Use "junta" in a sentence

1. The Barista, La Junta, Colorado

2. At the September 18th session, they grabbed center stage with shouts of "¡Junta queremos! ¡junta queremos!"

3. This puts the junta in a quandary.

4. Signs Of Rifts Appearing In Argentina's Junta.

5. The civilian junta appointed a prime minister.

6. The Junta swore the oath of office that afternoon.

7. A military junta took control of the country.

8. But the junta is not their only enemy.

9. Myanmar’s Besieged resistance dreams of ‘people's army’ to counter junta

10. However, the ruling military junta refused to recognise the result.

11. For the first weeks, the junta ruled by decree.

12. The junta hit out at its Western critics on Tuesday.

13. Pro-junta thugs Brandishing machetes jeered in the streets below

14. Prior to July 19 political power was held by a military junta.

15. In 1973, a U.S.-backed military junta seized power from Allende.

16. I want you to meet the junta that actually runs D.C.

17. All the opponents of the junta have been murdered or imprisoned.

18. Myanmar Junta Seen Cozying Up to China if West Gets Tough

19. The military junta has/have today broadcast an appeal for calm.

20. Acting to halt 'leftist excesses', a junta composed of two army officers and four civilians takes over El Salvador, ousting another junta that had ruled for three months.

21. Junta Examinadora de Barberos y Estilistas en Barbería P.O

22. The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.

23. But now all were only required by the military junta to transform themselves into the junta run forces known as Border Guard Forces (BGF) before its general elections.

24. The coup leaders formed a junta which swiftly called for open elections.

25. Following the coup the ruling junta made few changes to economic policy.

26. The Greek military junta collapsed and was replaced by a democratic government.

27. The middle classes are favourably disposed to wards the new military junta.

28. The country was ruled by a military junta from 1974 until 19

29. In Thailand, the new military junta issued broad censorship orders for broadcast outlets.

30. When the military junta came to power, the IAe 33 project was thrown into disarray.

31. Iturbide controlled both the membership of the junta and the matters that it considered.

32. On 6 March the junta ordered the chiefs of staff to make detailed preparations.

33. Junta-te a nós e envia as tuas melhores Anedotas e piadas.

34. The junta in Athens, and then the Sampson regime in Cyprus fell from power.

35. The mass resignations from the junta in January 1980 included the Minister of Education.

36. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the junta to allow aid in "without hindrance".

37. Guei's announcement also has reportedly split the military junta that rules the country of 16 million.

38. Dr. Sun Yat - sen in 1917 was appointed chief financial law of the military junta.

39. 21 hours ago · Myanmar junta defends Crackdown, accuses Suu Kyi of graft

40. A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.

41. Carlos Castillo Armas took power at the head of a military junta, provoking the Guatemalan Civil War.

42. Civil servants' wages and social services have been cut, while the junta has spent more on defense.

43. 20 A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.

44. The military junta would then quietly extend Suu Kyi's detention well beyond next year's planned elections, they feared.

45. And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta.

46. Its members wearied of the task, seeking relief in absence which reduced the Junta to a handful of members.

47. America reiterates our call on Burma's military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners.

48. But the Thai junta was clearly not joking when it passed a more brutal law to replace martial law.

49. When the group who has taken power is from the military, this council-type group is called a junta.

50. But Myanmar's military junta disqualified Suu Kyi from serving because of her house arrest and annulled the election results.

51. In 2011, the military junta was officially dissolved following a 2010 general election, and a nominally civilian government was installed.

52. Myanmar Crackdown Intensifies, With Nine More Protesters Reportedly Killed Security forces in Myanmar reportedly shot and killed nine anti-junta

53. In the 1960s and 1970s, during the military junta period, changes in land legislation allowed the subdivision of land plots.

54. September 12: The pro-Western monarch of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, is ousted by a Marxist military junta known as the Derg.

55. On 26 March the junta decided that the invasion would take place on one of the first three days in April.

56. If the country is to be governed by a military junta, then fundamental restructuring would seem to be on the table.

57. July 8: Col. Carlos Castillo Armas is elected president of the junta that overthrew the administration of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman.

58. Burma's ruling military junta had sent for reinforcements in Wawlay, near with the area controlled by KNU Brigade according to KNU's Major Kyi Aung.

59. Arguably, the Italians managed it in the 1930s; and Argentina's World Cup winners in 1978 received plenty of backing from the ruling military junta.

60. I can see more confrontation if Dadis [Camara] does not acknowledge that neither he nor members of his junta will stand in the election.

61. Moreover, the Supreme Central Junta, which had governed the Empire for the past two years, had abolished itself in favor of a Regency Council.

62. The junta turned against Argentina’s citizens, whisking away political dissidents and people it suspected of being aligned with leftist, socialist or social justice causes and incarcerating

63. The head of Burma's military junta, General Than Shwe, says he intends to give up control of the government to whoever wins elections in 20

64. 1 February Myanmar, also known as Burma, was long considered a pariah state while under the rule of an oppressive military junta from 1962 to …

65. The measure ultimately passed the House in a broad 398-14 vote, Condemning Myanmar's military junta for overthrowing the country's civilian government in a Feb

66. When I learned about her story, then I learned about Burma and how repressed they are by this military junta that leads Burma - that is the government.

67. The draft interim charter allowed the junta, which would be transformed into a permanent Council for National Security (CNS), to appoint an extremely powerful executive branch.

68. Idioma, cultura, etnia y actitudes sociales parecen Amalgamarse para crear la identidad latina, según los miembros de la junta directiva de un reconocido centro …

69. The KIO continued to fight when Ne Win’s dictatorship was succeeded by another incarnation of the military junta in 1988 called the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC).

70. North Korean workers, meanwhile, have aided Myanmar's military junta in building underground tunnels near the new capital city of Naypyitaw that could have military applications, say U.S. officials.

71. Si el Ejecutivo Principal hubiera tenido un desempeño insatisfactorio o una conducta Censurable, la Junta debería tener la responsabilidad y autoridad para destituirlo del cargo

72. La Junta de Gobierno de Aprocta, en cumplimiento de los Estatutos de la asociación profesional, convoca su Asamblea General Ordinaria 2021, que tendrá … 14/5/21

73. 2 days ago · WUHAN, China, 22 de marzo de 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Chime Biologics se complace en anunciar el nombramiento de Marc Funk en su Junta Directiva

74. However, its status was degraded by the military junta when it packed its governmental and administrative bags and moved 200 miles north to an undeveloped site just two miles from Pyinmana.

75. El juez citará a las partes a una junta Conciliatoria, señalando día y hora para que se verifique dentro del término de ocho días

76. 3 hours ago · The junta said Sean Turnell, who Counseled Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, is suspected of violating immigration and official secrets laws; he faces up to seven years in prison

77. So use of Burma can indicate non-recognition for the military junta, use of Myanmar can indicate a distaste for the colonial powers past who called the country Burma, and interchangeable use of both can indicate no particular preference

78. After 10 years of sporadic warfare and Portugal's return to democracy through a leftist military coup in Lisbon, which replaced Portugal's Estado Novo regime with a military junta (the Carnation Revolution of April 1974), FRELIMO took control of the territory.

79. Various professionals and businesspeople told Griffin that Apaid was “the real government in Haiti.” During the 1991-1994 coup against Aristide, Apaid Jr.’s father, André Apaid Sr., was “one of the chief lobbyists in the US” for the military junta

80. Various professionals and businesspeople told Griffin that Apaid was “the real government in Haiti.” During the 1991-1994 coup against Aristide, Apaid Jr.’s father, André Apaid Sr., was “one of the chief lobbyists in the US” for the military junta