Use "isotope" in a sentence

1. The isotope decays predictably.

2. Actinide Isotope Signatures - Research Scientist

3. The 8th International Clumped Isotope Workshop

4. Combustion pretreatment-isotope dilution mass spectrometry

5. The presence of the radioactive isotope rhenium-187 and its daughter isotope osmium-187 provides a useful geochronologic dating technique.

6. The most common isotope is Americium-241.

7. Berkelium's most stable isotope, Berkelium-247, has a

8. Carbon 14 is a common isotope of carbon

9. Facts about Caesium 2: the stable isotope

10. Glass with artificial isotope ratio for optical wave guides

11. An analogue to mineral chronometry is O isotope geothermometry.

12. Caesium-133 is considered as the only stable isotope

13. Such species form the basis of carbonate Clumped‐isotope

14. There is also a section on isotope dilution analysis.

15. Isotope gastric emptying studies may be useful in clinical practice.

16. Sleepy's reading radionuclides, but they don't match any known isotope.

17. The most abundant isotope of hydrogen, H with atomic mass

18. Each `bullet' is an alpha particle emitted by a radioactive isotope.

19. Curium is undoubtedly the most problematic isotope for manufacturing plants

20. The process yielded the isotope Californium-245 which has a …

21. Carbonate Clumped isotope (Δ47) is a new and reliable geothermometer

22. So we're actually measuring each isotope as a different one.

23. In one path, the 40K decays to a calcium isotope, 40Ca.

24. All Authigenic carbonates are depleted in heavy carbon isotope 13С and …

25. The geochemistry of multiply substituted isotopologues (‘Clumped‐isotope’ geochemistry) examines the abundances in natural materials of molecules, formula units or moieties that contain more than one rare isotope (e.g

26. Americium-241 is the only isotope of Americium of any practical interest

27. Key words: hydration, isotope shift, bifunctional, cooperativity, cyclic mechanism, ab initio, SCRF

28. The Copernicium 285 isotope comes with a half life of 28 seconds

29. There are differences between natural and adulterated juices in stable isotope ratio.

30. The isotope U-235 is unstable, decaying by a process called spontaneous fission.

31. The most stable isotope of Americium has a half-life of 7,370 years

32. The final product of the decay of Astatine is an isotope of lead

33. The isotope U-235 is unstable, decaying by a process called spontaneous fission.Sentencedict

34. Actinium's most stable isotope, Actinium-227, has a half-life of 21

35. Magnox reactors produce plutonium containing about 75 percent of plutonium 239 isotope.

36. And then for fir, I injected the stable isotope carbon-13 carbon dioxide gas.

37. Requiring the isotope tritium to fuel his reactor, Octavius visits Harry to demand it.

38. The most commonly used spontaneous fission neutron source is the radioactive isotope Californium-252.

39. Smart SAGA™ (Specular Apertured Grazing Angle) Accessory Related applications: Spectroscopy Elemental Isotope Analysis

40. We bombarded a mass of plutonium with titanium ions... thereby creating a new isotope.

41. Isotope separation occurred in the uranium hexafluoride gas between the nickel and copper pipes.

42. A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.

43. Its isotope # emitted radioactive alpha rays, and its concentration that was # times more readily internalized

44. A preferred embodiment stablizes the actinide deuteride nuclear fuel element from hydrogen isotope de-loading.

45. Rats, when injected with an isotope of Curium, was observed to develop skeletal cancer.

46. T1 - Lead isotope systematics in Batholithic rocks of the Western and Coastal Cordilleras, Peru

47. Americium's most stable isotope, Americium-243, has a half-life of about 7,370 years

48. This produced isotope Americium-241, which has a half-life of this is 432 years.

49. Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay.

50. As well as decaying naturally to a stable lead isotope, U occasionally also divides in half.

51. The shortest-lived isotope is helium-5 with a half-life of 7.6×10−22 seconds.

52. Notes on the properties of Copernicium: Atomic Mass: Atomic mass number given for longest lived isotope

53. The longest-lived radioactive isotope is 36 Cl, which has a half-life of 301,000 years

54. Key words: hydration, reaction mechanism, co-operativity, general acid catalysis, ab initio, SCRF, 18O-isotope shift.

55. (g) the isotopic composition of plutonium, including its decay isotope americium-241, and reference dates.

56. Aiding his efforts was an improved method for dating rock known as uranium-lead isotope analysis.

57. Uranium has two radioactive isotopes, each of which decays to an isotope of lead and helium.

58. The variables that we propose to test are stable isotope ratios (carbon, nitrogen), fatty acids and glycogen.

59. An isotope production system that includes a cyclotron having a magnet yoke that surrounds an acceleration chamber.

60. In 1934 Marie Curie's daughter (Irène Joliot-Curie) and son-in-law (Frédéric Joliot-Curie) were the first to create artificial radioactivity: they bombarded boron with alpha particles to make the neutron-poor isotope nitrogen-13; this isotope emitted positrons.

61. Endogenic carbonates in lake sediments are good archives to reconstruct lake water temperature using Clumped isotope thermometry

62. Based on these isotope data a model on unconformity related barite deposits is discussed for this area.

63. Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for atomic vapour “laser” isotope separation process (AVLIS), as follows:

64. 90Y exists in equilibrium with its parent isotope strontium-90, which is a product of nuclear fission.

65. 241 Am is the most common isotope of Americium as well as the most prevalent isotope of Americium in nuclear waste.It is commonly found in ionization type smoke detectors and is a potential fuel for long-lifetime radioisotope thermoelectric generators

66. ‘To determine the stable isotope composition of Authigenic cements with a high spatial resolution, samples for stable isotope analyses were taken from polished slabs using a hand-held microdrill.’ ‘Later, Authigenic quartz was precipitated and carbonate phases were partly silicified.’

67. Derives algorithms describing the properties of ion collectors and electrometers and adapts for precise correction of isotope ratios.

68. She became Division Leader of the Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Division (Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Division) in 1979.

69. 21 In addition, carbon and nitrogen isotope and its ratio was important indicator in the riverine biogeochemistry study.

70. This produced atoms of Copernicium-277, an isotope with a half-life of about 0.24 milliseconds (0.00024 seconds).

71. Its isotope U-235 emitted radioactive alpha rays, and its concentration that was 100,000 times more readily internalized.

72. The isotope 191Ir was the first one of any element to be shown to present a Mössbauer effect.

73. Actinon definition, a chemically inert, gaseous, short-lived isotope of radon that is a member of the actinium series

74. Medical definition of Actinon: a gaseous radioactive isotope of radon that has a half-life of about four seconds.

75. A stable isotope of potassium, 9K, is converted to 39Ar by neutron bombardment of the sample to be dated.

76. The lunar surface also contains the light isotope helium- which is implanted in the surface by the solar wind.

77. Isotopes: Copernicium has one isotope whose half-live is known, 277 Cn, with a half-life of 0.24 milliseconds.

78. Non - invasive tests such as a treadmill , 2 - D echocardi - ography ( with doppler ) , ambulatory monitoring and radio isotope studies .

79. Autoradiograph: An image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen, such as a section of tissue, that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope.

80. Californium-252, an isotope with a half-life of about 2.6 years, is a very strong neutron source