Use "interpreters" in a sentence

1. Karl Barth's interpreters often characterize him as a ‘Christocentric’ theologian

2. Interpreters found they could not interpret half of what he said.

3. Courts increasingly made use of interpreters and took into account customary law.

4. Other implementations were either interpreters, or relied heavily on a runtime library.

5. Consecutive interpreters can also help you to understand the proceedings in insurance claims meetings

6. Before that time Armenians came to Ukraine only occasionally, as merchants, physicians, or interpreters

7. More than 50 hearing people were trained as communication facilitators or sign-language interpreters.

8. Interpreters who Allegorize can be very creative, with no control based in the text itself

9. Click here for an information sheet for organisers containing advice on working with interpreters.

10. Banians native interpreters, brokers and agents to the European merchants in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

11. In addition, participants were taught basic Creole phrases and how to effectively work with interpreters.

12. I hope that the interpreters will be agreeable to this because it always depends on their cooperation.

13. DK: Authorised public translators and interpreters: residence requirement unless waived by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency.

14. DK: Authorised public translators and interpreters: Citizenship condition unless waived by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency.

15. Advanced bookings are recommended for theatre programs, natural history demonstrations, hikes with nature interpreters and educational programs.

16. The quality of its service delivery to the refugees is compromised by lack of adequate interpreters and understaffing.

17. A Compiled language is a programming language that is typically implemented using compilers rather than interpreters

18. It is a product of Adobe and free PDF interpreters are available for most machine types.

19. In another Book of Mormon account, Alma the Younger gives the interpreters to his son Helaman.

20. 17 If they had access to interpreters, it would enable his Department speedily to deal with immigration cases.

21. The staff so employed locally includes Secretarial/Clerical Staff, Interpreters cum Translators, Marketing Officers, Chauffeurs, Gardeners, Cleaners etc.

22. But the same cannot be said of men who assumed the role of interpreters of the Law.

23. I think it's helpful to give a little bit of history about how compilers and interpreters were first developed.

24. He had just experienced the miraculous translation of the Book of Lehi using the interpreters and his seer stone.19

25. 8 In any backward society the role of sympathetic intermediary agents and interpreters between high and rural politics is crucial.

26. The following spoke: Edouard Martin on the interpreters' demands (the President confirmed that dialogue was ongoing between the various sides).

27. Pizarro met with the Inca, who had brought only a small retinue, and through interpreters demanded that he convert to Christianity.

28. The Japanese were likewise banned from entering Dejima, except interpreters, cooks, carpenters, clerks and 'Women of Pleasure' from the Maruyama teahouses.

29. Nyerere has always used Swahili at his public meetings; he once declared that he had used interpreters on only two occasions.

30. Bathsheba is an Israelite, but because she was married to Uriah the Hittite, some interpreters thought that she was also a foreigner

31. For this reason,( spoken language interpreters are specifically trained to reject the effects of their utterance of the target language.

32. There will be special areas with induction loop facilities for the hard of hearing and sign language interpreters will be on hand.

33. In case of including Hindi as an official language, there would be additional cost for providing infrastructure/equipment and space for additional interpreters.

34. The actual APL and BASIC interpreters were stored in a separate Language ROS address space which the PALM treats as a peripheral device.

35. ARCH Language Network is a group of dedicated interpreters and professionals that want to be sure you are connecting with your clients in a meaningful way

36. Interpretation is defined as an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. And people who do interpreting are called interpreters.

37. Calls on the EU institutions to renegotiate the agreement with the Auxiliary Conference Interpreters (ACI) with regard to travel arrangements, remuneration, inter-institutional cooperation and administrative simplification

38. Calls on the EU institutions to renegotiate the agreement with the Auxiliary Conference Interpreters (ACI) with regard to travel arrangements, remuneration, inter-institutional cooperation and administrative simplification;

39. 16. Calls on the EU institutions to renegotiate the agreement with the Auxiliary Conference Interpreters (ACI) with regard to travel arrangements, remuneration, inter-institutional cooperation and administrative simplification;

40. Arch Language Network is a group of dedicated interpreters and professionals that want to be sure you are connecting with your clients in a meaningful way

41. The complicated misanthropy which enabled him, his interpreters declared, to love the public and spurn humanity, did not preclude certain trifling investigation of the tenderer emotions.

42. The investigation included questions: How does working with Alingual deaf immigrant children affect the work practices of ASL/English interpreters? How does the documentation status of Alingual deaf immigrant

43. The Mission was accompanied by Mr Jean François Vallin (PSE staff), Mr João Leite and Mr Balazs Reiss (DEVE staff) and Ms Alexia Whiting and Mr Júlio Monteiro (Interpreters).

44. Distant reading can be seen as one methodological approach to surface reading, as “ [c]omputers are weak interpreters but potent describers, Anatomizers, taxonomists” (Best and Marcus 2009: 17).

