Use "jammers" in a sentence

1. As their name states, N-Jammer Cancellers are devices used to negate the effects of Neutron Jammers

2. Examples: Hacking services, stealing cable, radar jammers, changing traffic signals, phone or wire-tapping.

3. Advertising is not permitted for radar jammers, license plate covers, traffic signal changers, and related products.

4. While radar detectors are allowed in most countries, radar jammers and other law-evading products aren't allowed.

5. B.4: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) jammers, GNSS-band signal generators, GNSS waveform/code simulators or GNSS receiver test equipment.

6. Bombaster Feedback References Reputation my story and a little from the past The types of detachers and anti-theft tags about the difference between detachers №1,2,3 The history of the development of anti-theft jammers about who I am and why I am engaged in the development of jammers

7. When activated, the Canceller creates a small field which blocks the effects of the N-Jammers, allowing nuclear reactors or weapons to work

8. Examples include the creation of false documents such as passports or diplomas, aids to pass drug tests, exam-taking services, hacking services, radar jammers, phone or wire-tapping, or stealing cable.