Use "intermittently" in a sentence

1. Protests continued intermittently throughout November.

2. I began to write intermittently and spasmodically.

3. The malaria victim fevers intermittently.

4. They are also fed intermittently with stunned insects.

5. Closures may, intermittently, affect two (2) lanes

6. The talks went on intermittently for three years.

7. Picasso continued to use Assemblage intermittently throughout his career.

8. Things that occur frequently or recur intermittently are Continual.

9. Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome may recur intermittently after its first appearance.

10. Imbabura is intermittently capped with snow and has no permanent glaciers.

11. Still another system is designed to send out transient pulses intermittently.

12. The resin moves intermittently down and out of the bed.

13. Intermittently throughout his long career, Wagner attempted to formulate his aspirations in prose.

14. Letters from Albert to Victoria intermittently complain of her loss of self-control.

15. The drizzle which has been intermittently falling all morning has momentarily stopped.

16. Chuffing The characteristic of some rockets to burn intermittently and with an irregular noise

17. Those that drain toward the Pacific Ocean are steep and short, flowing only intermittently.

18. The rebuilding of the nave was Begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.

19. Trans-anal inflow catheter and method for intermittently triggering a reflex-coordinated defecation

20. Antonyms for Ceaselessly include sometimes, occasionally, sporadically, irregularly, uncommonly, intermittently, periodically, unusually, variously and at times

21. We've discussed this problem intermittently, but so far we've failed to come up with a solution.

22. Boffolas, trepan next to he intermittently round intellectualisation's, lacerated vidi caespitosely in front of capturing

23. Observations from the Pensacola area by other sources continued intermittently over the next several decades.

24. Girls now sat at the computer terminals, tapping intermittently with glum looks on their faces.

25. My breath is short, and my heartbeat thunders intermittently in the ear against the pillow.

26. Chuffing The characteristic of some rockets to burn intermittently and with an irregular noise

27. Terminal Bronchioles are immediately proximal to respiratory Bronchioles which possess ____ intermittently in their walls

28. The episodes occurred intermittently for up to five hours, and were accompanied by frequent stretching and yawning.

29. Croaks will intermittently use his Fiery Firefly to send flame-covered bugs that home in on Cuphead

30. The first recorded sighting of Bessie occurred in 1793, and more sightings have occurred intermittently and in …

31. 27 Intracardiac tumors or ball - valve thrombi can intermittently obstruct blood flow heart, producing presyncope or syncope.

32. This typical ECG pattern may be present persistently, intermittently or only after administration of sodium-channel blockers.

33. During the entire period biopoesis appeared many times in different biogenetic placeseither continuously or intermittently.

34. Because it may be triggered by the vigorous smaller-scale fluctuations, such an instability will normally occur intermittently.

35. The esophagus appears dilated, and contrast material passes slowly into the stomach as the LES opens intermittently.

36. Process Annealing is carried out intermittently during the working of a piece of metal to restore

37. A dark stain was discernible running intermittently from the door to the bottom of the stairs.

38. Sammy scampered leisurely in front of him while he stopped intermittently to pick up sweet chestnuts on the way.

39. At the same time, though less abrasive, the book is only intermittently less sophisticated than those that preceded it.

40. The agitation causes the media charge (38) to intermittently contact the heater (30), heating the media charge (38).

41. The plasma arcs are used to intermittently remove any scaling or solid deposits that can accumulate on the electrodes.

42. The Altaid orogeny was locally and intermittently arrested by massive keirogenic movements and local taphrogeny associated with it

43. Aftershocks continued intermittently throughout the following weeks as construction crews worked to rebuild damaged buildings throughout the city.

44. A GNSS system operates intermittently and has adaptive activity and sleep time in order to reduce power consumption.

45. As he steamed off southeast, he came intermittently under heavy fire from ships in Beatty's and Hood's squadrons.

46. Mary had been looked after by a nanny until the age of seven and had then stayed intermittently with elderly relatives.

47. Only a year after the intermittently thrilling Squirrel and G-Man, Happy Mondays snapped into focus on its sophomore album, 1988's Bummed

48. Resistance from left-wing militia forces and loyalist Civil and Assault Guards was intermittently intense but incapable of seriously holding up the advance.

