Use "interoperating provisional storehouse" in a sentence

1. An interoperating accordion screen is also disclosed.

2. Borrowed from Spanish Bodega, from Latin apotheca (“storehouse”), from Ancient Greek ἀποθήκη (apothḗkē, “storehouse”)

3. This book is a storehouse of useful information.

4. A Provisional Government...

5. He was charged with torching a storehouse.

6. Following provisional disclosure, the complainant claimed that the provisional ad valorem duties were not effective.

7. Ukrainian Provisional Government (1918).

8. “Bring All the Tenth Parts Into the Storehouse”

9. We also hear about the storehouse of biodiversity.

10. But the best storehouse is the family storeroom.

11. The booking is only provisional.

12. (b) How is the symbolic wheat being brought into Jehovah’s storehouse?

13. These dates are only provisional.

14. 9 The local archives service offers a storehouse of material.

15. He suddenly cried out that the storehouse was on fire.

16. All these conclusions are provisional.

17. This man worked at a storehouse for brewery products.

18. The local archives service offers a storehouse of material.

19. Order of the Provisional Government.

20. Gathering into the storehouse: Anointed Christians are gathered into the restored congregation

21. After the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed.

22. 16 synonyms for Conditional: dependent, limited, qualified, subject to, contingent, provisional, with reservations, provisional, provisory, tentative

23. Power is with the Provisional Government...

24. Each storehouse may be as large or as small as circumstances require.

25. It comprises a vast and ever-changing storehouse of information and entertainment.

26. A provisional military government took office .

27. 20 He suddenly cried out that the storehouse was on fire.

28. They have truly brought the whole tithe into the storehouse.

29. The storehouse is under the care of a retired worker.

30. GATT was ad hoc and provisional.

31. The watchman of the storehouse will be relieved at 10 p.m.

32. A provisional government formed on 22 February.

33. Lieut.-Colonel A. W. Currie to 1st (Provisional) Brigade; Lieut.-Colonel M. S. Mercer to 3rd (Provisional) Brigade; Colonel R. E. W. Turner, V.C., D.S.O., A.D.C., to 4th (Provisional) Brigade.

34. Provisional instalments and advance payment of benefit

35. Provisional qualifying requires a score of 3

36. Our history - national and imperial - provides a wonderful storehouse of film drama.

37. The national genetics data bank will be a storehouse of hundreds of blood samples.

38. PhosphoCreatine (PC) functions as a “storehouse for high energy phosphate”2.

39. The police hasn't found out who set fire to the storehouse.

40. According to Kramer, the Internet is a storehouse of lies and misinformation.

41. Or to put it differently, he saw in nature a storehouse of artistic forms.

42. 6 A provisional military government took office .

43. The workers leaped into the work of repairing the roof of the storehouse.

44. 9 Herethecircumstance falls, technical personnel key did perambulate, search to storehouse periphery.

45. Provisional Government of the French Republic (GPRF) (1944–46), government of the provisional Republic until the establishment of the IVth Republic.

46. * Excess goods shall be given into my storehouse, D&C 70:7–8.

47. □ What is the tithe that Christians are invited to bring to the storehouse?

48. Road from storehouse to front of coke oven shall be even and unhindered.

49. Provisional Government of India (1915), established in Kabul.

50. The Korean organizers reaped a provisional profit of $349,000,000.

51. In this way, provisional adaptations turn into routine commitments.

52. After a hefty extraordinary charge for disposals and closures, Storehouse showed a £3m loss.

53. The surplus was taken to a storehouse and distributed to others who were hungry.

54. They say the Provisional Government of Korea is here.

55. The Provisional Constitution was reinstated and the parliament convened.

56. Here it will suffice to indicate some provisional impressions.

57. You can make a provisional booking over the phone.

58. Provisional tables, etc., for the final report should be specified.

59. Therefore, a storehouse may include a list of available services, money, food, or other commodities.

60. 13:30) But how is the symbolic wheat now being brought into Jehovah’s storehouse?

61. Thus my Churchgoing was a merely symbolical and provisional practice.

62. Bihar or Behar (bēhär`), state (2001 provisional pop

63. So here's the famous Seoul bureau of the Provisional Government.

64. The management has made a provisional pay offer of 7%.

65. The quantum and the classical domains as provisional parallel Coexistents

66. ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/HAR/4: Provisional agenda

67. Denmark followed in 1915, and Russian Provisional Government in 1917.

68. Berar, India: see Madhya PradeshMadhya Pradesh , state (2001 provisional pop

69. The Korean Provisional Government in China failed to obtain widespread recognition.

70. After the overthrow of the provisional government, the board's work ceased.

71. She looked around like a person hopeless of finding one small item in a huge storehouse.

72. Volunteers came with supplies from the bishops’ storehouse to provide help to those in need.

73. In the absence of further comments on price undercutting, the provisional findings as set out in recitals (119) to (123) of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.

74. In the absence of further comments on price undercutting, the provisional findings as set out in recitals 119 to 123 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.

75. Is it wisdom recklessly to gouge and pump from the earth at accelerated speed this marvelous storehouse of energy?

76. “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house” (Malachi 3:10).

77. - ancillary facilities (a bay acting as workshop-storehouse, offices and building for staff, enclosure, hedge and gardens),

78. The application for a provisional mining licence would include, inter alia:

79. The Committee adopted its provisional agenda (A/AC.182/L.135).

80. A provisional Protocol 14bis had been opened for signature in 2009.