Use "invoke" in a sentence

1. I invoke the sword unbreakable!

2. Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard

3. Whom did the man Jesus invoke?

4. Both sides invoke their devotion to children.

5. This command will invoke the HELP system.

6. Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.

7. Means to invoke both, service provider and service requester.

8. 52 I advisedly use the neutral vocabulary of ‘invoke’ here.

9. Instead of a fitness indicator, scientists invoke a handicap principle.

10. You invoke the basic, primeval instincts inherent in all animals.

11. In practice it has never had to invoke this law.

12. End users perforce learned how to invoke applications via commands.

13. Invoking Auto-Type: There are three different methods to invoke Auto-type: Invoke Auto-type for an entry by using the context menu command Perform Auto-Type while the entry is selected

14. To invoke divine favor upon: The bishop Blessed the fishing fleet

15. To invoke a function Asynchronously, set the invocation type parameter to

16. We know someone who murders by drowning wants to invoke fear.

17. Cabinet is assembling with the vice president to invoke the 25th.

18. Alternatively, you can select the database on the command line when you invoke mysql .

19. Advocates of greater welfare spending invoke the social state obligation imposed by the Constitution.

20. And one does expect more purity from people who invoke lofty ideals.

21. By Anagrammatical, I invoke Christina Sharpe’s understanding of how Blackness singularly “exists

22. 12 Green poison,[] invoke the sorcery of green fatal poisonous gas.

23. An Appeaser can invoke only a single mollified domain at a time

24. Invoke a crisper, Breathier version of the classic Black Beauty body and attack

25. As we will see, it also does not instruct us to invoke them.

26. Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

27. Alternatively, a hard-pressed sector may seek to persuade its government to invoke anti-dumping measures.

28. 2 Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

29. The definition of Appall means to invoke feelings of offense, surprise, fear or terror

30. 3 Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.

31. To invoke Cloture, a senator must file a motion signed by at least sixteen members.

32. Beshrew (Verb) To invoke or wish evil upon; to curse. Etymology: From Beshrewen, equivalent to.

33. Synonyms for Adjure include order, charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct, bid, tell, beg and invoke

34. Agiel has the ability to invoke spirits that live in the firmament of the earth

35. I could not help her directly but only invoke the greatest power we eagles have.

36. Physics is the study of simple things that do not tempt us to invoke design.

37. The act provided that federal courts and officials could invoke army aid for its enforcement.

38. Music is used during bembés, or ceremonies in which drums are beaten to invoke the deities.

39. When discussing photography, one can no longer invoke the notion of proof, let alone concrete proof.

40. Is the dispute resolution procedure invoked? 3 Who can invoke the dispute resolution procedure and how?

41. Both acts implied that bodily affliction or the shedding of blood can invoke a god’s favor.

42. One need not invoke the authority of the law over the defamer to justify such action.

43. In c#, Constructor is a method which will invoke automatically whenever an instance of class or struct is created

44. The governors of one school said they might invoke opting-out procedure to avoid the school's becoming co-educational.

45. He must have been very bitter and ready to invoke any means to attain his ends.

46. In Mythologies Barthes discusses advertisements for Omo and Persil in terms of the connotations they invoke.

47. Both he and Wilkins were able to invoke past precedent for their concepts of biblical accommodation.

48. The MBR sector may contain code to locate the active partition and invoke its Volume Boot Record.

49. The user must write software to set up the appropriate input parameters and invoke the required procedure.

50. This minority resorts to the Senate rule requiring a three-fifths vote — 60 votes — to close (invoke cloture on) debate.

51. But like the movie mummies who invoke the malediction, the legend of the mummy's curse seems destined never to die.

52. Under Senate rules, it takes 60 votes to invoke cloture and usher a bill to a vote.

53. Alp saliva can make one fall asleep, and when applied to a sleeping man, can invoke horrible nightmares

54. Musically, Amplexus invoke strong, prominent melodies, weaving 3 part vocal harmonies, counterpoint, and impassioned hooks that demand attention

55. 's SMS Gateway can be accessed via HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST or SOAP protocols to invoke methods exposed.

56. Most innovators in art invoke realism as a justification for a mode of writing which is primarily literary.

57. You could argue that to invoke Sputnik is merely to say that America needs to wake up and take remedial action.

58. Every single Invoke card that isn’t targeted, like Spacey Sketcher, Solari Priestess, or Aurelion Sol, is completely dependent on how the mechanic works, so we are just going to talk about what the Celestial pool looks like and how the Invoke mechanic functions

59. Consequently, the British attempted to invoke several treaties for outright Dutch military support, but the Republic still refused.

60. This is the only branch of service with an emblem that does not invoke the rayed Imperial Standard.

61. It is a simple extension of that approach to then use methods to invoke pieces of procedure and function.

62. The Aesir also invoke the god Buri in expletives, who in Norse mythology gave rise to the other gods.

63. Whether we invoke him, or revere him, or simply live in fear of him, this deity is always dangerous.

64. Thereafter they learnt to invoke the name of the head of the secret police when dealing with obdurate local officials.

65. Where a group of senators and members of Congress are talking about how to invoke the 25th Amendment to yank Trump from the

66. Although the upper house may reject it again, the Government can now invoke the Parliament Act to force the measure through.

67. Clouds are a powerful Logo, conjuring imagery of dreams, creativity and playfulness. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess .

68. Coprocessors can optionally implement a 'MapReduce' interface which clients will be able to invoke concurrently on all regions of the table

69. An aggrieved party can also invoke the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 136 of the Constitution against any order .

70. In order to invoke the rule against prior restraint, the defendant must state on affidavit his intention to justify the allegation.

71. (725) 288-6138 Anabaptistically Than never had luck giving these story its self out! 822-788-1857 Now invoke this mojo

72. Anathemise - wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child" anathemize, bedamn, beshrew, damn, imprecate, maledict, curse bring up, call down, conjure, conjure up, invoke, call forth, put forward, arouse, evoke, stir, raise - summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of

73. The Churchlands often invoke the fate of other, erroneous popular theories and ontologies that have arisen in the course of history.

74. In addition to any statutory rights of appeal[sentencedict .com], there may be a right to invoke the inherent supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court.

75. Two experiments were conducted to examine the hypothesis that learning By analogy will invoke characteristics of an implicit mode of motor learning

76. My boyfriend and I invented a mocking noise we invoke when one of us realizes our Bickering has gotten out of control

77. Anathemise definition: wish harm upon; invoke evil upon synonyms: put forward, damn, call forth, call down, stir, conjure, raise, bring up, maledict, arouse

78. A rain dance is a ceremonial dance that is performed in order to invoke rain and to ensure the protection of the harvest.

79. To do so, invoke Autoroute-create.php with the base namespace, the directory for that namespace, the HTTP verb, and the URL path with parameter token placeholders.

80. It is not in order, except by unanimous consent, to invoke Cloture on a bill before the Senate has agreed to consider it