49. And the military, despite its intermittently heavy-handed responses, is heedful of public sentiment to a degree unprecedented under the old regime.

50. It has been observed that when the fish approaches an anemone for the first time, it touches the anemone intermittently for a few hours.

51. The post-treatment part includes an aeration tank that intermittently performs aeration and purifies the wastewater purified in the pre-treatment part.

52. After a defeat in battle, the French king’s nephew, Charles, Duke of Orléans, was held intermittently for 25 years until an enormous ransom was paid.

53. The pull-model is ideal for applications that connect to the bus only intermittently or are incapable of maintaining a persistent connection with the bus.

54. Process Annealing is carried out intermittently during the working of a piece of metal to restore ductility lost through repeated hammering or other working

55. Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.

56. Danzy Senna 's first novel, Caucasia, is a story of traumatic dislocation, disorientation, and confused ethnic identity, set in 1970s and 80s Boston and intermittently in other places

57. Trump Confabulates a lot and has grandiose fantasies, which he has come to believe in, thus partially and intermittently losing touch with reality (delusionally "failing the reality test")

58. A spark which intermittently fails to ignite the fuel-air mixture may not be noticeable directly, but will show up as a reduction in the engine's power and fuel efficiency.

59. An airlift pump or a dosing pump is used to recycle the activated sludge from the separator to the aeration vessel, either continuously or intermittently at regular intervals.

60. The authorities intermittently restricted access to rural areas around Khor Abeche and Shaeria, Southern Darfur, in particular in late November in connection with the suspected presence of SLA-Minni Minawi elements.

61. Jarvik of the University of California at Los Angeles explain that cutting down slowly may actually “prolong their [the smokers’] agony by intermittently reinforcing their symptoms and smoking behavior.

62. Perhaps the implausibility of its own existence makes the skeleton think it hilarious to hide in a barrel, cackling intermittently for some three hundred years until a victim happens by?

63. A male Blackpoll warbler is easily identified by the black cap that makes it resemble Moe from the Three Stooges or, arguably, me, intermittently, from 1970 to 1982, though I was a less snappy dresser

64. For all their Beatnikery, Ginsberg wrote a number of fine poems while in Paris (the often-anthologized "To Aunt Rose" among them), Corso wrote up a storm, and Burroughs worked intermittently on the pages that became Naked Lunch

65. Spring loaded, telescopic, struts, pivoted to the underside of the vehicle's body are lowered diagonally and, as the vehicle descends in the bounce cycle the struts grip the road surface and push the vehicle horizontally while it is intermittently airborne.

66. The SNRs in the intermittently aerated, complete-mix (IACM) tank (0.39–1.69 mg g–1 h–1) were considerably lower than those in the 3-stage Bardenpho aerobic zone (3.4–3.81 mg g–1 h–1) due mainly to imposed dissolved oxygen limitations.

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68. Highland Clearances, the forced eviction of inhabitants of the Highlands and western islands of Scotland, beginning in the mid-to-late 18th century and continuing intermittently into the mid-19th century.The removals cleared the land of people primarily to allow for the introduction of sheep pastoralism

69. I received a Lionel Lionchief PRR Allegheny locomotive 6-81269 for Christmas this year and it hasn't left the track since, My Grandson and I run it almost every night and it hasn't missed a beat until the other night when I noticed that the synchronized Chuffing sound started to miss chuffs intermittently, almost like a heart palpitation.

70. The disclosed method for preparing HPMCAS grains comprises: a step (esterification step) of esterifying hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), acetic anhydride, and succinic anhydride in a reaction medium in the presence of a catalyst so as to obtain a reaction solution containing HPMCAS; and a step (granulating step) of putting the reaction solution into water continuously or intermittently so as to form grains.

71. There is disclosed a mobile terminal including a case comprising a control portion provided therein, a display coupled to the case, a main circuit board mounted in a predetermined portion of the control portion, a heat exchanger having a portion arranged adjacent to the main circuit board, with a plurality of micro-paths extended from the portion to the other portion, each of the micro-paths connected to a neighboring one to form a closed loop, and a working fluid configured to absorb heat in the portion and emit the heat in the other portion, to be liquefied, the working fluid configured to vibrate along the micro-paths, wherein a gaseous state working fluid and a liquid state working fluid are mixed intermittently.