Use "jerked" in a sentence

1. Con's body jerked convulsively.

2. His hand jerked spasmodically.

3. The bus jerked to a halt.

4. His arms and legs jerked convulsively.

5. She jerked upright in surprise.

6. She jerked her head up.

7. Eleanor jerked her wrist free.

8. Tom Dawson's body arched and jerked.

9. The muscles of the Duke's face jerked spasmodically.

10. 5 Polly jerked upright, wild-eyed and blinking.

11. The train jerked to a halt.

12. She jerked upwards with the pitchfork.

13. He impatiently jerked his coat off.

14. 22 Polly jerked upright, wild-eyed and blinking.

15. Their bodies jerked up and down, twisting and jumping.

16. 10 He jerked his head backwards and forwards.

17. He jerked the string and the puppet jumped.

18. He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.

19. 4 Jake's head jerked up at the throb of the engine.

20. The bruiser, opening the bag, jerked his head up.

21. Anne began to shriek and jerked her arm away.

22. 1 He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.

23. 10 He grabbed a handful of hair and jerked at it.

24. Wilcox jerked his head to indicate that they should move on.

25. He beat time on the accelerator. The car jerked crazily.

26. Sally Convulsively jerked her hands away, and as quickly restored them

27. He jerked his head, and I was hit by a jarring chill.

28. The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.

29. As he choked, Gazzer's right hand jerked spasmodically behind him, clutching at Simon's jacket.

30. Edward jerked open the door, interposing himself so that they should not stare.

31. Philippa's hand jerked forward anxiously and knocked over the bottle of varnish remover.

32. He let out a cry that convulsed his bulky frame and jerked his arm.

33. The mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner.

34. Marius jerked his head at them in disapproval but I liked their Romany appeal.

35. His torso jerked forward convulsively, and he vomited into the mud and the rain.

36. " Immediately on touching the ground , the aircraft jerked and in a few moments hit something " .

37. I jerked back, tingling with fear, feeling it peel off like a strand of elastoplast.

38. He marched past the dishevelled double bed, jerked open the nearest window, and climbed outside.

39. Under changed circumstances, implicit themes, both justificatory and critical, could be jerked into argumentative explicitness.

40. Look, you skipped, clowned around or otherwise jerked off to every lecture I ever gave.

41. The seaman returned the nod and jerked his head towards the rear of the bridge.

42. Beams of brilliant light jerked across the far wall and, slowly, the bars began to char.

43. She had jerked her head as the butcher had lunged, and he had missed the jugular.

44. 12 He marched past the dishevelled double bed, jerked open the nearest window, and climbed outside.

45. Suddenly remembering the night, she jerked her head around and saw his winged black eyebrows.

46. 15 The all important hip-consciousness of Manchester wholeheartedly jerked to the harsh snap of the Linn Drum.

47. She jerked her head round quickly towards where the Men usually came from and stared fixedly.

48. But then she jerked her horse around savagely, and wheeled off with her escort in pursuit.

49. The soldier woke up with a snort; his head jerked up and he looked at us inquiringly.

50. Merrill's head jerked up, and she dropped her notebook, a rush of blood surging into her face.

51. Before she'd begun to swing up a knee into his groin he jerked her towards him.

52. I listen for the eyes jerked open on pillows, Their dreams washed with sudden ugly petroleum.

53. The boy jerked them in over the gunwale, his father giving an unnecessary push from underneath.

54. 24 A drop of water fell on her bare arm and she jerked, a little bitten-off exclamation.

55. I don't mean to alarm you but I think I just jerked off Lester a little bit.

56. 15 He had a magic touch on the string that jerked its engine into rather terrifying life.

57. Synonyms for Bobbled include bobbed, jogged, nodded, jounced, pumped, seesawed, wagged, dipped, moved up and down and jerked

58. 28 He jerked his hand back as if it had received an electric shock: a cheek nerve had quivered.

59. White trappers and hunters learned from the Indians how to prepare light-weight survival rations like "pemmican" and "jerked" beef.

60. If his body jerked when he was struck again, and fatally, it was no more than an instant's convulsion.

61. He jerked his arms loose and reached for the head trying to blink the searing pain from his eyes.

62. As we dozed off, we heard the sound of approaching footsteps and voices, which jerked us quickly back to life.

63. Jairo was trapped in a frail body that jerked continually, but he could have a bright, solid hope for the future.

64. After a few thrusting minutes Edward gave a strangled cry that seemed to come from deep in his throat and jerked out of her.

65. Philadelphia is most Bountifully provided with fresh water, which is showered and jerked about, and turned on, and poured off, everywhere.

66. Terrified that he would guess her wanton reaction to the heart-stopping touch of his hand, Isabel jerked her head away.

67. Limbs caught and held stiffly in awkward attitudes jerked into life as if an electric current had been applied to them.

68. He had a nervous twitch which jerked at a muscle at the corner of his thin-lipped mouth and a malevolent stare.

69. EARLY WESTERN TRAVELS 1748-1846, VOLUME X VARIOUS Raoul jerked the knife free and swung; it Chunked into the Indian's arm like a meat cleaver.

70. When the kitchen door opened suddenly, they jerked apart and turned guilty faces to Sarah, whose expression made it clear she had seen and Comprehended …

71. ‘The Bedcover over his head was jerked downward and he winced in the bright light that shone through his bedroom's French doors.’ ‘Hastily, I flung the Bedcover to …

72. 1989, Anthony Burgess, Any Old Iron: Then Etheridge poised his baton, jerked an upbeat, and made the violinists speak the low G and A of their Anacrusis

73. " Ben Weatherstaff, " he answered, and then he added with a surly chuckle, " I'm lonely mysel'except when he's with me, " and he jerked his thumb toward the robin.

74. He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.

75. 23 He jerked short before the convent of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.

76. A Clonus occurs when the muscles are stretched, and can be observed in the ankles when the foot is jerked upwards at the ankle, or whilst trying to hold the muscles still

77. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English convulsive con‧vul‧sive / kənˈvʌlsɪv / adjective [usually before noun] VIOLENT a convulsive movement or action is sudden, violent, and impossible to control a convulsive sob — Convulsively adverb Con’s body jerked Convulsively.