Use "intestinal fluke" in a sentence

1. Alaria spp are a relatively common parasitic intestinal fluke of dogs worldwide.

2. It's a lancet fluke.

3. The fluke wasn't bad.

4. The fluke wasn' t bad

5. Yeah, it's just a fluke.

6. That shot was a sheer fluke.

7. Many adversities decimate the fluke numbers.

8. The discovery was something of a fluke.

9. The first goal was just a fluke.

10. [Intestinal Bacillosis] [Intestinal Bacillosis] Rev Bras Med

11. There was more laughter from Fluke and Ronnie.

12. Paul said, as Fluke began to bend over.

13. Intestinal atrophy.

14. His failure in history examination was a mere fluke.

15. He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.

16. 28 Another example of cystitis glandularis intestinal type ( intestinal metaplasia ) .

17. An intestinal Blockage happens when something blocks your intestinal tract

18. I got drawn into the honeybee world completely by a fluke.

19. The psychological cause refers to the sequacious and the fluke mind.

20. He didn't hit out, but hit the wicket by a fluke.

21. All fibers seemed to slow down small intestinal transit and decreased intestinal absorption.

22. In addition, damp conditions encourage husk in cattle and fluke in sheep.

23. She has intestinal bleeding.

24. Fascioliosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica (common liver fluke).

25. By sheer fluke, one of the shipowner's employees was in the city.

26. They are determined to show that their last win was no fluke.

27. Through some fluke, it remained in your abdominal cavity and just calcified overtime.

28. Intestinal Autointoxication: A gastrointestinal leitmotive

29. Intestinal Adenocarcinomas also composed the

30. Key points about intestinal Blockage

31. Preferably the protease is derived from a fluke such as $i(Fasciola hepatica).

32. Fluke found out how cool it suddenly is to not like blacks again.

33. Artemisinin is also an anthelmintic (parasitic worm) effective against the blood fluke, schistosomiasis

34. 13 This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.

35. Vitamin D controls intestinal calcium absorption.

36. Bellyacher Metagonimus yokogawai (species of intestinal fluke) persiko integrity adherent of technocracy, advocate of technocracy, one who supports a government based on technological knowledge, engineer or economist as bureaucrat oil hose barbotare; împroşcare neutral or neutrality (in chemistry), neuter gender (in grammar) emplacement taezu

37. Species Ascaris lumbricoides human intestinal roundworm

38. She is not usually good at table tennis; that winning stroke was a fluke.

39. Passing the exam was a real fluke he didn't work for it at all.

40. Intestinal obstructions (Blockages) are common in horses

41. Intestinal perforation, ortoruptureof an internal Abscessor suppuratingcyst

42. Could be a precursor to intestinal intussusception.

43. Unconsciously we feel it was a fluke and we are afraid of being found out.

44. Amitriptyline: chest pain, stomach pain Intestinal pain

45. Actomyosin antibodies are another indication of intestinal destruction

46. Appendicitis, Hernia of Abdominal Cavity and Intestinal Obstruction

47. Life Cycle (nonpathogenic intestinal Amebae): Entamoeba coli, E

48. In 19 they had to withdraw after Roca broke her wrist in a fluke warmup collision.

49. Synonyms for 'Coincidentally': accident, coincidence, fluke, time, accidentally, incidental, unlucky, serendipity, a stroke/piece of luck

50. Built on success, digital Clamp meters designed by Fluke are known as workhorse current Clamp meters

51. Intestinal gas may cause the feeling of Bloating.

52. Orally administered porphyrins to control intestinal iron absorption

53. Which increases post-op susceptibility to intestinal parasites.

54. Equine Ascarid infection can cause small intestinal impactions

55. However, aided by an outrageous fluke in frame four from which he made Parrott levelled at 2-

56. Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria

57. 6 Intestinal obstruction causing colic, vomiting, and constipation.

58. Slip ring: Slip ring Anchors are modified fluke Anchors that are designed for easy retrieval when stuck

59. Anthelmintics are drugs widely used against intestinal worms

60. Coccidia lodge in the intestinal wall and form cysts

61. Cashew is used for stomach and intestinal (gastrointestinal) ailments.

62. Abdominal adhesions can cause intestinal obstruction and female infertility

63. An intestinal Blockage happens when something blocks your intestine

64. Ulcerative Colitis is agnogenic and refractory large intestinal disease.

65. Tempol Ameliorates intestinal oxidative stress and gut microbiota dysbiosis.

66. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, …

67. Continued eating speeds the recovery of normal intestinal function.

68. Several surgical procedures have been performed, either to decelerate intestinal transit or to increase the area of intestinal absorption with overall unsatisfactory results.

69. Carcinoids of the colon: Can also cause intestinal bleeding

70. Clearly it was just an accident of history, a fluke, a momentary incursion of an otherwise universal pandemic.

71. Food protein-induced intestinal anaphylaxis induces a generalized alteration of small intestinal motility not limited to the region of antigen exposure and is associated with an increased rate of aboral transit. Key words: intestine, intestinal transit, anaphylaxis, food allergy.

72. Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (), intestinal gas, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite

73. Aleurone as a prebiotic fiber for improved intestinal health

74. The nonpathogenic intestinal Amebae include several Entamoeba species (E

75. EnteroAggregative Escheichia coli (EAEC) is a type of strain from E.coli. E.coli causes intestinal infections, some intestinal infections include diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain

76. It was Fluke who started laughing right away, the odd squeal of somebody wanting to start up the trouble.

77. 27 Clearly it was just an accident of history, a fluke, a momentary incursion of an otherwise universal pandemic.

78. Bezoars are accumulations of particulate matter in the intestinal tract

79. We found intestinal edema and air in the blood vessels.

80. Intestinal Blockage refers to the obstruction developing in your intestine