Use "jump-over" in a sentence

1. Jump over adjacent Blobs to the next available spot

2. He saw the boy jump over the fence and run away.

3. Barleycorn stands tall in the background while several small foals stand in line waiting their turn to jump over a low hedge

4. Jumping the rope is a children’s game in which participants jump over a rope as it passes under their feet and then over their heads.

5. 2009, Tim Lindquist, New Super Mario Bros Wii Coin Collector's Guide, page 51: It's not like you wouldn't want to jump over those lava fountains, Amirite?

6. Briskly pulling the bar does not immediately result in a jump over the dunes. When the kite lands on the water or on the ground, relaunch requires no active intervention from the rider.

7. And I think the reason that I was such a terrible student is that I felt like education was just a series of hurdles that had been erected before me, and I had to jump over in order to achieve adulthood.

8. Castlings are (like in traditional chess) only valid if neither the affected king or rook has been moved, or there would be a need to jump over any third piece, or the king would be in chess somewhere from his starting position to his target field (both included)

9. 2 [intransitive] if a horse Balks at a fence, it stops in front of it and refuses to jump over it 3 [intransitive] American English DSB in baseball, to stop in the middle of the action of throwing the ball to the player who is trying to hit it 4 [transitive] formal STOP something THAT IS