Use "infirm" in a sentence

1. It rendered this assumption infirm.

2. Hunter is infirm of purpose.

3. care for the elderly and infirm.

4. Her grandmother is elderly and infirm.

5. Great - grandmother was old and infirm.

6. His already infirm body was racked by high fever.

7. He was too infirm to hold a steady job.

8. Perhaps an aged or infirm relative needs constant care.

9. She lives with her grandmother who is elderly and infirm.

10. 9 Many Bethel homes have elderly and infirm members.

11. She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house.

12. Special emphasis was given to telephone witnessing, especially for the infirm.

13. Show an elder and an infirm publisher doing telephone witnessing.

14. She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home.

15. The "Meals on Wheels' service delivers food to the old and infirm.

16. We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.

17. Let the sails be rags and the sailors infirm and sickly.

18. He was over eighty years of age, infirm and totally blind.

19. Special transportation and assistance were provided for the elderly and the infirm.

20. He was old, infirm, and the most gentle man she had ever met.

21. He's old and infirm, and his movements are getting slower and slower.

22. The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.

23. Shaky or infirm, as with age; decrepit: Creaky knee joints; a Creaky regime

24. The hotel is on a hill, which is not ideal for the infirm.

25. They single out an old, young, or infirm animal and only then start the chase.

26. Synonyms for Ailing include ill, poorly, sick, unwell, indisposed, weak, sickly, debilitated, infirm and diseased

27. 6 Valuing the Infirm: Loving undershepherds are also concerned about those who could be overlooked.

28. 23 synonyms for Anaemic: pale, weak, dull, frail, feeble, wan, sickly, bloodless, colourless, infirm

29. Peter is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice.

30. 2020 Memorial Commemoration—Asia Infirm Brothers and Sisters in Japan and South Korea Attend Program Despite Challenges

31. Synonyms for Challenged include disabled, impaired, exceptional, differently abled, incapacitated, paralysed, paralyzed, crippled, infirm and handicapped

32. The sick, the infirm, and the elderly in the congregation teach new ones what endurance involves.

33. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.

34. Deuteronomy 34:7 shows, however, that even though Moses was advanced in years, he was not infirm.

35. Its venom can cause severe illness (including pancreatitis), and in the young, old and infirm even death.

36. Almshouse definition, a house endowed by private charity for the reception and support of the aged or infirm poor

37. Elderly publishers, the infirm, those in full-time service, and others may require practical assistance with transportation or accommodations.

38. Initially developed for the infirm or elderly, Ensure has made inroads among aging baby boomers, thanks to aggressive marketing.

39. They can help those who have become ill, infirm, disturbed, or aged with a minimum of institutional care.

40. A Congregation of Roman Catholic Women, in the Carmelite tradition, dedicated to the care of the aged and infirm.

41. The old and infirm who were too feeble to keep up with the band were left behind to die.

42. He is under immense pressure to freeze benefit increases in the coming year for the jobless, the infirm, and pensioners.

43. Hodson favours the Master because of its high roof and low loading height, which makes it easier for the infirm.

44. Infirm publishers might be assigned to work a street that is level or that has homes with fewer stairs.

45. Since this seating is limited, only one or two persons directly assisting the elderly or infirm individual may sit with him.

46. A fence at the bottom of a flight of steps works as an effective safety measure for infirm walkers.

47. The Almshouse was built in 1799 to house the county's poor, mentally infirm, young offenders, and others down on their luck

48. Many of the chalets are set on a hillside reached by steps - not ideal for the infirm or very young children.

49. * The congregation was made up of mostly elderly and infirm people and children, and there was no one with experience in the construction trade.

50. Founded in 1999, the System supports the mission and philosophy of the Carmelite Sisters, proclaiming the value and dignity of the aged and infirm.

51. In addition, elders may arrange for talks to be recorded for infirm members of the congregation who are unable to attend the meetings.

52. 8 When elders make shepherding calls on shut-ins or the infirm, they can be alert to encourage these ones to participate in telephone witnessing.

53. Living in a country where special transportation services for the elderly and infirm are not provided, I find it a challenge to go to congregation meetings.

54. When your great uncle Marvin became infirm in his later years, trying to distinguish between you and your cousins tended to Addle his brain.

55. Another benefit would be of having a stable grid considering 160 GW capacity addition by 2022 from infirm sources of power like solar and wind.

56. The woman was a nun belonging to a religious order that gives assistance to the sick and infirm both in hospitals and in private homes.

57. Additionally, the report cites affidavits Alleging the exploitation of the elderly and the infirm by “effectively hijacking their identities and votes” and accuses Democrats of using the

58. If none, use the principles in the article to encourage the congregation to support any who are infirm or otherwise limited in ability to participate in congregation activity.

59. Our Congregations are supported by a network of ordained ministers, who shepherd those called by God—serving local families, providing instruction and guidance, and visiting the ill or infirm

60. The main reason for Backdowns is the erratic or ‘infirm’ nature of solar and wind energy, which varies according to the intensity of solar radiation and the velocity of the wind

61. He and his wife, Jane, worked tirelessly, advancing Kingdom interests here until 1978, when they had to leave the country to take care of their infirm parents in the United States.

62. Older Boxers can be quite mellow, but most young Boxers (up to about two years old) romp and jump and play with vigor, and things can go flying, including small children or infirm people

63. Although the Hebrew word in question can be translated either way, the rendering in some English translations of the Bible suggests that toward the end of his life, Moses was infirm, physically unable to carry out the responsibilities of leadership.

64. The myth as Erie sees it is that the Irish Confabulated the Democratic party in the nineteenth century by the same means that the British employed to man their armies and navy: instead of conscripting able, fit recruits from all levels of society, they lured the mentally infirm and financially distressed from the oppressed lower classes into service with small bribes from the public purse.

65. The Will of Jacob Borror II "In the name of God amen, I Jacob Borror of the county of Hardy and state of Virginia being very sick and infirm in body but of sound memory and understanding blessed be God, do this twenty seventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and four and taking mortality into consideration, it being appointed for all men to dye, I do hereby make my last will and

66. (Luke 9:43) In a very real sense Jesus restored the health of many sick, infirm and crippled people —the lame, the maimed and the blind (Matthew 15:30, 31), the epileptic, the paralytic (Matthew 4:24), the leprous (Luke 17:12-14), a hemorrhaging woman (Mark 5:25-29), one with a withered hand (Mark 3:3-5), a man with dropsy (Luke 14:2-4) and people sick with “various diseases.”