Use "jurisdictional" in a sentence

1. Or “jurisdictional district.”

2. Discuss the causation of development from the absolute jurisdictional immunity to the relative jurisdictional immunity.

3. Under this approach there is no clear distinction between jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional errors.

4. Bifurcation most often refers to the separation of jurisdictional issues from the merits and is defined as a separate jurisdictional phase to consider the jurisdictional

5. General & Jurisdictional Apportionments #410-#416

6. And the USFDA has a jurisdictional problem.

7. The survey will inevitably resolve such jurisdictional uncertainties.

8. Various jurisdictional issues are Addressed, including extradition agreements.

9. What is important, he Contends, is jurisdictional control

10. The premise underlying them expresses an unwillingness to be drawn into any alleged dichotomy between jurisdictional and non jurisdictional fact.

11. Look, nobody wants a jurisdictional tug of war here.

12. The basis for judicial intervention becomes clear and worrisome problems of jurisdictional versus non jurisdictional errors of law are left behind.

13. The judge, though , dismissed the suit on jurisdictional grounds.

14. 15 The premise underlying them expresses an unwillingness to be drawn into any alleged dichotomy between jurisdictional and non jurisdictional fact.

15. We have to split it up into jurisdictional parts.

16. The strategy to these challenges is to reconstruct jurisdictional bases.

17. Nor has it felt bound by territorial or jurisdictional limits.

18. Due to this and jurisdictional issues, McMahon was found not guilty.

19. In practice, however, this jurisdictional limit on administrative investigations is generally easy to satisfy.

20. • Conflict with existing service agencies and jealously guarded jurisdictional powers of other governments.

21. Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) is shown as ruling over 127 jurisdictional districts, from India to Ethiopia.

22. Starting from the categories and characters advances that the jurisdiction clause is a jurisdictional agreement.

23. (FRAP 28(a)(4), (b).) If the Appellee includes a jurisdictional statement, it must state:

24. These administrative bodies established for each psychiatric annex are fully autonomous and enjoy jurisdictional powers

25. Either side could appeal jurisdictional questions to the Exchequer Court and the Supreme Court of Canada.

26. Further, most Captives require an insurance carrier to front the policies due to jurisdictional regulations

27. Somehow policymakers must give private business activities security when making transactions that cross jurisdictional boundaries.

28. Therefore, it will necessarily end in the combination of both subjective and objective jurisdictional measures.

29. The existing norms of inter-jurisdictional revenue allocation may not be valid in the digital era.

30. His order included Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego —three Hebrew administrators over the jurisdictional district of Babylon.

31. Yellow lawyer expresses, not allude in the contract that he and Baidu Shenzhen branch sign jurisdictional.

32. The Jurisdictional Adjutancy is a team of people who are united and organized to help make ministry work.

33. We calculated the average ratio of latent to active cases in the same province, and same jurisdictional level.

34. These grievances are settled by respective jurisdictional Protectors of Emigrants (PoEs) as per laid down procedures.

35. Yellow lawyer expresses,[sentencedict .com] not allude in the contract that he and Baidu Shenzhen branch sign jurisdictional.

36. He gathered his satraps, prefects, governors, counselors, treasurers, judges, police magistrates, and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts.

37. Evidence can thereby be admitted to prove or disprove the existence of the element which has been deemed jurisdictional.

38. We set up a model of contract theory to compare the vertical management institution and the jurisdictional management institution.

39. The advantages compared with ordinary civil procedure were largely limited to Rome, since each province had only one jurisdictional magistrate.

40. 1988), at pp. 298-99: [The British Courts] addiction to the technicalities of jurisdictional review is not a mere aberration.

41. The conceptual block of the Nat Bell case is circumvented by regarding a component of the X question as jurisdictional.

42. The Jurisdictional Adjutancy Corps is a team of men and women who are united and organized to help make ministry work

43. He added: “I accumulated also silver and gold for myself, and property peculiar to kings and the jurisdictional districts.

44. Trial Division processes legal documents in the jurisdictional areas of Admiralty, Access to Information and Privacy, Crown, Immigration, Intellectual Property and Tax.

