Use "inflationary" in a sentence

1. The 1970s and 1980s were inflationary decades.

2. The bank is worried about mounting inflationary pressures.

3. Inflationary pressures will lead to higher prices.

4. Inflationary pressures continued to slacken last month.

5. The inflationary theory already has strong observational support.

6. However, monetary policies will remain accommodative as inflationary pressures are subdued.

7. Whether inflationary taxes, or all those other Assundry Washington gimmees.

8. Index - linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases.

9. The ecu link may provide a firmer anchor for inflationary expectations.

10. The government would not print the money to pay for inflationary wage deals.

11. (16) To adjust for inflationary effects, the rate of return on a long-term government bond had first to be determined for each contribution period disregarding inflationary expectations.

12. But macroeconomic stability has been maintained and inflationary pressures remain subdued.

13. The danger of inflation stalked the home front because of this " inflationary gap ".

14. 27 The labour market is still tight; other inflationary pressures have yet to abate.

15. Nor were there any private inflationary expectations at the begin-ning of 19

16. That alarms many people, who fear that the border being crossed may be an inflationary Rubicon.

17. These actions threw the economy into a recession, but also tamed the inflationary monster.

18. Moderating economic expansion in recent months has reduced potential inflationary pressures going forward.

19. They believe that the reduced spending from the government will reduce inflationary pressures.

20. "We believe inflationary pressures will peter out in the coming months," said Qu Hongbin, at HSBC.

21. The dramatic events of Black Wednesday leave little chance of avoiding a quick revival of inflationary pressure.

22. The absence of inflationary pressures indicated that interest rates would remain low for an extended period.

23. Inflationary increases and DCC’s growth will have a general effect on operating and administrative expenses.

24. After an election, this policy has to be reversed to avoid the likely inflationary consequences.

25. Inflationary pressures have abated, reflecting the decline in international commodity prices and a good harvest.

26. Monetary expansion is moderating further, supporting the assessment that inflationary pressures and risks are diminishing.

27. I recommend that the funding continue at the present level, with an inflationary consideration - £9

28. Amid lower energy prices and moderating inflationary pressures risks have abated, but we will remain vigilant.

29. Monetary policy should endeavour to counteract inflationary and deflationary risks alike in a symmetric, proactive and forward-looking manner

30. Axion designed to stabilized inflationary curve that will help use to delivery highest return on investment

31. This, in effect, would outlaw the inflationary creation of money - a drastic change, if it happens.

32. Such a Countermove, a measure known as sterilization, would be help keep inflationary side effects in check.

33. Chinese officials and economists are now more worried about a precipitating slowdown than an inflationary build - up.

34. I was then asked to give a seminar on the inflationary universe at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

35. Their balance of payments deficits have been alarmingly large, and their currencies have dropped sharply, aggravating their inflationary problems.

36. The more extreme Euro-pessimists would view any attempt at expanding demand to reduce unemployment as being necessarily inflationary.

37. Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary.

38. A second and equally important impact of the time factor in making oil-backout investments is inflationary rises in capital costs.

39. Continue sustainable macroeconomic policies; continue fiscal adjustment and consolidation to further reduce external imbalances and contain inflationary pressures

40. 18 It would have a repulsive gravitational effect, and thus make those regions expand in an inflationary manner.

41. After the conference I gave a seminar on the inflationary model and its problems at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute.

42. The global economy is in the midst of an economic slowdown coupled with all its attendant problems, including inflationary pressures.

43. It's called inflationary cosmology, which identified a particular kind of fuel that would naturally generate an outward rush of space.

44. A national economy that is expanding without creating inflationary pressures that would force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates.

45. The floating of the pound in 1972 symbolized this turnaround in favour of sustaining expansion regardless of the inflationary cost.

46. The anti-inflationary bias, which made sense until recently, now is seriously out of whack with current economic realities.

47. By contrast, Armenia cut rates throughout 2014, as the inflationary pressures linked to gas price increases in 2013 abated.

48. The Thatcher record since 1979 has been accompanied by a good deal of inflationary rhetoric from both supporters and critics.

