Use "intradermal" in a sentence

1. In an intradermal test , Sarnowiec ( 1934 ) used castor oil.

2. We report on 6 cases of intradermal tophi and review the literature on this disorder, which includes a rare case of combined psoriasis and intradermal tophi.

3. Predisposing factors were studied: atopy (IgE dosage), increase of histamine release (intradermal testing with 48/80), abnormal receptivity to histamine (intradermal histamine), spasmophilia (electromyography recordings).

4. Definitie diagnosis is made with the use of intradermal skin tests.

5. Walnut sticks intradermal more tannin, easy to form an isolation layer interface.

6. Results: The method of intradermal test of cephalosporins and criteria of judgement were established.

7. OBJECTIVE : To discuss the intradermal test of cephalosporins and to provide pharmaceutical services for clinicians.

8. Then 96 healthy volunteers were chosen as matched group. Make an appraisal with intradermal tests of food sensitinogen.

9. Responsible drugs were determined by intradermal testing, by the human basophil degranulation test and P.K. tests.

10. Intradermal injections are done by injecting a small amount of allergen just beneath the skin surface.

11. A 23 - year - old woman experienced anaphylaxis following an intradermal skin test with a benzalkonium chloride - containing nebuliser solution.

12. RESULTS:The preparation of intradermal test solution of cephalosporins, the skin test method and the criteria in judgement were put forward for references of clinic.

13. In the case of suspected cobalt hypersensitivity, an intradermal test dose should be administered because anaphylactic shock and death have followed parenteral administration of Cyanocobalamin.

14. Method Field investigation, data collection in misdiagnosed cases, IDT(intradermal test)and ELISA for detection of susceptible persons, freshwater crab and reservoir host examination etc.

15. The flanks of male albino guinea pigs were used to study the effect of needle puncture with or without intradermal (id) injection of 0.1 ml fluid.

16. Methods Used conventional intradermal subcuticular test and high speed allergy test instrument to take penicillin allergy test on children, then compared their response and recorded the data.

17. In patients with an allergy to animal insulin intradermal skin testing is recommended prior to a transfer to Insulin Human Winthrop Rapid, since they may experience immunological cross-reactions

18. 0.1 ml of tuberculin (100 units/ml), which delivers a dose of 5 units is given by intradermal injection into the surface of the lower forearm (subcutaneous injection results in false negatives).

19. Cytomegalic inclusion disease, also known as Cytomegalic inclusion body disease, giant cell inclusion disease, or human cytomegalovirus infection, is caused by the cytomegalovirus (CMV), mainly in infants, which is manifested by hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, and intradermal hemorrhage.

20. Administering the TST Page 2 of 15 The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) is performed by placing an intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of purified protein derivative (PPD) containing 5 tuberculin units (TU) into the volar surface of the forearm.