Use "intelligible" in a sentence

1. Not Apprehensible or intelligible

2. Not Apprehensible or intelligible

3. His argument was barely intelligible.

4. The child's speech was barely intelligible.

5. She found his motives perfectly intelligible.

6. He gave us an intelligible explanation.

7. His lecture was readily intelligible to all the students.

8. Using this procedure subjects gave more intelligible descriptions.

9. Her English was strongly accented but quite intelligible.

10. The book makes Eastern culture intelligible to Westerners.

11. 4 synonyms for Apprehensible: graspable, intelligible, understandable, perceivable

12. One of Beamy’s core missions is to make intelligible

13. The report needs to be intelligible to the client.

14. Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody.

15. The Articulators Articulators transform the sound into intelligible speech

16. What makes the idea of an objective order intelligible?

17. This report would be intelligible only to a hacker.

18. All the parts of the document in red are not intelligible.

19. We need an explanation that is readily intelligible to ordinary people.

20. They do their best to make science intelligible to young children.

21. She was so upset when she spoke that she was hardly intelligible.

22. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.

23. What is said in church is to be intelligible to all present.

24. A good teacher will constantly exercise his ingenuity in making the new intelligible.

25. Akan comprises three main mutually intelligible dialects: Fante, Asante Twi and Akwapim Twi

26. Min varieties are not mutually intelligible with each other or with any other varieties of Chinese.

27. It is rare to find a singer who can make every word fully intelligible.


29. The Acrolect is internationally intelligible, and it is used for official purposes or formal occasions and written communications

30. Clarify definition, to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity

31. The Acholi language is a Western Nilotic language, classified as Luo and it is mutually intelligible

32. Thus, practical Akrasia is “motivationally intelligible” in a way that epistemic Akrasia is not (Adler 2002, pg

33. People born profoundly deaf, or who become so in early childhood, may well not develop intelligible speech.

34. Their conversations with suspects are likely to be more intelligible than the form-filling friendliness of any number of custody officers.

35. Their procedures should be made more intelligible and appellants need more support and help in putting their cases.

36. Capable of being understood; intelligible: a comprehensible explanation of a scientific study Not to be confused with: Comprehensive – …

37. Apprehensible: 1 adj capable of being apprehended or understood Synonyms: graspable , intelligible , perceivable , understandable comprehendible , comprehensible capable of …

38. Acholi, Alur and Lango have between 84 and 90 per cent of their vocabularyin common and thus are mutually intelligible.

39. Acholi, Alur, and Lango have between 84 and 90 per cent of their vocabulary in common and are mutually intelligible.

40. John Norris also strongly influenced him by his An Essay towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World (1701–1704).

41. Collier was influenced by An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World by Cambridge Platonist John Norris (1701).

42. 17 Trace provides the ability to justify the line of reasoning, on demand, in a manner directly intelligible to the enquirer.

43. So death forms no part of his intelligible proposal, not an end Choiceworthy for itself, nor a means Choiceworthy for anything else

44. 27 As for price competition, it is about as real and intelligible as it is in the life insurance or banking fields.

45. Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in a sometimes negative, sometimes intelligible, (or articulate) way.

46. Nothing is intelligible, alliterations that roll off and slip away (or fluctuate) and an orchestra that appears suspended, as if it were waiting.

47. Most Balinese speakers also know Indonesian.Balinese itself is not mutually intelligible with Indonesian but may be understood by Javanese speakers after some exposure.

48. Circassians mainly speak the Circassian languages, two mutually intelligible languages of the Northwest Caucasian language family, namely Adyghe (West Circassian) and Kabardian (East Adyghe)

49. The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans.

50. The main purpose behind the multiple loud pronouncements of Adhan in every mosque is to make available to everyone an easily intelligible summary of Islamic belief.

51. He is part of his own phantasmagoria and we adore him because nature has grown intelligible, and by doing so a part of our creative power.

52. The individual has the right to confirm whether personal data concerning him exists or not, even if it has not yet been recorded, and its communication in an intelligible form.

53. Mesolect, Basilect Pidgins and Creoles Diglossia Conclusion A progressive shift from one form of speech to another across a territory, such that adjacent varieties are mutually intelligible, but those at the extremes are not

54. Although the utterances tended to be highly intelligible and highly rated for Comprehensibility, the accent judgment scores ranged widely, with a noteworthy proportion of scores at the “heavily‐accented” end of the scale

55. Algerian Arabic (known as Darja in Algeria) is a dialect derived from the form of Arabic spoken in northern Algeria.It belongs to the Maghrebi Arabic language continuum and is partially mutually intelligible with Tunisian and Moroccan.

56. Dialect, Acrolect, mesolect, basilect Pidgins and Creoles Diglossia Conclusion A progressive shift from one form of speech to another across a territory, such that adjacent varieties are mutually intelligible, but those at the extremes are not

57. For the medieval philosopher Thomas Aquinas the concept of Analogy was fundamental as being an intelligible means of referring to the relationships between God and mankind; there are attributes of God which are similar to but not identical with those of human beings, as when we

58. Did Dawkins address them thus: "What for you jerran Budgerry whitefellow?" "Whitefellow brother belong it to blackfellow."* Neither had the piece of tobacco, which he had put in the stranger's mouth, any effect in bringing intelligible words out of it, although the poor fellow complacently chewed the bitter weed

59. Barely furnished {adj} kümmerlich möbliert: Barely furnished {adj} notdürftig möbliert: Barely intelligible {adj} kaum verständlich: Barely one: kaum einer: traffic Barely passable {adj} [roads, ways etc.] schwer passierbar / schwerpassierbar [Straßen, Wege etc.] Barely perceptible {adj} kaum vernehmbar

60. Cluttering Speech pathology A condition characterized by an excessive rate of speech with an irregular rhythm, collapsing of sounds and words, and loss of syllables; Cluttering can range in severity from garbled, but generally intelligible, to virtually unintelligible, and may co-exist with stuttering Treatment Bethanechol may be effective.

61. Drawing precisely on Averroes’ analysis of the abstraction in Ibn Bâjja, Aquinas writes that “when our intellect reaches the highest abstraction of any intelligible quiddity, it understands by this the quiddity of the separate substance which is like to it (quando intellectus noster peruenit ad summam Abstractionem quidditatis

62. As verbs the difference between interpret and Construe is that interpret is to explain or tell the meaning of; to expound; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms; to decipher; to define; -- applied especially to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc; as, to interpret the hebrew language to an englishman; to interpret an indian speech while