Use "jure" in a sentence

1. Ad+jure; ad=add, jure=sure; who is Adjuring, wants to add a sure believe about solving his/her problem

2. 5 He held power de jure and de facto .

3. He held power de jure and de facto .

4. The de jure kingdom titles within Abyssinia are as follows: Abyssinia Nubia The de jure capital ofAbyssinia is the county of Gondar

5. 1 He held power de jure and de facto .

6. 13 He was de jure prime minister , but de facto president.

7. 6 He is the de jure owner of the property.

8. 4 De jure censorship is an unquestioned evil in itself.

9. 3 The President aims to create a de jure one-party state.

10. Tuva was de jure an independent state between the World Wars.

11. Apatosaur, poznatiji pod starim nazivom Brontosaur, (gušter-grom) je rod dinosaura iz doba jure.

12. Thus, despite a de jure intact constitution, the sultan ruled in the absolutist manner.

13. Apatosaur, poznatiji pod starim nazivom Brontosaur, (gušter-grom) je rod dinosaura iz doba jure.

14. 22 Punishment can be divided into : the de facto and de jure disciplinary punishment.

15. 10 Which branch of government determines who has sovereignty de jure over a piece of land?

16. Authorized: See: admissible , allowable , allowed , de jure , due , entitled , fully executed , juridical , legal , legitimate , licit , permissible , privileged

17. 25 So in all of the plaintiffs' claims here rest on an assertion of de jure sovereignty.

18. Ouvre une boîte de phrases insta personnalisées je Consommerai jte jure

19. 21 Based on the competition policy, it shall be divided into de facto distinctiveness and de jure distinctiveness.

20. Abyssinia is a de jure empire consisting of 2 kingdom titles, 6 duchy titles and 17 county titles

21. Many worried that Taiwanese de jure independence from China would lead to the severing of ties with Kinmen.

22. 8 Though the king de jure retained the Mandate of Heaven, de facto the title held no real power.

23. In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded, by segregationists.

24. Debt of DISCOMs is de facto borrowing of States which is not counted in de jure borrowing.

25. 1 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

26. 25 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

27. 25 Based on the competition policy, it shall be divided into de facto distinctiveness and de jure distinctiveness.

28. 16 The school desegregation crisis persisted after Little Rock, as southern states searched for ways to maintain de jure segregation.

29. 15 The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.

30. 5 In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded,( by segregationists.

31. 8 The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.

32. 2 The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.

33. The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.

34. 11 Managing state affairs de jure and by benevolent rule reflects the great progress and perfection in the administrative theory.

35. Homosexuality was for the first time in Croatian history de jure criminalized in 1951 while Croatia was a federal constituent of SFR Yugoslavia.

36. The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

37. That summer he was elected president of the IRB (and therefore, in the doctrine of that organisation, de jure President of the Irish Republic).

38. 26 THE COURT: Yes, I understand that's your position, but it's for the political branches to make the determination who has sovereignty de jure , right?

39. Free Online Library: Jure Divino: Defoe's "whole volume in folio, by way of answer to, and Confutation of Clarendon's History of the Rebellion"

40. 17 The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

41. 18 The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.

42. 7 The Danish king remained the de jure sovereign of the nation until 19 when the current republic was founded in the absence of Danish authority.

43. 19 Some scholars thought in our country still under the imperfect market economy system, should not act with undue haste to one-man company's de jure recognition.

44. 12 It takes quite a long process for de jure equality to be transformed into de facto equality. There is a lot more for us to do.

45. 9 This meant Taipei would not seek de jure independence through means including changing the name of the island or holding a referendum on sovereignty-related matters.

46. Authoritate ac decreto magnifici jctorum ordinis in inclyta Altdorffina, pro licentia summos in utro[que] jure honores & privilegia doctoralia ritè & legitimè capessendi : ad diem [blank] Septembr

47. 24 And we expect the de facto easing in policy controls (from the aggressive stance announced late last year) will become de jure as well sometime in 2Q.

48. However, even if no selectivity as regards the aid is Ascertainable de jure, a measure can contravene the law relating to State aid if it is liable to favour certain undertakings

49. Bishops have also a "delegated jurisdiction" which they exercise in the name of the Holy See; this power is granted to them a jure or ab homine

50. 27 Since there is no single, definitive resource regarding SOA, the term SOA has been commandeered to represent the interests and agendas of many; such is the problem of de jure standards.

51. 14 States shall ensure that de facto and de jure discrimination on the above grounds is prohibited and that all persons, including refugees and displaced persons, are considered equal before the law.

52. "Becalming": examples and translations in context In essence, adherence to democratic norms, including freely elected assemblies, are becaming post-Helsinki hallmarks of de jure recognition of a state.

53. Amice (died 1215) was a Countess of Rochefort and suo jure countess of Leicester.She is associated with England but is thought to have spent most of her life in France

54. Abkhazia is a de facto independent republic within the de jure borders of Georgia, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, bordering the Russian Federation, with Karachay-Cherkessia to the north

55. 20 In all things which regard the external relations of the individual, he is de jure amenable to those whose interests are concerned, and if need be, to society as their protector.

56. 23 I think most observers, whether they are black or white or European or whatever, would say that a lot of black progress has been due to the Civil Rights Act, because of changes in de jure segregation.

57. The Council of Trent Anathematises all who deny it to be truly and properly a sacrament instituted by Christ Himself, and necessary to salvation (jure divino); or who say that the method of confessing secretly to the priest alone

58. The Chief Minister of Assam, an Indian state, is the head of the Government of Assam.As per the Constitution of India, the governor is the state's de jure head, but de facto executive authority rests with the chief minister

59. Vlachs would be of Byzantine heritage, while Romanians should represent a melting pot culture of South Slavic heritage (to reflect the Slavo-Byzantine high culture of the medieval Romanian Boyardom and clergy) which would be scripted to spawn in de jure Wallachia and Moldavia in the same manner as the current Sicilian melting pot works:

60. Hatay State (Turkish: Hatay Devleti, French: État du Hatay, Arabic: دولة خطاي ‎ Dawlat Khaṭāy), also known informally as the Republic of Hatay, was a transitional political entity that existed from September 7, 1938, to June 29, 1939, in the territory of the Sanjak of Alexandretta of the French Mandate of Syria.The state was transformed de jure into the Hatay Province of Turkey

61. Adjuration noun \?a-j?-'ra-sh?n\ (Late Latin Adjurationem [nominative adjuratio) "a swearing to," noun of action from past participle stem of adjurare "confirm by oath, add an oath, to swear to in addition") 1: a solemn oath 2: an earnest urging or advising — ad·jur·a·to·ry adjective — ad·jure verb

62. As from this cancellation, every private shareholder will lose all rights Appertaining to shares which are repurchased (including all rights to the payment of any future dividend), subject to the provisions of Article 54; every private shareholder will receive, in exchange for every share which is ipso jure transferred to the Bank, a statutory right to the payment of the amount of compensation

63. ‘technical regulation’ means technical specifications and other requirements or rules on services, including the relevant administrative provisions, the observance of which is compulsory, de jure or de facto, in the case of marketing, provision of a service, establishment of a service operator or use in a Member State or a major part thereof, as well as laws, regulations or administrative provisions of Member States, except those provided for in Article 7, prohibiting the manufacture, importation, marketing or use of a product or prohibiting the provision or use of a service, or establishment as a service provider.