Use "intelligence" in a sentence

1. An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?

2. Intelligence Analyst Selection Process The Intelligence Analyst Selection Process

3. Basically overall intelligence.

4. Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines

5. Fluid intelligence declines with age, while Crystallized intelligence is maintained or improved

6. Language and Intelligence

7. Intelligence agents Attentively …

8. AI: Artificial Intelligence.

9. An Artificial Intelligence.

10. L'incroyable intelligence des Bourdons

11. Don't insult my intelligence.

12. You insult my intelligence !

13. The Director General, Intelligence also maintains contact with intelligence agencies in other countries.

14. Beamy Tech Intelligence Platform

15. Intelligence -- what is it?

16. Analytics Intelligence functionality includes:

17. Agitare Technologies, Inc.'s IoT Ambient Conditions Intelligence Service adds intelligence to any hardware

18. Don't insult my intelligence, Kirk.

19. Intelligence is a polymorphous concept.

20. Because our intelligence says so!

21. Creativity is intelligence having fun.

22. Piaget allows two years for the development of sensorimotor intelligence as distinct from conceptual intelligence.

23. Actions indicate intelligence and purpose.

24. Aibi is an Artificial Intelligence system to provide business intelligence services to small and medium enterprises

25. The Boston Regional Intelligence Center (Bric) works at the forefront of intelligence collection and analysis

26. His “Bawsint” face high intelligence

27. " Intelligence asset " is the term.

28. This essay shows considerable intelligence.

29. And it wasn't social intelligence.

30. British intelligence believe its American counterparts were hoodwinked , while Israeli intelligence responded with shock and disappointment .

31. Advanced education, high intelligence ( especially verbal intelligence ), open - mindedness, and good mental health abet empathic accuracy.

32. Business intelligence add-ons software

33. I never doubted your intelligence.

34. Does it predict artificial intelligence?

35. Counterintelligence is an activity aimed at protecting an agency's intelligence program against an opposition's intelligence service.

36. The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is an ability-based measure of emotional intelligence.

37. Some scientists attribute intelligence to ants.

38. It's an artificial-intelligence security system.

39. 2 Her intelligence seems almost superhuman.

40. Acuteness definition: a quick and penetrating intelligence synonyms: keenness, acuity, sharpness, intelligence, steel trap antonyms: stupidity, softness

41. Codec is a cultural intelligence platform.

42. Is this intelligence from the PST?

43. The Need for Actionable Threat Intelligence

44. Polish intelligence produced some false visas.

45. So where does that intelligence lie?

46. Artificial Intelligence, or simply Ai, is the term used to describe a machine’s ability to simulate human intelligence

47. A synonym for Adeptness is intelligence.

48. So consider the spectrum of intelligence.

49. Now I'm working for British intelligence.

50. She's a woman of exceptional intelligence.

51. Nobody can equal him in intelligence.

52. She was favoured with great intelligence.

53. 1 Intelligence is a polymorphous concept.

54. The Intelligence AoE Billposter is guide

55. IntoTheBlock brings crypto intelligence to everyone

56. Dark Blue: trust, dignity, intelligence, authority

57. Artificial intelligence Calculates suicide attempt risk

58. You are above average in intelligence.

59. Intelligence and cunning emanated from him.

60. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context.

61. Analysis has him listed as Iranian intelligence.

62. They received intelligence of an impending invasion.

63. I admired Jobert's intelligence and sardonic wit.

64. His strength is matched by his intelligence.

65. I leafed through some intelligence reports by State's intelligence bureau(INR)in order to acquaint myself with its capabilities.

66. Blunthearted Political intelligence or natural athletic ability

67. Diplomatic and intelligence outposts in Benghazi, Libya

68. Digital demodulators specially designed for signals intelligence;

69. 3 Let's use these intelligence tests judiciously.

70. Her wit and intelligence extorted their admiration.

71. John Barton had revived to fitful intelligence.

72. Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology

73. While Crystalized intelligence improves or remains stable with age, fluid intelligence is known to decline fairly rapidly after adolescence

74. IQ or intelligence quotient is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence.

75. Is your IQ —your Intelligence Quotient as measured by a standardized test— a gauge of your stable, general intelligence?

76. 15 Intelligence was no longer the monopoly of the Central Intelligence Agency, but the subject of seminars for CEOs.

77. Brainless definition is - devoid of intelligence : stupid

78. Military intelligence data gathering and processing systems

79. Her efficiency and intelligence are beyond question.

80. We've obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans.