Use "insist that" in a sentence

1. I insist that he is innocent.

2. Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.

3. Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

4. I insist that you withdraw your offensive remarks immediately.

5. UFO spotters will always insist that their data is correct.

6. 5 Campaigners insist that abortion should be available on demand.

7. Now I insist that we call upon our bishop to excommunicate him!

8. "We insist that educationally and socially, we maintain a segregated society...

9. I must absolutely insist that you leave at this very moment.

10. They insist that all parents not let their children run wild.

11. They make issues over trifles and insist that they must be vindicated.

12. 24 Now, I insist that we call upon our bishop to excommunicate him!

13. Yes, well, I usually insist that you let the music take you somewhere.

14. Those who reject generalization insist that history consists of unique and separate events.

15. The two rivals for party leadership insist that there is no animosity between them.

16. I must adamantly insist that this measure be abolished as soon as possible.

17. However, a film could insist that this cannot be replaced by simple adjurations.

18. Insist that I will not rationalise blunders, or omit details to camouflage motives.

19. 10 You should stand up for your rights and insist that he pays you.

20. A pedant will always insist that you ask for 'fewer' items rather than 'less'.

21. Thus, they continue to insist that they have right of access to hacienda resources.

22. The defendants decide to admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances.

23. To ignore that fact is to bury your head in the sand and insist that Axioms …

24. 4:8 —Why did Barak insist that the prophetess Deborah go with him to the battlefield?

25. This doesn't mean, I hasten to insist, that natural selection is a purely destructive process.

26. I am very sorry, but I'm going to have to insist that you bump this.

27. And then finally, we insist that the robots be agnostic to who their neighbors are.

28. Cut off ties with those who insist that you change to conform to their lifestyle.

29. I insist on your taking/insist that you take immediate action to put this right.

30. They have an absolute obligation to insist that their projects not generate serious human rights abuses.

31. Alarmists insist that neither the Medieval Warming Period nor the subsequent Little Ice Age were global

32. For some one like Giscard to insist that the franc is overvalued is virtually unheard of.

33. Traditionalists insist that there are only three appropriate accompaniments to Wensleydale: - apple pie, gingerbread, or fruit cake.

34. Some fundamentalists insist that these days are literal, restricting earthly creation to a period of 144 hours.

35. To insist that the fault lies elsewhere will almost certainly prolong unnecessary tension and allow the problem to intensify.

36. In consequence we must insist that staff moving about the building on their own should not use the lifts.

37. Some creditors could insist that the company is worth more to them in liquidation than as a going concern.

38. Well, if you insist that I try to understand, then you have to tell me that story as well.

39. However, Lindsey continued to insist that the social description was the appropriate characterization because the policy talk was incidental.

40. Panel members and airline and government officials insist that fears about bias and invasion of privacy are unfounded.

41. For example, a person might insist that he has every right to take a drink before driving home.

42. 22 Squatters insist that without their work, the buildings would have deteriorated to the point of being unusable.

43. Auteurists on the other hand insist that not every film-maker has a style that manifests in the same way

44. Nonetheless, the tribunal condemned Hirota's failure to insist that the Japanese Cabinet act to put an end to the atrocities.

45. Lewis was perfectly correct, even politically correct, to insist that Bowe had reneged on a pledge to fight him first.

46. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological(sentencedict .com), insist that big cuts are just not practical.

47. At countless conferences and symposia, ministry officials and government personnel insist that funds must be found to import solutions, à la carte.

48. Devotees of Antiracism insist that being “not racist” is insufficient to overcome the pervasive effects of systemic racism; action is needed

49. But they insist that if insect transmission is a factor in the spread of AIDS, it is an insignificant one.” —ED.

50. They may also insist that the other spouse change their behaviour so that it would be more consistent with their own.

51. “The EU should insist that Vietnam agree to clear and verifiable benchmarks for progress, or Vietnam will simply make empty promises.”

52. To insist that only doubt-free faith can be counted as genuine faith is to misunderstand what knowledge and faith are.

