Use "investment in foreign currency" in a sentence

1. Foreign currency demand deposit and foreign currency deposit.

2. Current accounts. liabilities under repo transactions; usually investment transactions using foreign currency assets or gold

3. Foreign investment

4. Foreign currency rates of exchange may adversely affect the value, price or income of any security or investment mentioned in this report.

5. This trade in foreign currency is perfectly legal.

6. She had £50in foreign currency.

7. Foreign currency option contracts were introduced in 19

8. So, it is not investment in terms of foreign direct investment.

9. "Foreign Direct Investment - FDI".

10. Borrowing in foreign currency is often preferred, as it is cheaper than Borrowing in local currency

11. PM: We need foreign investment both portfolio investment and direct investment.

12. Foreign investment in Paraguay nearly disappeared in 2002.

13. Some of the hotels accept foreign currency.

14. She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.

15. Foreign direct investment increased steadily.

16. 28 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.

17. 4 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.

18. What is a Brownfield Investment? In economics, a Brownfield investment (BI) is a type of foreign direct investment (FDI) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment from a party in one country into a business or corporation in another country with the intention of establishing a lasting interest

19. Calculate live Currency and foreign exchange rates with the free Xe Currency Converter

20. Calculate live currency and foreign exChange rates with the free Xe Currency Converter

21. Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with the free Xe Currency Converter

22. Foreign investment and management have been welcomed in Botswana.

23. Support private investment in Africa, both domestic and foreign.

24. 3 She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.

25. Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner.

26. In 2006, China received $69.47 billion in foreign direct investment.

27. Mint Coins & foreign currency? has it

28. Taking account of the accrued interest in the foreign currency positions

29. He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.

30. The bank can supply you with foreign currency .

31. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily.

32. Amendments to the investment law passed in 1996 removed virtually all restrictions on foreign investment.

33. Ordinary Belarusians, scarred by previous currency devaluations, have flocked to banks to withdraw foreign currency

34. Singapore saw a drop in exports , and Poland in foreign investment . "

35. South Carolina also benefits from foreign investment.

36. The currency reform was closely linked to foreign trade.

37. 10 The bank can supply you with foreign currency .

38. Many industries have a large foreign investment.

39. Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.

40. 13 He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.

41. • the sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment have turned positive.

42. • The sentiments for private investment and inflow of foreign investment have turned positive.

43. The 2012 investment law opened the country to foreign investment allowing foreign investors to gain full ownership of an Andorran business

44. The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.

45. Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned.

46. In order to combat inflation, the government imposed strict controls on foreign currency.

47. The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.

48. Adjusted factors for currency risk where the local and the foreign currency are pegged to the euro

49. Foreign fixed asset investment was 34.3 billion RMB.

50. PS930m bank charges; Traders Colluded to rig foreign currency markets

51. 1 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

52. 11 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

53. One is by discouraging foreign direct investment ( FDI ).

54. Foreign direct investment is unaffected by the tax.

55. World Banknotes - 50 Banknotes Different Foreign, Currency, Uncirculated, History Rare

56. It is the principal export product and brings in much sorely needed foreign currency.

57. It will be the single largest Foreign Direct Investment project in India.

58. But, the real action appears to be in foreign direct investment ( FDI ).

59. Convertibility The state of or the ease with which a currency may be exchanged for a foreign currency

60. Foreign direct investment has poured into Africa in the last 15 years.

61. Current account Convertibility means freedom to convert domestic currency into foreign currency and vice versa to execute trade in goods and invisibles

62. Speaker, foreign direct investment currently accounts for one in ten jobs in Canada

63. When a central bank buys a surplus of foreign currency it exchanges it for domestic currency, here Deutschmarks.

64. View foreign exchange rates and use our Currency exchange rate calculator for more than 30 foreign currencies.

65. Convertibility The state of or the ease with which a currency may be exchanged for a foreign currency

66. In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying with some quantity of another currency.

67. View foreign exchange rates and use our currency exchange rate calculator for more than 30 foreign Currencies.

68. Foreign investment caps have been eased in construction, railways and defence sectors.

69. So , Anhui should adopt correspond measure, improve investment environment, draw on more foreign direct investment.

70. Thus, Taipei has nearly 3,500 registered foreign businesses and attracts over 50% of the total foreign investment in Taiwan.

71. Punishment for Smuggling of Goods and Foreign Currency Act of 1995.

72. The Regulation stipulates the relevant management of foreign currency policy for conversion and transferring of the property of emigrant and inheritance property into foreign currency out of China.

73. The market also contains around 10-12 foreign exchange brokers who link buyers and sellers of foreign currency.

74. Firstly, the Amortised cost is determined in the foreign currency in which the item is denominated

75. A currency pair is the quotation of two Currencies in the foreign exchange market (Forex)

76. Provision for diminution in value of foreign investment are the number of ready?

77. In recent years, Slovakia has been pursuing a policy of encouraging foreign investment.

78. Foreign investors through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) schemes have been encouraged to lease land in rural areas in Cambodia and Ethiopia.

79. As noted in paragraph 3, IAS 39 applies to hedge accounting for foreign currency items.

80. Foreign investment are mainly concentrated in the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) areas.