Use "inoculation" in a sentence

1. A route of inoculation into the abdominal cavity. Inoculation into a vein.

2. Inoculation with activated sludge

3. The inoculation did not take.

4. An inoculation against cholera is recommended.

5. The disease can now be prevented by inoculation.

6. Have the baby have a diphtheria inoculation?

7. This may eventually lead to routine inoculation of children.

8. Objective To improve the inoculation technique of Penicillin fermenter.

9. After inoculation of pregnant women does not affect fetal development.

10. Inoculation area: the main equipment here is bio safety cabinet.

11. The proteolytic activity of culture filtrates was maximum 12–14 days after inoculation.

12. Different inoculation routes could result in different immunologic potency and persistent time.

13. The melting velocity of inoculant in molten iron directly influences effect of inoculation treatment.

14. From inoculation experiments and morphological examinations, the aecial state of Pucciniastrum sparsum (Wint.)

15. Inoculation, however, increased the amount of adenosine triphosphate in the peripheral trunk zones.

16. Rhizobia inoculation significantly increased Basipetal auxin transport in both Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus

17. Inoculation with large amount of inoculant can increase properties of castings and process yield.

18. Inoculation near the periosteum after injury of the condylus medialis femoris was considered most succesful.

19. Abstract: Smallpox inoculation or variolation is a great invention of medicine in ancient China.

20. [On the zones of the inoculation surface simulating the phenomenon of Bacteriophagia] Lab Delo

21. Shedding of the Aflagellar and intimin-Aflagellar mutants ceased 99 and 113 days after inoculation, respectively

22. However, as the risk of death from inoculation with Variola Minor was just 1% to 2%, as compared to the 20% risk of death from the natural form of smallpox, the risks of inoculation were generally considered acceptable.

23. The granularity of coal, inoculation amount of bacteria and additional nitrogen have some effect on desulfurization.

24. Inoculation of raw milk, which may also be refrigerated, with a minimum of # % of the first starter

25. It was simply to encourage the inoculation of children by, not only making it a social event

26. They note the immunity from the vaccine doesn’t begin to emerge until at least 12 days After inoculation.

27. Through artificial inoculation, 5 wild potato populations were evaluated and screened for resistance to potato virus Y (PVY).

28. Inoculation processing enhances the concentration fluctuation. The sine theory of the fluctuation is improved according to the measured waveform.

29. A skillful baker could cycle a Barm infused dough for long periods without recourse to a re-inoculation

30. Ten to 12 days after inoculation, the worms are expelled from the small intestine and the inflammatory response fades away.

31. It was to British author Lady Mary Montagu that Europe was first indebted for the introduction of inoculation against smallpox.

32. Other articles where Curdling is discussed: dairy product: Inoculation and Curdling: Milk for cheese making must be of the highest quality

33. The site of inoculation is the albumen end of the egg via entry through the air cell end of the egg.

34. However, when testing pigs in contact with AI viruses, when virus has had little opportunity to adapt, allantoic cavity inoculation is probably sufficient

35. Next, outer green epidermis of the Coleoptile was removed using a sterile surgical blade, but retaining the transparent inner epidermis for inoculation.

36. Benighted, benign, benignant, benign hypertension, benign inoculation lymphoreticulosis, Benignity, benign juvenile melanoma, benign migratory glossitis, benign mucosal pemphigoid, benign myalgic encephalomyelitis, benign …

37. Binates and lungs and did not examine the dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 isolates following intranasal inoculation, which therefore remains largely unknown

38. The interaction between the cotton leaf pathogens Alternaria macrospora and Alternaria alternata was studied using dual inoculation at dosages (≈ 103 spores/(mL

39. Most of the sub-types were directly obtainable from biological inoculation experiments with guinea pigs without previous treatment with acid or alkali.

40. This is the basis for advance inoculation with a vaccine (toxoid) against polio, mumps, rubella (measles), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, and typhoid fever.

41. Pertussis toxin activity, determined by clustering of Chinese hamster ovary cells, was found in the allantoic fluid following inoculation of virulent bacteria.

42. 1 It was shown that the organism could cause conjunctivitis in baboons and, after inoculation in the urethra, a urethritis as well.

43. Hamsters and K18-hACE2 transgenic mice inoculated with the Complementation-derived virions exhibited no detectable disease, even after intracranial inoculation with the highest possible dose.

44. Polyvinyl alcohol aqueous solution modification envisages the creation of new active centers by oligomers inoculation to the surface and blocking the clay component and Authigenous …

45. 9 Proventriculus type of avian infectious bronchitis isolate virus D971 was used to infect SPF chickens. Infected chickens manifested emaciation,[] diarrhea and mild dyspnea after inoculation.

46. 27 Using stream inoculation technology can restrain the emergence of the molybdenum carbide and composite phosphide eutectic and increase the percentage elongation of the casting obviously.

47. Attitude inoculation is a technique used to make people immune to attempts to change their Attitude by first exposing them to small arguments against their position

48. Aliquots of medium (supernatant) from all cultures or wells constituting the primary culture shall be pooled according to cell line 7 to 10 days after inoculation.

49. 19 Proventriculus type of avian infectious bronchitis isolate virus D971 was used to infect SPF chickens. Infected chickens manifested emaciation, diarrhea and mild dyspnea after inoculation.

50. Some of the world's most powerful countries issued a rare unified call for better vaccine access for poorer nations on Friday, as inoculation campaigns strengthened and governments Cautiously

51. Effects of different dosage of Ice nucleating active (INA) bacteria on substances and cold tolerance of Tenebrio molitor were studied through two kinds of inoculation methods, bathing and feeding.