53. There are many who insist that the paradigms of greed, arrogance and usurpation are the true reference points for our sextants.

54. Leaders insist that only pockets around the country support escalation, but are aware of increasing frustration that the dispute remains unsettled.

55. Some growers insist that FIMing actually makes plants Bushier than topping, allowing for dramatic plant growth and more room for dense colas

56. It is basically a spruced-up version of videoconferencing, but its creators insist that the technology is so improved as to be unrecognisable.

57. (Luke 3:15) Some scholars today insist that it was Roman oppression that made the Jews long for and expect the Messiah in those days.

58. For example, a person researching laser physics could insist that light is a wave, similar to a sound wave, because light often behaves like a wave.

59. 151 quotes have been tagged as Anguish: Alexander Lowen: ‘It is a grave injustice to a child or adult to insist that they stop crying

60. Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest,( making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science.

61. Matzoh Brei enthusiasts tend to fall into two camps: Those who insist that the golden scramble be topped with nothing more than a sprinkle of salt, …

62. 9 So we will not tell our partners to take it or leave it, nor will we insist that they're either with us or against us.

63. Schools should be prohibited from banning female pupils from wearing the hijab , say 55 % , while 88 % insist that schools and work places should accommodate Muslim prayer times .

64. Some physicians will insist that these patients are isolated until their sputum is smear negative, or even culture negative (which may take many months, or even years).

65. Of course, it was not wrong for someone to abstain from certain foods, as long as he did not insist that such abstinence was necessary to gain salvation.

66. (Acts 15:28, 29) Out of respect for the sanctity of life, godly people do not accept blood transfusions, even if others insist that such a procedure would be lifesaving.

67. The crisis has been caused because the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, insist that the debt ceiling should not be raised without dealing with the national debt.

68. The rabbis themselves state that the Aggadah is not authoritative and insist that no halakhah may be derived from aggadot, but it is held in high esteem concerning insight and piety.

69. Similarly, those who insist that evolution is a fact base their conclusions on only part of the evidence, and they allow their own presupposed conclusions to influence the way that they view the evidence.

70. The story follows a young woman who, after a car crash, wakes up in an underground bunker with two men who insist that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable.

71. Some commentators insist that a "Contractual lien" should not be called a lien at all, because a "true" lien should arise without the consent of the property owner.

72. Concerning amnestic aphasia, Gelb and Goldstein insist that an object cannot be grasped as a generally understood fact using a categorical attitude but only experienced subjectively in its this-ness with a concrete attitude.

73. The English language is chock-full of confusing grammar rules, like these 20, as is; there’s no need to insist that A word break the common rules of language just because we didn’t used to use

74. ‘Some purists insist that Balmorals are not ‘berets’ but ‘civilians’ call a Scottish blue bonnet a beret.’ ‘He is a specialist in the production of highland hats such as glengarries for pipers/drummers and Balmorals …

75. There are those who, for a variety of reasons, will Concretize these visions and insist that these images are literally true, but the initial vision that brought these visions to us, whether Zeus, a man/elephant, or a

76. When those fisherpeople started to sail down the lagoon in search of new homes, it could not have occurred to them that the city that would rise up around them would one day insist that they do not belong in it.

77. Baptist, member of a group of Protestant Christians who share the basic Beliefs of most Protestants but who insist that only believers should be baptized and that it should be done by immersion rather than by the sprinkling or pouring of water

78. Why do so many people insist that the Cadillac they drive is a Ken Batchelor? Take any Cadillac, put the name Ken Batchelor on the back - And it becomes, if not a whole different vehicle, a whole different vehicle ownership experience.

79. The one time, it seems, she stood up to Jimmy and put her foot down was when he tried to insist that she move their family to America, because HE was tired of being Brickbatted by the media in England

80. Baptist, member of a group of Protestant Christians who share the basic beliefs of most Protestants but who insist that only believers should be baptized and that it should be done by immersion rather than by the sprinkling or pouring of water