Use "inflammation" in a sentence

1. ○ Eye inflammation

2. * chronic inflammation

3. Carditis, or inflammation of the heart, is most conveniently broken down into three categories: PeriCarditis - Inflammation of the pericardium MyoCarditis - Inflammation of the heart muscle EndoCarditis - Inflammation of the endocardium

4. Arteritis definition is - arterial inflammation

5. Xanthoma usually has inflammation nearby.

6. Non-specific signs of inflammation.

7. Aspirin reduces pain and inflammation.

8. Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina.

9. Bilberry Might Help Reduce Inflammation: There is consistent evidence supporting the alleviating effect of Bilberry consumption on inflammation

10. Keratitis Definition Inflammation of the cornea.

11. Inflammation is a phenomenon of disease.

12. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Chronic Cystitis is a long-lasting inflammation of the bladder

13. Catarrhal inflammation, it's not that unusual.

14. Your arm has swollen by inflammation.

15. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Inflammation is where part of your body becomes irritated, red, or swollen

16. Conjunctivitis definition, inflammation of the Conjunctiva

17. Again, biopsies showed only chronic inflammation.

18. Inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever.

19. 2 Meningitis: Inflammation of the meninges.

20. Canaliculitis is inflammation of the lacrimal Canaliculus

21. Bronchiolitis definition is - inflammation of the bronchioles

22. Arteritis, inflammation of an artery or arteries

23. Microcellular inflammation, oxidative stress, immune vascular dysfunction.

24. The disease causes inflammation of the brain.

25. Ice decreases inflammation and provides pain relief.

26. 10 The predominant pathological characteristics of the chronic airway inflammation are airway inflammation, airway remodeling, mucous hypersecretion and so on.

27. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix .

28. Adnexitis means fallopian tube and ovary inflammation.

29. In Coetaneous wound healing, the inflammation stage begins immediately after injury, first with vasoconstriction that favours homeostasis and releases inflammation mediators

30. Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes

31. The inflammation decreases from antrum versus cardia.

32. Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation

33. And there's less of this bad inflammation.

34. Bradykinin also plays a crucial role in inflammation.

35. Antacids can be used for inflammation of the esophagus, excessive acid in the stomach, peptic ulcer and inflammation of the stomach

36. Inflammation of this Bursa is called trochanteric bursitis

37. Atrophic gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach

38. See if there are blood clots or inflammation.

39. It's a steroid to help with the inflammation.

40. Colloidal oatmeal may also help fight skin inflammation

41. Bearberry is possibly effective for urinary tract inflammation.

42. Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes (bronchi)

43. Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes (bronchi)

44. Analgen Analgesic family that relieves inflammation and pain

45. Key words: hypertension, heart, inflammation, NFκB, adhesion molecules.

46. During malperfusion and inflammation leukocyte adhesion is common.

47. They were better, showing hardly any inflammation now.

48. The drugs reduce the inflammation in the skin.

49. Inflammation of the cecum of the large intestine.

50. A method for reducing, inflammation, coagulation and adhesions

51. Key Words: muscle inflammation, muscle damage, leukocyte adhesion

52. Later, however, an inflammation develops around the bite.

53. The drug can cause inflammation of the liver.

54. Symptoms are scaly skin, itching, inflammation and blisters.

55. Pathology . —Bronchiolitis is bronchiolar inflammation of various causes.

56. Cystitis is defined as inflammation of the urinary bladder

57. The Cause of this inflammation and pain is unknown

58. Vasculitis is the inflammation of the body’s Blood vessels

59. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints

60. Autophagy, Inflammation, & Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

61. Autophagy, Inflammation, & Metabolism Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

62. Key words: endotoxemia, inflammation, salivary glands, leukocytes, heart, adhesion.

63. Cosmetic composition for alleviating pruritus or inflammation containing daphnetin

64. 18 Is this condition prostata or seminal vesicle inflammation?

65. But research has actually linked Carrageenan to increased inflammation in the body – particularly gastrointestinal inflammation which can cause colitis-like disease and tumor promotion

66. * If unchecked, inflammation causes cells to burst and die.

67. Stone inflammation introversion, stubborn, Chen Fei just is opposite.

68. Cystitis, acute or chronic inflammation of the urinary bladder

69. Analgen® Analgesic family that relieves inflammation and pain

70. The most serious liver inflammation is called serum hepatitis.

71. [ kahr-di´tis] inflammation of the heart; myoCarditis

72. Marigold affusions help treat inflammation of the digestive tract.

73. Anemia may also result from chronic inflammation or tumors.

74. The leukocytes pile up, creating and worsening the inflammation.

75. Inflammation may be the common denominator between the two .

76. Inflammation of a bursa, especially in the shoulder joint.

77. Chemosis of the Conjunctiva is a type of eye inflammation

78. What is Arthritis? "Arthritis" literally means joint inflammation

79. Acute Bronchitis Definition Inflammation of trachea and bronchi (larger airways).

80. Ankle bursitis is inflammation of the bursa in your Ankle