Use "interatomic" in a sentence

1. Key words: interatomic surfaces, differential geometry, total curvature.

2. Interatomic spacing is also on the order of about an angstrom.

3. Covalent bond, in chemistry, the interatomic linkage that results from the sharing of an electron pair between two atoms

4. The Compressibility is the most important characteristic of a substance; it permits assessment of the dependence of the substance’s physical properties on the interatomic or intermolecular distances.

5. Study of strongly driven atomic vibrations and monitoring the Anharmonicity of the generated infrared photons has recently been used for reconstruction of the interatomic potential [ 9 ].

6. Atomistic simulations are a powerful tool for predicting dislocation-core structures on an atomic scale, but can suffer from serious artifacts, in particular depending on the determination of the interatomic potentials to which they are very sensitive.