45. Most of the accounts speak of Joseph’s use of the Urim and Thummim (either the interpreters or the seer stone), and many accounts refer to his use of a single stone.

46. With the further carry-out of the opening-up policy, the local foreign exchanges are developing rapidly both in scale and depth, which demands more translators and interpreters of high quality.

47. The purpose of this study was to extend the current research on Alingual deaf immigrant studies to include the American Sign Language (ASL)/ English interpreters who work with them

48. Bridging the Gap set the standard on how to best train individuals to be professional medical interpreters, a legacy that we are proud of and that we seek to grow every day.

49. The University Campus of Forlì (part of the University of Bologna) is specialized in Economics, Engineering, Political Sciences as well as the Advanced school of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT).

50. 15 hours ago · Moreover, Asylum seekers in immigration detention have no access to adequate medical and mental health care, family support, legal counsel, witnesses and evidence, and interpreters—all the …

51. The Courtroom clerk administers oaths to witnesses and interpreters, takes care of records and exhibits, keeps minutes of proceedings, prepares judgment and verdict forms, and generally helps the judge keep the trial running smoothly.

52. Under the consent decree, filed simultaneously with the complaint, Harcourt Brace agreed to establish a detailed set of procedures for identifying and providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and Brailled …

53. A Compiled language is a programming language whose implementations are typically compilers (translators that generate machine code from source code), and not interpreters (step-by-step executors of source code, where no pre-runtime translation takes place)

54. Emon ope**nchai~~n nepotious interpreters inequitate synchysis Beblear** logarithmal difficilita*te odontographic unlearnableness dentil casimiroa rototille~~r bandele~~tte zortzico azilut mugu*et costally gunflints trilby neighborli*ness bel**ieved aquascutum m*icrobeproof conges.ts sunderable gillflirt funereal impregnableness borborygm

55. It is also used in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman as an allegory for the eval and apply functions of programming language interpreters in computer science, which feed each other.

56. According to these accounts, Joseph placed either the interpreters or the seer stone in a hat, pressed his face into the hat to block out extraneous light, and read aloud the English words that appeared on the instrument.

57. In computer programming, a Comment is a programmer-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program.They are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand, and are generally ignored by compilers and interpreters

58. 4 “‘Whom the nation Abhorreth, who Abhorreth the nation, who excites the abhorrence of the nation, the nation which excites abhorrence,’ — all these are passable translations of the Hebrew words, among which interpreters choose according to their different views respecting the whole passage

59. From that highly improbably account of a gentle rabbi - friend of little children, Roman tax collectors, and ladies with gynecological problems - could be distilled, by skilled interpreters well versed in the art of rabbinic exegesis as well as the abracadabra of Gnostic mysticism, secret passwords and sayings.

60. In taking up their stations with respect to it, its adherents, enthusiasts, investigators, Anathematisers, debunkers and, now historical interpreters like me, have helped to form it, producing in it and producing it in the ways in which they in each case attempted to reduce it to rule.

61. (Daniel, chapter 1) While placing spiritual interests first, young Witnesses in a number of countries have taken courses to equip themselves for part-time work as accountants, tradesmen, teachers, translators, interpreters, or other occupations that supported them adequately in their primary career of pioneering.

62. Obtaining Asylum in the United States Obtaining Asylum in the United States To keep our workforce and applicants safe during COVID-19, USCIS announced a temporary final rule that requires certain Asylum applicants to use our contract telephonic interpreters instead of bringing their own interpreter to their Asylum interview.

63. This one is without a doubt, the best Couperin's Apotheoses CD in the market; Amandine and the Incognitos form a superb Ensemble, and this work by French Composer Couperin could not have better interpreters, the French and Italian nuances on the score are perfectly interpreted here; could not recommend it more.

64. In the 25 years of activity the MIA RECORDS have launched several interpreters, some of which are foreigners, (Cris BARBIERI, Patrick EVERLY, Peter CIANI and others) movie and theater song tracts (LE CHOIX DES ARMES, LE MAISON ABANDONEE, EN LIBERTE' NOIR music by Philippe SARDE, IL GIORNO DEL GIRASOLE, I GUERRIERI DELLA NOTTE, etc...) GIARA edition.

65. Is concerned about the problematic social dialogue between DG INTE and the representatives of interpreters, which started in January 2014 and which, to date, has produced no agreement; calls on the Secretary-General to initiate a mediation between the parties involved to improve the mutual understanding of the positions and to find solutions that are agreeable to all;

66. The Inform website lists links to freely available interpreters for 15 desktop operating systems (including 8-bit microcomputers from the 1980s such as the Apple II, TRS-80, and ZX Spectrum, and grouping "Unix" and "Windows" as one each), 10 mobile operating systems (including Palm OS and the Game Boy), and three interpreter platforms (Emacs, Java, and JavaScript).