Use "jeopardising" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Adventuring include venturing, braving, risking, daring, imperilling, imperiling, jeopardising, jeopardizing, endangering and gambling

2. The envisaged acceleration of public investment risks jeopardising further fiscal consolidation and macroeconomic stability.

3. These plans should address situations jeopardising pedestrian safety and seek to avoid conflicts between different transport modes

4. But he knew it was vital to remember that the evil men who were jeopardising civilisation were also risible little twerps.

5. We want to mobilise and coordinate all the Union's current sources of funding and explore possible alternatives, without jeopardising Member States' budget stability.

6. To help achieve this reduction, they replaced current cross-wind and slipstream tests with new options without jeopardising safety and introduced virtual testing for validating head pressure pulse loads and cross-wind aerodynamic loads.

7. It is clear to the Committee that, in order for maritime transport to be an attractive alternative to other forms of transport, efforts need to be made to reduce customs formalities and red tape, without however jeopardising safety or security.