Use "judicious" in a sentence

1. It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.

2. We should make judicious use of the resources available to us.

3. Roosevelt solved the difficulty by judicious mixture of courtesy and sternness.

4. Tell your people to be judicious with the door kicking.

5. Toby, leaving a judicious interval, strolled back towards the classrooms.

6. From their judicious distance they watched in silence, with detached interest.

7. You have to be very judicious about how you spend the taxpayers' money.

8. Considered: See: deliberate , intentional , judicious , meticulous , premeditated , prospective , solid , sound , tactical

9. We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man.

10. Secondly, the costs pressure can be greatly increased by a judicious payment into court.

11. Lateral parapatellar approach with judicious detachment of the iliotibial tract from Gerdy's tubercle.

12. "Exegetically intricate, Bibliographically exhaustive, theologically alert, historically judicious and hermeneutically traditional

13. In cases of intermediate probability (10–80%), additional diagnostic assessment is judicious.

14. The discount to the market could be eradicated by some judicious pruning.

15. The key is single variety wines, labelled by grape name, and the judicious use of oak.

16. Some Laboulbeniales even have so-called trigger organs to ensure judicious use of spores.

17. But a judicious combination of methods can effectively control pests for years on end.

18. On the following morning a whisky ration, provided by the judicious forethought of Gen.

19. Synonyms for Advisable include seemly, sensible, appropriate, apt, desirable, expedient, fit, fitting, judicious and politic

20. Some dishes would be very bland without the judicious use of spices and other seasonings.

21. Antonyms for Counterproductive include effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, expedient, operant, ultraefficient, prudent, practical and judicious

22. Antonyms for Bubbleheaded include apt, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, fast, hyperintelligent, intelligent, judicious and keen

23. Yet a judicious use of some survey courses might paradoxically allow more depth in others.

24. 26 Yet a judicious use of some survey courses might paradoxically allow more depth in others.

25. And as for the gawping idiots - haven't you thought how useful a little judicious publicity could be?

26. Originality is nothing by judicious imitation. The most original writers borrowed one from another. Voltaire 

27. A couple of judicious phone calls, and they had a more or less exact location: Eaglesham.

28. 25 Such counsel highlights the need for us to be judicious in the use of our time.

29. About these variances from the book, Mooradian stated, "I think we did a really judicious job of distilling .

30. Alcibiades, the rash, eager young man, proposed the more modest course for the expedition; Nicias, the judicious

31. By judicious use of the more than adequate graphic, a wide variety of sounds can be accessed.

32. We must even be judicious when hiking though the outback, where objects sometimes call out for rescue.

33. By this judicious purchase, the National Library has ensured the preservation of a significant cartographic collection for posterity.

34. Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power.

35. Such amenorrhoea is associated with bone loss, and this can be prevented by the judicious use of cyclical hormones.

36. You must be judicious in your use of personal pronouns and not cast your audience in an undesirable light.

37. Where thick deposits of heat modified oil or fat have accumulated the judicious use of a scraper may be indicated.

38. We seem to be interested in judicious use when we call rewards and punishments just or unjust and fair or unfair.

39. Boosterism is a besetting sin of second cities, even of their most learned and judicious partisans. The Times Literary Supplement (2010)

40. Graham gave us a judicious mixture of archive material of these railway systems and some modern photographs of survivals and restorations.

41. Inflation has decelerated over the past three years and we hope to contain it below 5% through a judicious mix of policy measures.

42. Abruption and in our setting placental Abruptions is a common complication during pregnancy that can be prevented by judicious use of folic acid

43. Do I have to itemize the number of American lives we've saved... in the past 12 months alone with judicious use of surveillance intelligence?

44. Advisable adjective wise, seemly, sound, suggested, fitting, fit, politic, recommended, appropriate, suitable, sensible, proper, profitable, desirable, apt, prudent, expedient, judicious It is Advisable to book your hotel in advance.

45. Being extremely judicious in microwave usage: it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package, we're totally getting in on the bottom side of that.

46. To prevent the Cellarer from becoming arrogant and to be judicious in supporting all others, the Saint offers the greatest attribute of the Cellarer must “Above all, let him be humble.”


48. It must be concluded that the Tower from Top to Bottom and the adjacent parts are such a heap of deformaties that no Judicious Architect will think it Corrigible by

49. The theoretical foundation is in full evolution and allows a judicious choice of the factors affecting the separations: forecasting the duration and the retention temperature by graphic, analytical or normographical methods.

50. Because of the formidable complications, which may be difficult to manage and the difficulty in guaranteeing permanent cure, the best approach is prevention by judicious treatment of acute haematogenous osteomyelitis and of open fractures.

51. Here, we show that by judicious design of nanofins on a surface, it is possible to simultaneously control the phase, group delay and group delay dispersion of light, thereby achieving a transmissive Achromatic metalens with large bandwidth

52. ‘Of all the Chinese revolutionary women, Jiang Jie, or Sister Jiang, is the epitome of perseverance, determination, Carefulness and sacrifice.’ ‘You know, when you read a story now, Michael, you find a little bit more journalistic judicious Carefulness in the presentation of the story.’

53. ‘Of all the Chinese revolutionary women, Jiang Jie, or Sister Jiang, is the epitome of perseverance, determination, Carefulness and sacrifice.’ ‘You know, when you read a story now, Michael, you find a little bit more journalistic judicious Carefulness in the presentation of the story.’

54. Examples of in a sentence At the same time the fears of the more sober and respectable citizens were Allayed by Otho's liberal professions of his intention to govern equitably, and by his judicious clemency towards Marius Celsus, consul-designate, a devoted adherent of Galba.

55. Mr President, perhaps not everyone will agree with me when I say that Macedonia, or FYROM, ought surely to have proceeded somewhat more adroitly and made a more judicious choice of tactics in its policy on diplomatic recognition, but that does not in any way justify the Chinese veto in the UN Security Council.

56. The lowest level of sodium that can be achieved without great difficulty in a nutritionally adequate diet is about 440 mg.(27) (To achieve a level of 200 mg sodium per day, sometimes found to have an antihypertensive effect, salt-free bread and milk have to be used in conjunction with a judicious choice of other foods and absolutely no added salt.)

57. Thus do the Ambulant images of God cloak their shackles proudly, and divert the judicious with their boastful shouts.: At first it occurred to me that it might be an Ambulant dog-kennel, to receive the hounds on their return.: Once with the title stamped on his memory, the zealous Irishman might be trusted to become an Ambulant advertizer.: Thus we describe certain cases as Ambulant, abortive