Use "junk-shop" in a sentence

1. Tell him I saw the junk shop.

2. 4 This china came from a junk shop.

3. 7 I bought this old table in a junk shop.

4. Reg, take down the address of that bloody junk shop, would you?

5. 22 Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.

6. In Me, Myself and Miss Gibbs, Francesca Millican-Slater Beguilingly unravels the story behind a modest postcard bought in a Totnes junk shop for 50p.

7. The Auteurs, Category: Artist, Albums: Das Capital - The Songwriting Genius Of Luke Haines And The Auteurs, How I Learned To Love The Bootboys, After Murder Park, Now I'm A Cowboy, The Auteurs Vs µ-Ziq, Singles: The Rubettes, Top Tracks: New French Girlfriend, Show Girl, Lenny Valentino, Junk Shop Clothes, Bailed Out, Biography: When the Auteurs released their debut album in 1993, the British