Use "inverse proportion" in a sentence

1. A person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness .

2. The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.

3. Clearly, the amount of money people save increases in inverse proportion to the amount they spend.

4. When this is not the case, benefit allocations are in inverse proportion to A's and B's.

5. The scope of personal responsibility expands and contracts in inverse proportion to the extent of the protected interests.

6. The stridency of their assertions tended to grow in inverse proportion to the extent of their knowledge on costs.

7. The proliferation of these diminutive shows will soon be in inverse proportion to the theatres still open to receive them.

8. ‘It was a Bosky place with mossy roots and green arches.’ ‘There was a sprinkling of roadside crosses and the bocage, the thick hedges along the roadsides, could hardly have been more Bosky.’ ‘A splash of black tea on the plate whose fabulously Bosky flavour is in inverse proportion to its thinness.’