Use "interdependent" in a sentence

1. All living things are interdependent.

2. The world is becoming increasingly interdependent.

3. Allnations are interdependent in the modern world.

4. We live in an increasingly interdependent world.Sentencedict

5. Ecosystems are interdependent networks of plants and animals.

6. Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible.

7. The new model is global in scale , an interdependent network.

8. Our teeth are interdependent, like stones in a Roman arch.

9. How do you get 000 interdependent creatures into a cage, alive?

10. It is, in any case, a necessity in an increasingly interdependent world.

11. This shows that two science departments are interdependent and influent each other.

12. Allocation and nomination of capacity to deal efficiently with interdependent physical loop-flows,

13. allocation and nomination of capacity to deal efficiently with interdependent physical loop-flows

14. Feeding and environment Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined.

15. Washington's Aquatic lands are the foundation of a complex and interdependent ecosystem and economy

16. Though they are interdependent, the head and tail of a coin battle for supremacy.

17. 28 Feeding and environment Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined.

18. Modern economies are increasingly interdependent; policy-relevant research therefore requires large-scale, carefully targeted initiatives.

19. Social institutions are interdependent and social stability is achieved through gradual and minor accommodations.

20. Biocenosis A group of interdependent organisms living in a particular ecosystem under uniform environmental conditions.

21. 28 Though they are interdependent, the head and tail of a coin battle for supremacy.

22. Bipeds have adapted a number of interdependent morphological characteristics that solve challenges posed by habitual bipedalism

23. When federalists bleat on about how interdependent the world is, one wonders what world they live in.

24. Synonyms for Connected include related, linked, affiliated, associated, tied, correlated, interdependent, interrelated, intertwined and relevant to each other

25. Their very performance has to be assessed with reference to their efficiency and economy for both are interdependent .

26. Biocenosis definition: a community of biologically integrated and interdependent plants and animals Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

27. When you have parity of power, that promotes understanding and the realization that all employees are interdependent.

28. If your fortunes are interdependent with somebody, then you live in a non-zero-sum relationship with them.

29. The screenplay focuses on the incongruous and interdependent friendship between a dimwitted stud and a petty con man.

30. Interdependent in Collectivist cultures and independent in individualist cultures, whereas personal and communal goals were considered together in collectivism

31. This strategy of setting up interactive and interdependent small groups is effectively what is happening in whole group drama.

32. Causality assumes that the value of an interdependent variable is the reason for the value of a dependent variable

33. A partnership needs to be established between doctors and management with both controlling resources so that they are interdependent.

34. The Central Area pulled all these parts together, as it were, and made them interdependent portions of the whole.

35. 10 The screenplay focuses on the incongruous and interdependent friendship between a dimwitted stud and a petty con man.

36. All life is interdependent on the natural environment, from the smallest bacteria to the largest animal or plant - even man.

37. Individual working patterns are becoming more and more disparate, interdependent with other activities and personal responsibilities and changing throughout a lifetime.

38. Our fundraising work assists people in small yet significant ways but does not change the vast inequalities in our interdependent world.

39. Broadly speaking, the Ascidians can be divided into species which exist as independent animals (the solitary Ascidians) and those which are interdependent (the

40. The world is becoming increasingly interdependent and an improvement in the standard of living of Southerners will be advantageous to the North.

41. But as the world became increasingly interdependent this ceased to be the case and we became more concerned at our apparent weakness.

42. Delegates spoke of the destructive impact of “beggar thy neighbour” policies with respect to wages or exchange rates, in an integrated and interdependent world.

43. In this interdependent world of intertwined security, great powers will be defined by their use of power and not just by its accumulation.

44. Commensal definition: either of two different animal or plant species living in close association but not interdependent synonyms: being, organism antonyms: prokaryote, eukaryote, stander

45. To that end, Bake is a build tool, build system, package manager and environment manager in one. Bake automates building code, especially for highly interdependent projects

46. Coevolution refers to evolution that occurs among interdependent species as a result of specific interactions. That is, adaptations occurring in one species spur reciprocal adaptations in another species or multiple species.

47. More explicitly, the Oxford Dictionary defines intersectionality as “the interconnected nature of social Categorisations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage”.

48. A Chipset is a group of interdependent motherboard chips or integrated circuits that control the flow of data and instructions between the central processing unit (CPU) or microprocessor and external devices

49. Collectivism is the political theory that people should be interdependent on others and all conform to the same ideas and worship the goals of group than that of the individual

50. I fully agree with developing this programme in its various closely linked and interdependent strands: promoting prevention, encouraging treatment and making essential medicinal products more affordable, and stepping up research and development.

51. The creed is Biocentrism – that humanity is part of a system that includes all plant and animal life and that all species within this system are interdependent and essential for mutual survival.

52. This modeling of care for the other, illustrated by mentors in their care for Confirmands, also teaches Confirmands that we are not independent Christians, but part of an interdependent body of Christ

53. But are also meant to help articulate demands to shift our societies from capitalism, productivism, patriarchy and racism to societies centred on Collectivising the shared task of regenerating the interdependent well-being of humans and nature.

54. Coevolution is a term that refers to the evolution of two species that are interdependent, each affecting the evolution of the other. Coevolution happens when the two species have a close relationship, such as in the following cases: 1.

55. Definition of Coevolution : evolution involving successive changes in two or more ecologically interdependent species (as of a plant and its pollinators) that affect their interactions Other Words from Coevolution Example Sentences Learn More about Coevolution Other Words from Coevolution

56. We believe that strengthened dialogue among BRICS and South American countries can play an active role in enhancing multilateralism and international cooperation, for the promotion of peace, security, economic and social progress and sustainable development in an interdependent and increasingly complex, globalizing world.

57. In 2004, amendments to the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act to allow tax free payment of superannuation benefits to be made to the surviving partner on an interdependent relationships, included same-sex couples, or a relationship where one person was financially dependent on another person.

58. In Collectivist cultures people are interdependent within their in-groups (family, tribe, nation, etc.), give priority to the goals of their in-groups, shape their behavior primarily on the basis of in-group norms, and behave in a communal way (Mills & Clark, 1982)

59. Roles of Advisors & Advisees In order to produce alumni who are both academically accomplished and prepared to become global citizens, students are encouraged by their advisors to be empowered, thoughtful, reflective, interdependent individuals who are both committed to their own life choices and respectful of the choices and lifestyles of others.

60. Reaffirms also that the realization of the right to development is essential to the implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,1 which regards all human rights as universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, places the human person at the centre of development and recognizes that, while development facilitates the enjoyment of all human rights, the lack of development may not be invoked to justify the abridgement of internationally recognized human rights;

61. Also reaffirms that the realization of the right to development is essential to the implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,3 which regards all human rights as universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, places the human person at the centre of development and recognizes that, while development facilitates the enjoyment of all human rights, lack of development may not be invoked to justify the abridgement of internationally recognized human rights;