Use "intubated" in a sentence

1. He could've suffered a stroke when he was intubated.

2. Therefore, the papilla has to be intubated and incised. A typical common duct sphincterotomy is added.

3. By the time I got there, she was about to be intubated and put on a breathing machine.

4. Background and Aims: Insertion of nasogastric tubes (NGTs) in Anaesthetised, intubated patients with a conventional method is sometimes difficult

5. In addition, the patient developed respiratory insufficiency and was therefore intubated and the lungs were mechanically ventilated.

6. In the matched-pair analysis, intubated patients also received a higher amount of fluid volume and showed better peripheral oxygen saturation on admission.

7. Bucking Respiratory therapy Violent resistance by a Pt to intubated ventilation that may cause asynchronous breathing, ergo V/Q mismatching and risk of barotrauma, cardiac arrhythmia, and ↑ intracranial pressure; the newer ventilatory support devices rarely evoke this reaction, but Pts may still require sedation, or narcotics.

8. Analgesia and Sedation in Patients with COVID-19 Approximately 14 percent of patients with COVID-19 infection experience a severe form of hypoxic respiratory failure, with 5 percent requiring mechanical ventilation.1 The dyspnea, air hunger, physical discomfort of being intubated, and need to prevent self-extubation have made sedation of these