creance to the falconer for food.’ ‘To my relief he flew to me just the same as he had on the Creance.’

61. ‘We use a fishing reel to store the Creance line - this way we can rewind the line and keep it from tangling.’ ‘The falcon is taught to hop, then flutter, and finally fly the length of the Creance to the falconer for food.’ ‘To my relief he flew to me just the same as he had on the Creance.’