Use "it will do" in a sentence

1. Drink down. It will do you good.

2. It will do that every so often on your birthday.

3. Don't dangle the lights before me. It will do harm to my eyes.

4. "Give me something to write with." "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do."

5. When you machine Baste, set your machine to the longest stitch length it will do

6. 28 Even if it is simply a walk in nature, it will do wonders for your bonding.

7. It will do this by lining them, piping water underground and, in extreme cases, revoking abstraction licences.

8. 25 It now looks as though it will do the same for them in plastic sea kayak design.

9. The right step is for the Select Committee on Catering to consider the proposals, as it will do shortly.

10. It will do no good at all if it leaves you fuming internally for the rest of the day.

11. Cyberpunk 2077’s second major update is coming, here’s some of what it will do to fix the game

12. You should never run a one-liner outright; always print out what it will do before you actually run the command.

13. Curl sends this Expect: header by default if the POST it will do is known or suspected to be larger than just minuscule

14. I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness.

15. I tell thee, dear child, open thy heart to the pain, and it will do thee more good than if thou wert full of feeling and devoutness. --Tauler.

16. It will do so by providing any information that may be useful, including information it has accumulated during its own assessment of the operations of the legislation, as required in section 42 of the Act.

17. Only a Beholder encountered outside its lair (it does have to feed from time to time) and under no obligation to stay put will flee from combat, and it will do so after taking a relatively modest

18. And to be short in this matter of thy telling of another of his faults, I say, that when thou Conceivest that it will do him good (namely, in his soul) thou mayest tell him thy mind, if thou hast opportunity, and if he is likely to take it well

19. Preparing for the opening of our store and busily stocking the shelves with British foods, beverages, books, vinyl and gift items has helped to fill that void, as we hope it will do for fellow ex-pats, Anglophiles, and all who enter our doors hoping for a unique, authentic shopping experience.