52. Collect activated sludge for inoculation from the aeration tank of a well operated waste water treatment plant or from a laboratory — scale activated sludge unit, treating predominantly domestic sewage.

53. 26 By using fluorite, swarf and others for inoculanting the nodular iron the nodule count in inoculated iron increased obviously, even by over 100% more than that the iron without inoculation.

54. Cutaneous tuberculosis exhibits different clinical phenotypes acquired through different routes, including via extrinsic inoculation of the tuberculous bacilli and dissemination to the skin from other sites, or represents hypersensitivity reactions to M

55. Primary immunogenicity end points were the rates of 4-fold or greater increases in serum hemagglutinin inhibition antibody to each of the 3 vaccine strains before and 28 days after inoculation.

56. Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs six days after inoculation should be chilled to 4 °C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.

57. Acetification was induced by inoculation of a commercial Acetobacter starter to a water, wine/cider, white vinegar mixture and Acetifications were carried out at 30 deg C in static aerobic flask cultures

58. Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 °C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.

59. Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs six days after inoculation should be chilled to 4o C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.

60. Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs six days after inoculation must be chilled to 4 oC and the allantoic- amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.

61. There are practically no differences in the degree of infection conferred to older, unequally resistant varieties, so that inoculation must be done at an early age when resistance differences are to be recorded.

62. Root nodule dry weight and acetylene-reduction activity failed to increase after stem inoculation, but root nodule dry weight and acetylene-reduction activity increased several fold within 15 days of detachment of aerial stem nodules.

63. (a) & (c) State Governments through the State Haj Committees, make arrangements of training camps, mandatory inoculation of polio and meningitis and transit accommodation at all embarkation points in India prior to departure of the pilgrims.

64. After inoculation into the allantoic cavity spherical and rod shaped particles, presumably belonging to the virus system of vesicular stomatitis, could be demonstrated. They appeared first in the cells and intracellular spaces of the chorion layer.

65. The classic Chancre of primary syphilis is a painless ulcer with an indurated margin and a clean base called a “Chancre” that develops at the site of inoculation an average of 2-3 weeks post-infection (Fig

66. Five blocks of 25 plants per row for each treatment combination, seed type (whole and cut tubers) and inoculation (Bacterized and non-Bacterized), were used.Guard rows consisting of Verticillium resistant clone A 66107-51, supplied by D.L

67. Axenicity was checked by inoculation into the following three media (both broth and agar): 1% yeast extract-I% glucose, nutrient broth and O·1% glucose-0'05% peptone-0·05% tryptone0·05% yeast extract (artificial sea water base)

68. He insisted that "the rabies virus retains its activity in buried corpses, so that when doubts arise afterwards about the nature of the disease that caused the death, exhumation, and inoculation of the bulb are naturally indicated".

69. In the initial experiment, when the agents were given 24 hours after inoculation of tumour cells cultured in vitro, the tumour take was prevented to a statistically significant degree by the two alkylating agents, cyclophosphamide and thiotepa.

70. After inoculation with virus (Influenza B) the activities of a series of enzymes of the tissue involved (chorio-allantois membranes of hatched hen's eggs) undergo characteristic changes, which become manifest at the moment at which the first infectious particles appear.

71. Until the advent and development of molecular-based tests, virus isolation by the inoculation of embryonated fowls' eggs was considered the most sensitive diagnostic test for AI by far and essential for subsequent identification and characterisation of the infecting virus.

72. When the primary leaves of barley seedlings were preliminarily inoculated with a compatible or an incompatible race on the abaxial leaf surface, they became resistant to the disease caused by challenge inoculation with the same pathogen on the adaxial surface.

73. Basipetal auxin transport was measured in (A) Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021 ‘E65’ and (B) Lotus japonicus in response to Mesorhizobium loti inoculation at the early stages of nodulation prior to the formation of visible nodule bumps.

74. Up to the onset of sporulation at 8 days after inoculation the only major alteration in cell structure was a marked tendency for the cell organelles to be aggregated around the intracellular fungal haustorium and an accumulation of starch in the plastids.

75. A relatively Avirulent strain of hemolytic streptococci injected into the skin of normal rabbits seldom diminished and usually increased in number during the first 5 hours after inoculation but after 12 hours save in exceptional instances the organisms diminished rapidly and disappeared.

76. The following characteristics were identified: pH(H2O), organic carbon, soluble potassium, available phosphorus, total content of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb), Red-Ox potential, penetration resistance, bulk density, cellulosolytic activity, species composition of soil animals and microbiological inoculation on Anitrogenous medium Then, having

77. Most of the Coleoptiles split naturally within 1 to 2 d after inoculation (DAI), and F graminearum hyphae could be observed inside coleoptile cells within 3 to 7 DAI (see Supplemental Figure 1 online), with dark-brown lesions be-coming apparent on the Coleoptiles of inoculated seedlings 1 …

78. Through inoculation tests in the greenhouse and in the field, the previously unknown 0 and I stages of Coleosporium viburni Arth. are shown to occur on jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). These stages are described and differences in aeciospore morphology which permit distinction on pine of this rust from Coleosporium asterum (Diet.)

79. A fatal disease clinically and pathologically indistinguishable from IBDF resulted from FHV inoculation of the following species representing 7 families; Swain-son’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperi) sharp-shinned hawk (A. striatus) great horned owl (Bubo virgianus) screech owl (Otus asio) snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca) American coot (Fulica americana) green heron (Butorides virescens) budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) Amazon parrot (Amazona ocrocephala) ring-necked dove (Streptopelia risoria) and baby muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata).