Use "invalidity" in a sentence

1. ((Civil service - Europol staff - Invalidity - Invalidity allowance - Calculation of interest - Application for damages - Manifest inadmissibility))

2. Invalidity, old-age, survivors’ pensions:


4. Invalidity, and old-age benefits, and survivors’ benefits:

5. In Section 3, headed ‘Grounds for invalidity’, under Title VI of that regulation, Article 52, headed ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, states:


7. 12 Flaws in the goods , Invalidity of impunity clauses.

8. - invalidity pensions related to accidents at work and occupational diseases,

9. • Recipient of old-age or invalidity benefit: ing a pension. pension or the recipient of rights on No compulsory insurance required, grounds of invalidity. available to all citizens.

10. Invalidity, old-age and survivors' pensions, death grants, family and parental benefits

11. Accumulation allowed with the invalidity pension provided by the accident insurance.

12. Full accumulation possible, no influence on the amount of invalidity pension.

13. 4 Article 51 of that regulation, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, stated:

14. "Article 52 shall apply by analogy to recipients of an invalidity allowance.

15. Invalidity, old-age and survivors’ pensions, death grants, family and parental benefits:

16. This Article shall apply by analogy to the recipients of an invalidity allowance."

17. This Article shall apply by analogy to the recipients of an invalidity allowance.

18. Annulment announces the invalidity of a marriage that was void from its inception

19. Invalidity and survivors' pensions, for which account is taken of a supplementary period

20. 5 Article 51 of Regulation No 40/94, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, states:

21. The bank had been advised, and was well aware, of the invalidity of the notice.

22. Invalidity benefits are provided by the benefits agency to which your employer is affiliated.

23. Invalidity Australia Twice annual adjustment in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index.

24. 6 Article 52 of Regulation No 207/2009, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, stated:

25. What is an Annulment? Illinois law calls Annulment a declaration of invalidity of marriage

26. 53 As the parties acknowledge, that declaration of invalidity concerns the anti-accumulation rule.

27. 4 Article 52 of that regulation, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, provides in paragraph 1:

28. Article 52 of the Staff Regulations shall apply by analogy to recipients of an invalidity allowance.

29. 5 Article 52 of that regulation, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, provided in paragraph 1:

30. 5 Article 51 of that regulation, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, is worded as follows:

31. See "Additional Contribution for Arduous and Unhealthy Working Environment" under "Invalidity" above. See " Other Special Contributions:

32. If they remain chronically incapacitated for work they can now claim invalidity benefit at a higher rate.

33. 3 Article 52(1)(a) of Regulation No 207/2009, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, provides:

34. (Community trade mark - Application for a declaration of invalidity - Withdrawal of that application - No need to adjudicate)

35. In Illinois, an Annulment is referred to as a Declaration of (or Judgment for) Invalidity of Marriage

36. He will never be entitled to receive an old-age pension or an invalidity pension in Belgium.

37. Amendment or supplementation of any Infringement Contentions or Invalidity Contentions, other than as expressly permitted in P

38. • That the mark has become deceptive Declarations of invalidity may be based on absolute grounds or relative grounds.

39. However, the amount of the old-age pension may not be less than that of the invalidity pension.

40. 3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply by analogy to recipients of an invalidity allowance.

41. 6 Article 52 of Regulation No 207/2009, entitled ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, provides, in paragraph 1(b):


43. 3 Under the title ‘Absolute grounds for invalidity’, Article 51(1) and (2) of the regulation provide as follows:

44. The applicant in this case objects to the defendant's decision to grant his declaration of invalidity for three years from 1 September 2004 without providing for retroactive effect to 21 April 2004, the date on which the Invalidity Committee took an initial adverse decision in regard to him.

45. The second paragraph of Article 116 (Invalidity Divisions) has been aligned with Article 129 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation.

