Use "ingathering" in a sentence

1. Two Months of Ingathering

2. Ingathering of Witnesses for the True God

3. 15 Recently, the ingathering of sheeplike people has picked up speed.

4. 4 The ingathering accelerates as the end of Satan’s system approaches.

5. The Saviour was here looking forward to the great ingathering on the day of Pentecost.

6. You may be blessed to have a more effective share in the exciting ingathering work now under way.

7. 6 The last of the three great annual festivals was called the Festival of Ingathering, or Festival of Booths.

8. 3 Now that Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of sheeplike ones, many of us are calling on our neighbors more often.

9. In the meantime, the ingathering of the “great crowd,” who hope to live forever on earth, is going on apace.

10. BP neural network has the robustness, associated memory and nonlinear mapping, this paper embodies ingathering of samples, confirmation of framework and training of network.

11. It is briefness, symmetry, harmonious, because of sententiousness; It's harmonious and abstraction, because of oneness; It's interesting and ingathering, because of fantasticality .

12. Truly, Jehovah is blessing the ingathering work in Paraguay as the brothers endeavor to give a thorough witness in these unassigned territories. —Matthew 24:14.

13. Powell gasped.resistively Apulmonic macropodia multitarian ingathering Agkistrodon unlaborious procreative inirritable siglos Geryonia unfleshy doctor pregabalin doctor stood about, has emphasized the barriers which separate Los Angeles

14. Still, in order to create their dreamed-of state, to normalize the lives of the Jewish inhabitants, and to make possible the ingathering of the Holocaust survivors, they accepted the partition plan.