Use "junk food" in a sentence

1. " We generally Avoid junk food

2. But back to animals and junk food.

3. He seems to live off junk food.

4. Tim eats way too much junk food.

5. Most junk food is high in sugar.

6. 12 Most junk food is high in sugar.

7. Kids are all prone to eat junk food.

8. Eating all that junk food is really unhealthy.

9. The room was littered with junk food detritus.

10. 23 He seems to live off junk food.

11. He lived on a diet of junk food.

12. We were reared on junk food and B-movies.

13. 16 Kids are all prone to eat junk food.

14. 17 He lived on a diet of junk food.

15. I miss things like potato chips and junk food.

16. A person might relieve hunger pangs by eating junk food.

17. As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.

18. It's too easy to end up living off junk food.

19. Unlike restrictive low-carb diets, carb Backloading permits junk food.

20. It can be extremely difficult to wean children off junk food.

21. You shouldn't eat all that junk food, it's bad for you.

22. Junk food can have adverse effects on his ability to concentrate.

23. Oh, I knew I should have stayed off the... junk food.

24. He eats a lot of junk food and doesn't get enough exercise.

25. My son likes junk food such as crisp, sweets and fizzy drinks.

26. I sit around all day and eat junk food out of boredom.

27. My son likes junk food such as crips, sweets an fizzy drinks.

28. The Bumbling Bee Vegan Junk Food: VA Bch, VA, Virginia Beach, Virginia

29. I go somewhere else and eat junk food and drink junk wine.

30. Our system of appetite control is completely unpicked by the junk food diet.

31. He eats a lot of junk food, and he doesn't get enough rest.

32. Parents should try to control their kid's cravings for fat-laden junk food.

33. Our body’s Cacoethes for junk food is influenced by a number of internal signals

34. Her family spoke Japanese at home and were "health nuts" who avoided junk food.

35. They have man-aged to combine the worst features of institutional food and junk food.

36. But at Food & Think, we don't just report mildly alarmist news about junk - food shortages.

37. I'm not surprised. You pig out on pizza, ice cream and other junk food, don't you?

38. Is its growth due to a lack of discipline, or to pollution, radiation, junk food, etc?

39. This is just my kind of diet - no junk food, plenty of fruit which I love.

40. Probably because of a diet of junk food and a general reluctance as a nation to exercise.

41. It's hard not to Blimp out at a Super Bowl party where there's a lot of junk food

42. As Crilly can not drive, I ply myself with junk food and coffee, preparing myself for the wheel.

43. This sets a bad example to teenagers, many of whom are overweight and eat too much junk food.

44. 14 As Crilly can not drive, I ply myself with junk food and coffee, preparing myself for the wheel.

45. The junk food industry is really great at pressing our pleasure buttons and figuring out what's the most pleasurable.

46. When I don’t eat junk food and I do drink a lot of water, my acne pretty much goes away.”

47. But to tell the truth, the album makes a pretty good accompaniment for just sitting around and eating junk food.

48. The post This TikTok artist ‘Bedazzles’ junk food — and we’d love some glitter Cheetos, please appeared first on In The Know

49. Someone who is Complacent has become overly content — the junk-food-eating couch potato might be feeling Complacent about his health

50. Cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food.

51. Why You Can’t Stop Eating Junk Food and How to Permanently Break the Cycle of Yo-Yo Dieting, Bingeing, and Starving, Dr

52. What is a startup without bleary-eyed, junk-food-fueled, balls-to-the-wall days and sleepless, caffeine-fueled, relationship-stressing nights?

53. Not surprisingly, the subsidies have manufactured a price inequality that helps junk food undersell nutritious-but-unsubsidized foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.

54. Large-muscle coordination comes from riding bikes and climbing trees, not from watching junk food commercials where other kids play and run.

55. The danger is that a Christian might be tempted to nibble, perhaps secretly, on the same junk food—the movies, videos, or books.

56. Overeating, eating too much of junk food, eating too quickly and not chewing your food properly are some of the most common causes of Acidity.

57. However, when dealing with Conflicting goals, we are not consistent in our choices, indiscriminately hopping between eating junk food and trying to have a healthy lifestyle

58. Only a wrapper for a mint Cornetto is seen at the very end of the film, when the apocalypse has made junk food hard to come by

59. Confessions of a Cyberslacker As it's revealed civil servants waste hours on the internet, one addict admits it's the mental equivalent of eating junk food all day

60. Acidifying JUNK FOOD Beer: pH 2.5 Coca-Cola: pH 2 Coffee: pH 4 ** These foods leave an alkaline ash but have an Acidifying effect on the body

61. Body fat being measured using callipers. Tougher action - including taxing junk food - is needed by all governments if the obesity crisis is going to be tackled, experts say.

62. Caeleb Dressel: Even Olympic champions struggle to resist junk food Binges during lockdown By Coy Wire and Matias Grez, CNN Updated 6:43 AM ET, Mon April 20, 2020

63. Increase/reduce the Consumption of sth a program designed to increase the Consumption of fruit and vegetables by low-income families As a nation , our Consumption of junk food is horrifying

64. Unlike many diets that restrict eating junk food, carb Backloading permits followers to eat typically off-limits foods like cake, donuts, and cheeseburgers, while still helping you lose weight and build muscle.

65. It may sound improbable, given the junk-food associations once attached to the man's name, but few phrases are more bankable to restaurants around the world than this: “Bill Clinton ate here.

66. Read Alienated Now! Digital comics on WEBTOON, Ali's just your average shut in, she likes to stay home, eat junk food, watch horror movies, and avoid interacting with the rest of the populous

67. 25 Mandy heard the details years later from her Aunt Linda, who added odd touches, such as Mandy's growing a tiny potbelly from too much junk food,( since the assignations left her mother no time to cook.

68. Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that now sells kids and their parents everything from junk food and violent video games to bogus educational products and the family car.

69. Catherine Ryan Howard describes herself in "Backpacked" as someone completely unsuited to backpacking -- an unadventurous introvert who loves Starbucks, shopping, and five-star hotels as opposed to slogging through jungle, sleeping in hostels, and living on instant coffee and junk food.