Use "intensives" in a sentence

1. Each of our Animas offerings — intensives, quests, yearlong immersions, wilderness pilgrimages, and trainings — is entwined with each of the others

2. Absolutely is not to be confused with intensives such as very or indeed, as it is an unconditional term, Absolutely/*very essential, vital or crucial.

3. Chantry School is a vocational dance school offering a 3 year, full-time Diploma course, as well as Associate Programmes, Summer Intensives and Workshops

4. Candidly: 1 adv (used as intensives reflecting the speaker's attitude) it is sincerely the case that “ Candidly , I think she doesn't have a conscience” Synonyms: frankly , honestly

5. He is the host of the annual International Amazonian Shamanism conference, administrator of the “Vine of the Soul Intensives,” and founder and director of the Soga Del Alma church of ayahuasca