Use "investment in infrastructure" in a sentence

1. Our strategy for growth involves heavy investment in infrastructure.

2. Investment in infrastructure expands aggregate demand, and generates employment and growth in the short run.

3. Sufficient investment in infrastructure is needed as well as open access to networks and other infrastructure

4. priority is given to encourage investment in infrastructure and strategies to improve access to new ICT

5. whereas investment in infrastructure and access to skills remain key challenges to connectivity and, therefore, digital trade;

6. We have made unprecedented increases in capital investment in infrastructure, covering railways, highways, power, and gas pipelines.

7. We are acutely aware that the achievement of objectives will require tremendous efforts for resource mobilization, investment in infrastructure, improved allocative efficiency of resources, investment in social sectors and people’s participation.

8. Economic water scarcity is caused by a lack of investment in infrastructure or technology to draw water from rivers, aquifers or other water sources, or insufficient human capacity to satisfy the demand for water.

9. At the core of effective water-management strategies will be improved planning for water-resource allocation, the adoption of incentives to increase efficiency, investment in infrastructure for improved water security, and better urban planning, risk management, and citizen engagement.

10. The Latin American experience demonstrated that macroeconomic policies that focused too narrowly on the fight against inflation and attracting capital flows were unable to generate sufficiently high tares of domestic investment, and that investment in infrastructure and strengthening of domestic institutions were essential.

11. To conclude, I hope that the valuable compromise reached between the groups on such an agonising issue can garner the widest consensus in Parliament and that the adoption of the joint resolution will bring forth concrete action from all of our institutions and nations, as well as adequate investment in infrastructure and transport, medical equipment, training for equipment operators, education, safety and policies for the emancipation of women, so that this crucial goal for civilisation can be reached by 2015.