46. In cases of severe disablement, that is, absolute invalidity requiring constant attendance for ordinary everyday personal needs such as eating,

47. In Illinois, an Annulment is legally known as a “declaration of invalidity of marriage” and is only granted in specific circumstances

48. Invalidity and life insurance covers two contingencies: non-occupational accidents or diseases and the protection of the family on the death of the insured person

49. Amendment of the Infringement Contentions or the Invalidity Contentions may be made only by order of the Court upon a timely showing of good cause

50. Claim charts (infringement Contentions [ICs], invalidity Contentions, etc.) are required in patent litigation under the Local Patent Rules (LPRs) adapted in most federal district courts

51. Invalidity and life insurance covers two contingencies: non-occupational accidents or diseases and the protection of the family on the death of the insured person.

52. The Federal Circuit affirmed a district court’s grant of summary judgment of non-infringement for the defendants-Appellees, and it vacated and remanded on counterclaims of invalidity

53. 296, the heirs to a will faced the difficulty of attempting to argue the invalidity of the revocation clause of the will without Approbating the rest of the deed

54. By evaluating the effect of each component of the system, in particular for invalidity, an overview could be produced when the next actuarial study of the system is carried out.

55. In such cases, the amount of those benefits or his salary for this employment after deduction of any taxes thereon, shall be deducted from the invalidity pension paid under this Article.

56. Action brought against the decision of the Second Board of Appeal of OHIM of 3 December 2013 (Case R 1015/2012-2), concerning invalidity proceedings between IQAP Masterbatch Group, SL and Albis Plastic GmbH.

57. (Community trade mark - Invalidity proceedings - Figurative Community trade mark MEMBER OF €e euro experts - Absolute ground for refusal - Symbols of the European Union and its spheres of activity - Euro symbol - Article 7(1)(i) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009)

58. The reality is that a declaration of invalidity of marriage (the legal term for an "Annulment" in Colorado) is a rare proceeding, and thanks to no-fault divorces, it is never easier than simply obtaining a dissolution of marriage.

59. April 22, 2020), the Federal Circuit declined the “invitation to ‘abandon the doctrine’ of Assignor estoppel” and, after concluding that the district court did not abuse its discretion in applying the doctrine, affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment of no invalidity

60. When defendants are hit with patent litigation and they have been served with infringement Contentions and asserted claim set, they have to respond to the opposing party by helping them with Invalidity Contentions within 30 to 60 days (depending upon the court).

61. The Parties shall use their best efforts to Amicably settle any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of the Contract or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof.Where the Parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the Conciliation Rules then obtaining of the United Nations

62. 35 The reply to the national court should therefore be that Community law does not preclude a Member State' s legislation which, for the purpose of calculating an old-age pension, provides for a notional daily rate of remuneration in respect of the periods treated as periods of employment, from applying to that remuneration the same proportion as that on the basis of which the invalidity pension granted earlier was calculated.

63. ‘For the purposes of calculating pensions for retirement and for permanent invalidity arising from a non-occupational disease or a non-occupational accident, the periods during which there was no obligation to pay contributions shall be included taking into consideration the minimum contribution basis of all those applicable to each period, corresponding to the number of hours worked under the contract on the date on which that obligation to pay contributions was interrupted or expired.’

64. There is always the option of the ‘summary judgment’ – aimed at speeding up the task of the court responsible for making the decision with concise grounds and referrals per relationem – which must be limited, as appropriate, for decisions that the Community trade mark and design courts are called upon to make in counterclaims for a declaration of invalidity or revocation of the corresponding rights involved in national infringement proceedings (Article 92 of Regulation 40/94 and Article 81 of Regulation 6/2002): decisions intended to have ‘erga omnes’ effect throughout the territory of the European Union for which excessive conciseness could be counterproductive to a universal accurate comprehension of the ‘abolitionary’ scope of the decision.

65. In its second series of questions the referring court asks, in essence, whether the fact that a defence of invalidity of a patent has been raised in interim proceedings for a cross-border prohibition against infringement, in parallel to main proceedings for infringement, is sufficient, and, if so, under what formal or procedural conditions, for Article 22(4) of Regulation No 44/2001 to become applicable, with the result that, firstly, the court dealing with the case has to decline jurisdiction for the main proceedings on the basis of Article 25 of Regulation No 44/2001 and, secondly, as a consequence, it is required to consider its competence to adjudicate on the interim proceedings on the basis of Article 31 of Regulation No 44/2001.