Use "intolerant" in a sentence

1. She's not lactose intolerant.

2. Are You Lactose Intolerant?

3. * Patience versus short-tempered, hotheaded, intolerant

4. A Tolerant Kingdom in an Intolerant Age

5. 10 Everything is lactose intolerant now. nineties disease.

6. 17 The manager is intolerant of fools.

7. 1 The manager is intolerant of fools.

8. Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition.

9. 9 She became increasingly intolerant of various foods.

10. 4 They are deeply intolerant of all opposition.

11. Are you lactose intolerant kitty, just like me?

12. And they told me, " Oh, she's lactose intolerant. "

13. 11 Sophia was not intolerant in religious matters.

14. The first-century Pharisees were another intolerant group.

15. Some of them appeared intolerant, fanatic, and cruelly oppressive.

16. 8 Their moral values are a bit intolerant, too.

17. 7 Their position on homosexuality is intolerant and ignorant.

18. 2 A number of patients were intolerant of the diet.

19. 12 Are you lactose intolerant kitty, just like me?

20. A number of patients were intolerant of the diet.

21. Having a deficiency of lactase, many adults become lactose intolerant.

22. Intolerant societies are often also among the most technologically backward.

23. 15 Intolerant societies are often also among the most technologically backward.

24. But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.

25. Pretty soon everyone in his dorm labels him as an intolerant bigot.

26. In contrast to 90% of modern Europeans, he was lactose-intolerant.

27. They want us to become like them: intolerant, hateful and cruel.

28. 6 The tone of the book is small-minded and intolerant.

29. Never intolerant of individuals, he had little patience for pettiness of mind.

30. 18 In 1984 her son was diagnosed as intolerant to four foods.

31. 14 He admitted being intolerant of blacks and Jews in his youth.

32. The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the king's Autocratic ways

33. 19 Generally, they are intolerant of their wives functioning in a superior position.

34. 15 Several men expressed their abhorrence of this intolerant attitude of Owen's.

35. The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the King's autocratic ways.

36. This was a Britain intolerant of difference, uncomfortable with outsiders and resentful of insiders.

37. She had Hanoverian stubbornness and hot temper and she was sometimes cruel and intolerant.

38. 27 But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.

39. 24 She had been so easily pleased then, so shallow,[] so intolerant.

40. Glucose becomes a dominant part of the vasculature and essentially you become glucose intolerant.

41. This was in keeping with his nature, for he was boastful, intolerant and greedy.

42. 16 Basil was intolerant of pretentiousness of any kind, whether intellectual, creative or personal.

43. The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the King's Autocratic ways

44. Basil was intolerant of pretentiousness of any kind, whether intellectual, creative or personal.

45. Bigoted: 1 adj blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others “a Bigoted person” “an outrageously Bigoted point of view” Synonyms: intolerant unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion

46. 28 This was in keeping with his nature, for he was boastful, intolerant and greedy.

47. Bar Gane, who was surprisingly intolerant towards other species, spoke with a sibilant voice.

48. 13 This was a Britain intolerant of difference, uncomfortable with outsiders and resentful of insiders.

49. 30 The argument led to charges that the national organization is intolerant of dissent.

50. 5 The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the King's autocratic ways.

51. Bigot definition, a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion

52. Species intolerant of −1 MPa included Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Laccaria bicolor, Laccaria laccata, and Suillus caerulescens.

53. 3 She can be very intolerant of students who don't understand what she's talking about.

54. Bigoted definition, utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own

55. A Bigot is a person who is irrationally and unfairly intolerant to people who are different

56. Goat’s milk is lower in lactose making Chevre a possible option for those that are lactose intolerant.

57. Political Bigot – a person who is intolerant of people with different political opinions than their own

58. What does Bigotry mean? The definition of Bigotry is prejudice and the state of being intolerant

59. They likely think that it is old-fashioned or intolerant to insist on standards and principles.

60. “It was not until years later that we found out that we are lactose intolerant.”—Bertha.

61. 17 But close examination showed that species intolerant of acid conditions or high nitrogen levels were not reappearing.

62. In its talons it is holding a snake, a symbol of evil of which it is intolerant.

63. 21 Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?

64. Why is it that people who've given up smoking become so evangelical and intolerant of other smokers?

65. For people that are gluten-intolerant, low-Carb, paleo, or whatever, it can be hard to go without pizza

66. 20 For me, that's where the cold, intolerant reductionism of Richard Dawkins and Lewis Wolpert becomes politically lethal.

67. The Chokecherry is a shade intolerant shrub that is in the Rose (Rosaceae) family. Some consider this a tree

68. A Bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities that are different from their own

69. 23 The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views.

70. Bigot: noun die-hard , doctrinaire , dogmatic theorist , dogmatist, dogmatizer , energumen , extremist, fanatic , infatuate, intolerant , ipse dixit , know-all , know

71. Moses thus portrayed Jehovah as clean in the superlative degree, devoid of impurity, beyond corruption, unrelentingly intolerant of uncleanness.

72. 25 He was also a Roman Catholic, which in the intolerant atmosphere of the 1920s was a distinct disadvantage.

73. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases reports that “between 30 and 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant.”

74. 21 He felt safer in the intellect, a fact that would at times alienate those who thought him arrogant or intolerant.

75. Bigotry definition is - obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot

76. What does Bigot mean? The definition of a Bigot is a person who is prejudiced, or intolerant of those who are different

77. 22 He felt safer in the intellect, a fact that would at times alienate those who thought him arrogant or intolerant.

78. For example, religious extremists, elitists, and racists can be viewed as Bigots since they are intolerant towards those who are different from them

79. 26 In the modern Arab states it sometimes takes the form of intolerant outbursts and rejections of the present and our leaders.

80. True Christianity has never fostered vengeful, intolerant inquisitors, such as Tomás de Torquemada, or hateful warmongers, such as the papal promoters of the Crusades.