Use "intertwines" in a sentence

1. Darkly funny and resonant with humanity, Cruddy, masterfully intertwines Roberta's stories — part Easy Rider and part bipolar Wizard of Oz

2. The word Causality has many related meanings, and a sinuous history which intertwines philosophy and physics with common sense

3. Darkly funny and resonant with humanity, Cruddy, masterfully intertwines Roberta's stories -- part Easy Rider and part bipolar Wizard of Oz

4. Arabesque Restaurant resonates this in its architecture, décor and menu with a modern Moorish dining room, a traditional Moroccan lounge and a menu that carefully intertwines North African, Middle Eastern & Mediterranean cuisines.

5. As they enter a room and pause Emma asks Adam what will happen next, and with a smile on his lips he silently intertwines her hand with his—for the first time they are holding hands together as a couple.

6. Cartwheel is very much its own individual work of the author’s creative imagination.” — Booklist (starred review) “Jennifer duBois, a writer whose fierce intelligence is matched only by her deep humanity, hits us with a marvelous second novel that intertwines a gripping tale of murder abroad with an intimate story of family heartbreak.

7. Barry is best known as a cartoonist with a dark sense of humor, but novel - which intertwines the stories of Roberta Robbeson as an 11 year old in 1967 and a 16 year old in 1971 - is very dark indeed - it begins with a drug induced rant against the world "Once upon a Cruddy time on a Cruddy street on the side of a Cruddy hill in the cruddiest