Use "ivory tower" in a sentence

1. Oh, you have been living in an ivory tower, haven't you?

2. 7:4 —Why does Solomon liken the neck of the Shulammite maiden to “an ivory tower”?

3. For heaven's sake, you've been breathing the rarefied air of the ivory tower for as long as I can remember.

4. But for 30 years, the power of genetic analysis has been confined to the ivory tower, or bigwig PhD scientist work.

5. The Anarchs cannot offer the same safety to Kindred as a whole as the Camarilla do, so players might find themselves rooting for the Ivory Tower

6. Never just an ivory tower, or a monument, the Campanile is a trusty landmark, a familiar friend, a treasure trove of history, a music box, a guardian, a solace and a thing of great beauty

7. Anya Kamenetz: Credentialism and Higher Ed I'd read Ivory Tower Blues, by James Côté and Anton Allahar, two professors at the University of Western Ontario who had chronicled what they dubbed the crisis of " Credentialism " at Canadian and American schools.