Use "intended purpose" in a sentence

1. [Not allowed] Capitalization that is not used correctly or for its intended purpose

2. There is no written record of who built Borobudur or of its intended purpose

3. [Not allowed] Punctuation or symbols that are not used correctly or for their intended purpose

4. Think about what happens to the clay if it becomes unsuited for the intended purpose.

5. [Not allowed] Ads or extensions that do not use the features of the ad unit for their intended purpose

6. Bighearted Blooms collects flowers once they've served their intended purpose, repackages them into individual arrangements and delivers them to

7. Some charities have high administrative or fund-raising costs, leaving only a small portion of the collected money for the intended purpose.

8. Copyediting focuses on the detail of a text : agreeing final content, making sure it reads well for its intended purpose, and applying consistency to …

9. Availability refers to the percentage of time that the infrastructure, system, or solution remains operational under normal circumstances in order to serve its intended purpose.

10. A good definition is a good place to start: Cyberbullying refers to the use of new digital technologies with the intended purpose of inflicting harm on others. …

11. Biodegradable polymers are a special class of polymer that breaks down after its intended purpose by bacterial decomposition process to result in natural byproducts such as gases (CO 2, N 2), water, biomass, and inorganic salts

12. ‘Researching the meaning of the word "Battue" gives some indication of such a rifle's intended purpose, which is to rapidly acquire and shoot multiple animals in something approaching a stampede.’ ‘More than a hunt, Battue is a social activity where people enjoy the same passion and spend time together.’

13. Whereas the Fourth Commission Directive 73/46/EEC of 5 December 1972 establishing Community methods of analysis for the official control of feedingstuffs (10), as last amended by Directive 92/89/EC (11), sets out methods of analysis for, inter alia, the determination of thiamine (vitamin B1, aneurine) and the determination of ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid (vitamin c); whereas these methods are no longer valid for their intended purpose and have been superseded by advances in scientific and technical knowledge; whereas it is therefore appropriate to delete these methods;