49. At this point, inflationary expectations will increase, long-term government bond yields will rise, and the recovery will be crowded out.

50. Therefore, after the introduction of the dual currency system inflationary pressures did not abate in Montenegro, as foodstuff prices increased strongly.

51. Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures.

52. Confusion and ruinous inflationary surges resulted from competing currencies; Japanese, new Dutch money, and Republican currencies were all used, often concurrently.

53. Contractionary fiscal policy is a form of fiscal policy that involves increasing taxes, decreasing government expenditures or both in order to fight inflationary pressures

54. In the U.S., where only 7% of private workers are unionized, there is now little danger of an inflationary wage-price spiral.

55. Translations in context of "Anyways" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Disguised pirates are somewhat inflationary Anyways during carnival.

56. "Economic developments in Mali in the first half of 2008 were dominated by an inflationary surge, now abating, from rising food and fuel prices.

57. Sadly, these were often abused by Latin American governments (and some economists at ECLA itself) to justify exaggerated protectionism and inflationary financing of government.


59. A rising inflationary trend and a persistent fiscal deficit during 1990 were exacerbated by the continuing civil war and rising petrol prices.

60. These developments are bound to have a negative impact on developing countries which also have to bear the additional burden of inflationary pressures.

61. While inflationary pressures abated in the majority of African countries, price escalations were observed in a few countries, including Mozambique and Sierra Leon.

62. While inflationary pressures abated in the majority of African countries, price escalations were observed in a few countries, including Mozambique and Sierra Leone.

63. Contractionary fiscal policy is a form of fiscal policy that involves increasing taxes, decreasing government expenditures or both in order to fight inflationary pressures

64. As regards price developments, underlying domestic inflationary pressures in the euro area remained contained, reflecting subdued increases in labour compensation and well-anchored inflation expectations.

65. 15 An inflationary blowout, for example from excess credit, would see the US stock market rise in a volatile fashion, partnered by a sharp fall in the US dollar.

66. NEW DELHI, June 20, 2014: Unlike most developing countries, India’s recent growth has been well below potential, which provides space for economic activity to accelerate without building inflationary pressures.

67. On the other hand, the impact of adverse aggregate demand and supply shocks on the price level are asymmetrical — disasters create inflationary pressures, while economic shocks can be deflationary.

68. The project has demonstrated how the adiabatic renormalisation of the two-point function of the magnetic field is not viable for the generation of an inflationary magnetic field.

69. The next year brought "replacement notes" of the 1, 5 and 10 Pesos while 1944 ushered in a 100 Peso note and soon after an inflationary 500 Pesos note.

70. The result is that paper money would often lead to an inflationary bubble, which could collapse if people began demanding hard money, causing the demand for paper notes to fall to zero.

71. The inflationary model describes a brief era of incredibly rapid expansion that relates quantum fluctuations in the energy of the early universe, to the formation of clumps of gas that eventually led to galaxies.

72. However, given the subdued economic growth in 2002, the risk of the accumulated excess liquidity translating into inflationary pressures was considered to be small, a view that prevailed in the second half of 2002 in particular.

73. 1 day ago · Question: 1)Awhy Is LRAS Curve Vertical? What Does This Imply About The Impact Of Aggregate Demand Shift On Equilibrium GDP.1)b Explain Carefully The Difference Between The Adjustment Of The Economy In A Recessionary Gap And An Inflationary Gap.

74. In physical Cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation, or just inflation, is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe.The inflationary epoch lasted from 10 −36 seconds after the conjectured Big Bang singularity to some time between 10 −33 and 10 −32 seconds after the singularity

75. If the inflationary consequences of using SDRs in this way are benign, it could be used to justify the additional, extra issuance of SDRs, say, every five years, again, with the commitment that developed-market countries would direct their share of the new reserves to the Green Climate Fund.

76. Answer: It would not be proper for me to comment on the monetary policy of the RBI, that's the preserve of the Reserve Bank but there is no doubt that there are both, factors on the side of demand and on the side of supply to create an inflationary environment.