Use "isotherms" in a sentence

1. Tier #-Adsorption isotherms and desorption kinetics/desorption isotherms

2. Adsorption isotherms

3. Results from the adsorption isotherms experiment

4. Graphical representations of adsorption isotherms are provided

5. Equilibrium adsorption data obeyed both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.

6. Isotherms connect locations that have the same temperature.

7. The force-area isotherms show real-gas and liquid analogous states.

8. Adsorption isotherms in all three cases follow the Langmuir equation.

9. Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms on the calcined samples have been measured.

10. Adsorption–desorption isotherms and isothermal calorimetric heats of adsorption were measured.

11. This feature is also pointed out with water vapour desorption and adsorption isotherms.

12. From the adsorption isotherms we computed the thermodynamic adsorption parameters according toFrumkin andDamaskin.

13. Key words: adsorption, Cr(VI), batch studies, tamarind seeds, kinetics, isotherms, wastewater.

14. This conclusion is supported by adsorption isotherms, cryoscopic, infra-red and deflocculation tests.

15. Sulfur dioxide adsorption isotherms on all gels at 423 °K obeyed the Langmuir equation.

16. Adsorption isotherms of the Adsorbates delineate the nature of binding of the Adsorbate with silica

17. The parameters of theFrumkin and virial isotherms were determined in the range of strong adsorption potentials.

18. It was proved that the partial adsorbed quantities can be calculated from the individual adsorption isotherms.

19. The maximum adsorption capacity of sawdust for Pb++ and Ni++ were calculated from the Langmuir isotherms.

20. The equilibrium nature of humic acid adsorption was described by the Langmuir, Freundlich and BET isotherms.

21. Methylene blue (Cl−) dye adsorption isotherms were measured on these three minerals prepared in the sodium form.

22. The adsorption isotherms, and resulting thermodynamics, for both adsorbates were similar over the entire pressure range studied.

23. In first approximation the equilibrium isotherms are verified by taking off the acids from the 6-polyamide.

24. The ultimate in favorable isotherms is irrevers-ible Adsorption, where maximum Adsorption is reached at very low partial pressures

25. Determination of Freundlich adsorption isotherms to determine the influence of concentration on the extent of adsorption on soils

26. Six sulfur hexafluoride isotherms for temperatures between 0.0018 K and 0.0281 K above the critical temperature are plotted.

27. The dynamic gas chromatography step profile method was used to determine isotherms of adsorption and desorption from the TG curve.

28. In the systems acetanilid:2,4-dinitrophenol; azobenzene:benzil; and anesthesin: benzil, the isotherms of the crystallization velocity with undercooling were determined.

29. The theoretical multilayer adsorption isotherms corresponding to these models have been calculated for differing degrees of mobility of the first layer.

30. Moisture adsorption isotherms show low equilibrium moisture content in esterified wood at all relative humidity values as compared to a control.

31. The NIST/ARPE-E Database of Novel and Emerging Adsorbent Materials is a catalog of adsorption measurements, including isotherms for offline analysis

32. Sorption experimentsPhysisorption experiments were done on an ASAP 2100 physisorption apparatus to obtain isotherms of N2 adsorption and BET surface areas of the samples.

33. For equal ranges of wood moisture, swelling is not constant; after desorption swelling is higher than during adsorption; hysteresis occurs, as is the case for sorption isotherms.

34. The isotherms are straight and vertical, isobars are straight and horizontal and dry adiabats are also straight and have a 45 degree inclination to the left while moist adiabats are curved.

35. It is explained how the classical model of the structure of hardened Portland cement paste was deduced by T.C. Powers and coworkers from data on water vapor adsorption isotherms.

36. The objective of this study was to compare the adsorption behavior of arsenite and Arsenate on ferrihydrite, under carefully controlled conditions, with regard to adsorption kinetics, adsorption isotherms, and the influence of

37. Once a map has a field of station models plotted, the analyzing isobars (lines of equal pressure), isallobars (lines of equal pressure change), isotherms (lines of equal temperature), and isotachs (lines of equal wind speed) are drawn.

38. The altitude of 600 to 800 m, which circumscribes the distribution area of the tropical rain forest in San Luis Potosí toward the mountains, coincides apparently with 20°C mean annual and 0°C absolute minimum isotherms.

39. The mutual exchange of adiabats and isotherms, the transformation of circular into rectangular arrangements and the possibility of symmetric subdivision of geometries extends the applicability of the results to a variety of geometries. — Comparison of experimentally determined shape factors with calculated yields differences of±6% at the most.