Use "jinn" in a sentence

1. I'm Qui-Gon Jinn.

2. • “Afreet” means a powerful jinn or demon is Arabian and Muslim mythology

3. Bismillah, along with the Ta’awwudh, is used to fend off supernatural beings like devils and jinn

4. 19 Altis, not unlike the legendary Qui-Gon Jinn, would travel the stars far from Coruscant, following the will of the Force.

5. Afreet in Arabian and Muslim mythology, a powerful jinn or demon; the word is recorded in English from the late 18th century, and comes from Arabic ῾ifrīt

6. Appeasing the Flame/tsw Main Mission : REPEATABLE: Ptahmose says the Jinn have a deep connection to the land and may know something of these tremors and disturbances

7. 14 While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder.

8. Padmé escapes from Naboo with the help of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, but they are forced to land on the desert planet of Tatooine.

9. "Now the tower in which Prince Kamar is confined hap - pens to be haunted by a female Afreet, a supernatural being of the tribes of the jinn," the Computer Narrator contin - ued

10. Accepter obsolete, old-fashioned, out-of-date; unfashionable hers neighbouring rights flying time citovatelnost Autism (Arabian Mythology) genius or demon; genie, jinn, spirit which is often contained in a bottle and can grant wishes (Arabian Folklore) tight rigid necklace mobilized hay ragged poto Insulin antibodies semel et semper granny

11. ‘The ‘get up and go test’ measures mobility and involves timed standing from an Armless chair, walking fast for 10 yards, returning, and sitting down.’ ‘‘Now, let me see,’ Jinn looked up at the directory boards and immediately one of the lead men rushed forward to set a pair of round Armless …

12. The rare appearance of the term `ifrit (feminine `ifritah) in the Qur'an (the sacred scripture of Islam) and in Hadith (eyewitness narratives recounting Muhammad's words, actions, or approbations) is always in the phrase "the Afreet of the jinn" and probably means "rebellious." The word subsequently came to refer to an entire class of formidable, rebellious beings, but, in the confused world

13. Corporal was a military rank in army units.6 It was usually higher than a private or trooper, and lower than a sergeant.source? One OOM-series security droid destroyed by Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi held the rank of corporal within the Trade Federation Droid Army.2 Comet6 and Echo were both clone Corporals of the Republic Military.1 Though Meebur Gascon's rank in the Grand Army of the