Use "jeeves" in a sentence

1. Jeeves is Lord Rowcester's butler for the length of Ring for Jeeves.

2. Jeeves came out of his lair.

3. Jeeves was standing on the horizon, looking devilish brainy.

4. " Sir? " There was Jeeves, standing behind me, full of zeal.

5. Jeeves is the fool who suggested the scheme that has led ---- "

6. " Jeeves, " I said, " haven't you any scheme up your sleeve for coping with this blighter? "

7. Jeeves is a tallish man, with one of those dark, shrewd faces.

8. There is no doubt that Jeeves is in a class of his own.

9. Jeeves floated silently into the dining - room and began to lay the breakfast- table.

10. Of course Jeeves would disapprove: but then he is a hard man to please.

11. " Jeeves, " I said, " now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.

12. Wodehouse's story "Jeeves Makes an Omelette," in which Bertie Wooster muses to himself on the abominable problem of Auntly relations:

13. Do you suspect Mr. Bickersteth would suspect anything, Jeeves, if I made it up to five hundred? " " I fancy not, sir.

14. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing, chapter V: “What makes you think that?” I asked, handkerchiefing my upper slopes, which had become considerably Bedewed

15. I jumped backward with a loud yell of anguish, and tumbled out into the hall just as Jeeves came out of his den to see what the matter was.

16. (originally known as Ask Jeeves) is a question answering–focused e-business founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in Berkeley, California.

17. PG Wodehouse's creation Blithered about the place, dropping appalling social gaffes, getting into scrapes with gals and forever being fished out of the soup by his butler, Jeeves

18. Upon my word, I can't give you a better idea of the shattering effect of Corky's uncle Alexander when in action than by saying that he had absolutely made me forget for the moment that Jeeves was there.

19. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing, chapter X: I pressed the button and he appeared, giving me, as he entered, the sort of Conspiratorial glance the acting secretary of a secret society would have given a friend on the