Use "involuntary" in a sentence

1. She gave an involuntary shudder.

2. He gave an involuntary smile.

3. Involuntary picking at Bedclothes, seen esp

4. I let out an involuntary gasp.

5. Coprolalia (/ˌkɒprəˈleɪliə/) is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks

6. My stomach gave an involuntary lurch.

7. Bawlen was charged with involuntary manslaughter

8. You may be an involuntary Celibate

9. Javion Bawlen is charged with involuntary manslaughter

10. Muscle rigidity, involuntary grasping and sucking motions.

11. Involuntary repatriation of Haitians began this week.

12. • Women constitute the majority of involuntary part-timers.

13. Well, Ritalin maybe explains some tics, some involuntary...

14. United: Involuntary Bumpings are down 85% since Dr

15. I gasped and took an involuntary step backwards.

16. Absence of mind is altogether an involuntary thing.

17. Blepharospasm: The involuntary, forcible closure of the eyelids

18. Laughter and tears are both involuntary human reactions,

19. United: Involuntary Bumpings are down 85% since Dr

20. Blepharospasm is an involuntary spasmodic closure of the eyes

21. 2 Clonic refers to repetitive rhythmical involuntary muscle contractions.

22. 10 Stupor with involuntary discharge of faeces and urine.

23. Incels, or “involuntary Celibates," are a hate group

24. Blepharospasm refers to excessive involuntary closure of the eyelids

25. Bedwetting is an involuntary release of urine during sleep

26. Aftershocks are involuntary muscle contractions which occur after orgasm

27. Automatic definition is - largely or wholly involuntary; especially : reflex

28. An Ascribed status is involuntary, something we cannot choose

29. With an involuntary yell of alarm, she tumbled forward.

30. Convulsive epilepsy: Seizures involve the entire body and are involuntary

31. Bruxism is the involuntary gnashing, grinding, or clenching of teeth

32. The term “Automatism” refers to involuntary or un-conscious behavior

33. An involuntary cry escaped her as he entered the room.

34. Involuntary Bumpings on United Airlines flights down 85% since Dr

35. Blepharospasm is an involuntary blinking or spasm of the eyelids

36. These early smiles are known as reflex, or involuntary, smiles.

37. Athetosis is a movement dysfunction. It’s characterized by involuntary writhing movements

38. The word dystonia describes abnormal involuntary sustained muscle contractions and spasms.

39. Brainstem reflexes are involuntary responses to stimuli mediated by the Brainstem

40. Belief is involuntary; nothing involuntary is meritorious or reprehensible. A man ought not to be considered worse or better for his belief. Percy Bysshe Shelley 

41. Athetosis is a continuous stream of slow, flowing, writhing involuntary movements

42. I jumped, a small, involuntary hop in place, my heart pounding.

43. Cull rates are divided into two categories – voluntary and involuntary Culling

44. Cramp definition is - a painful involuntary spasmodic contraction of a muscle

45. Athetosis is a continuous stream of slow, flowing, writhing involuntary movements

46. December 1989 start of involuntary repatriation of boat people p. 37

47. Athetosis is a condition in which a person experiences involuntary writing movements

48. She gasped, swallowed a mouthful of rain, and gave an involuntary chuckle.

49. 4 Belief is involuntary; nothing involuntary is meritorious or reprehensible. A man ought not to be considered worse or better for his belief. Percy Bysshe Shelley 

50. SWA declined to say how much it will pay to avoid involuntary Bumpings

51. Nocturnal enuresis or Bedwetting is the involuntary release of urine during sleep

52. Blepharospasm is the term used to describe involuntary movements of the eyelids

53. Conscription is a term used to describe involuntary enlistment into military service

54. Facial Blushing is an involuntary reddening of the face due to embarrassment or stress

55. Athetosis is a peculiar involuntary movement resulting from pathologic involvement of the basal ganglia

56. These involuntary immigrants brought with them an impressive array of talents and skills.

57. Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) Instructions: Complete the examination procedure before making ratings

58. Muscle Cramps Muscle Cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions that occur in various muscles

59. Automatism definition, the action or condition of being automatic; mechanical or involuntary action

60. The report references the involuntary sterilization of a number of specific population groups.

61. Automatisms consist of involuntary but coordinated movements that tend to be purposeless and repetitive

62. Clincher The involuntary long term contraction of your O-ring after being kicked really hard

63. Passing an amendment to end slavery and actually banishing involuntary servitude are two different things.

64. In 2007, I did a rather involuntary capsize drill three times in 24 hours.

65. Baser treats patients with Parkinson’s disease, tremor, dystonia, Huntington’s chorea, involuntary movements, and chorea

66. Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.

67. The water was hotter than she had expected, and she gave an involuntary yelp.

68. The distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is blurred and may affect women disproportionately.

69. Leg Cramps are sudden, involuntary, intense muscle pains usually in your calf, foot, or thigh

70. Led the pack with 731 involuntary Bumpings, a rate of more than 125 per million

71. It is clearly imperative to arrive at a correct diagnosis of the origins of involuntary unemployment.

72. Prosecutors have said that possible charges include negligent homicide, involuntary manslaughter and second-degree murder.

73. Clonus is an involuntary tendon reflex that causes repeated flexion and extension of the foot

74. Blepharospasm is a focal dystonia characterized by increased blinking and involuntary closing of the eyes

75. 16 Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.

76. A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.

77. 🔊 Al was Benighted after his stroke and had to relearn most of his involuntary actions

78. Bruxism consists of an involuntary, aimless, repetitive, steteotyped oral activity characterized by teeth clenching or grinding

79. Javio Bawlen was charged with involuntary manslaughter and is being held at the Franklin County Jail.

80. Athetosis is a symptom of a brain disorder that causes repetitive, slow, and involuntary muscle movements