45. A quantitative analysis of environmental (agency and jurisdictional) characteristics associated with increases in the number of Ambushes experienced by agencies over a

46. Trial Division processes legal documents in the jurisdictional areas of admiralty, access to information and privacy, crown, immigration, intellectual property and tax.

47. My own views as to the proper limits of jurisdictional control will be spelt out after a consideration of the case law.

48. Cross-jurisdictional cooperation is a fixture of anti-competition inquiries, while private litigation, including Antitrust class actions, is also on the rise.

49. My Legal Adviser stands ready to assist States in trying to find a solution to the practical, legal and jurisdictional issues involved

50. Future iterations of Ahead will be interactive and allow for more comprehensive analysis of the data at the national and jurisdictional levels.

51. Maritime Borders represent the jurisdictional Borders of a maritime nation and are recognized by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

52. But almost the entire international community considers it to be a part of Georgia, though Georgia doesn’t have any jurisdictional control over Abkhazia.

53. By now, the three friends of Daniel had been appointed administrators of the jurisdictional district of Babylon, so the order applied to them.

54. The Babylonian king erected a large idol on the plain of Dura and commanded high officials, including administrators of jurisdictional districts, to assemble for its inauguration.

55. Chevalier Courts A Court of Chevaliers may be formed with the authorization of the Executive Officer on either a jurisdictional, regional or Chapter level

56. (32) It is on the basis of this principle that each Contracting State retains a jurisdictional monopoly for actions in rem provided by Article 16(1)(a). (33)

57. We advise at this time, that in matters concerning church order and in matters of a more general nature, which are beyond the jurisdictional limits of every Autocephalous Church acting

58. [5] With respect to the jurisdictional question, the Agency has carefully examined the question and deems it appropriate to leave it in abeyance until such time as it issues its final decision.

59. The Trial Division processes legal documents and supports the Court in all proceedings and hearings in the jurisdictional areas of Admiralty, Access to Information and Privacy, Crown, Immigration, Intellectual Property and Tax.

60. The European Patent Court will be based on proven jurisdictional structures at national level and work in geographical proximity to the parties in proceedings. An Appeal Court will ensure consistency of patent adjudication.

61. So “if you see any oppression of the one of little means and the violent taking away of judgment and of righteousness in a jurisdictional district, do not be amazed over the affair.”—Ecclesiastes 5:8.

62. Checkup is the jurisdictional fund holder for the Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF), Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP), Healthy Ears, Visiting Optometry Scheme (VOS) and Eye and Ears Surgical Support (EESS) initiatives in

63. Finally, if no court has jurisdiction to deal with the situation in light of the other provisions of this Regulation, an alternative jurisdictional rule should be included in this Regulation to avoid any risk of denial of justice.

64. Criticizing Crimmigration Mar 23, 2021 Maartje van der Woude Add a Comment David Mofette & Anna Pratt, Beyond Criminal Law and Methodological Nationalism: Borderlands, Jurisdictional Games and Legal Intersections , in Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and Exclusion 15 (2020).

65. Finally, if no court has jurisdiction to deal with the situation in the light of the other provisions of this Regulation, an alternative jurisdictional rule has been included to avoid any risk of denial of justice.

66. King Solomon wrote: “If you see any oppression of the one of little means and the violent taking away of judgment and of righteousness in a jurisdictional district, do not be amazed over the affair.”—Ecclesiastes 5:8.

67. The Court denied the plaintiff's request for a trial by jury of the jurisdictional question raised by the defendant's motion, holding that unless the Court wishes to use a jury Advisorily, the issue of citizenship is not a jury issue

68. (129) Parties that have concluded a valid foreign jurisdictional agreement know that a Quebec court will not hear their case, no matter the connections to the province or the risk of multiple proceedings, unless the defendant has Attorned.Priority has been granted …

69. To this end, the Court expressly held that the defendant (101) in Momentous had Attorned to the jurisdiction "by delivering a statement of defence responding to the merits of the plaintiffs' claim." (102) But this attornment was no longer operative in assessing the forum selection clause, whose effect was to be considered at the discretionary second stage of the jurisdictional inquiry.