Use "jaywalk" in a sentence

1. Don't jaywalk here. You'll be fined.

2. It's dangerous if you take a jaywalk.

3. You jaywalk streets that locals don't even dare to.

4. It is not uncommon for people to jaywalk.

5. Don't jaywalk, or there will be a jam!

6. If you jaywalk, you could easily get hit by the car.

7. Don't jaywalk. Go down to the intersection and cross at the zebra crossing.

8. Pedestrians have to travel farther to cross the street legally unless they want to jaywalk.

9. Angelenos can be spotted a mile away in other locales, waiting for the walk sign while locals jaywalk with abandon

10. When we are traveling outside, obey traffic rules. Do not jaywalk. Obey public order, protect the environment. Do not discard your trash randomly.